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  • Bonnes, Caroline; Leiser, Carmen; Schmidt-Hertha, Bernhard; Rott, Karin; Hochholdinger, Sabine (2020): The relationship between trainers’ media‐didactical competence and media‐didactical self‐efficacy, attitudes and use of digital media in training International Journal of Training and Development. Wiley. 2020, 24(1), pp. 74-88. ISSN 1360-3736. eISSN 1468-2419. Available under: doi: 10.1111/ijtd.12171

    The relationship between trainers’ media‐didactical competence and media‐didactical self‐efficacy, attitudes and use of digital media in training


    The ongoing digitalization in the training sector produces new demands on the media‐didactical competence of trainers. We conducted an online survey of 279 trainers in Germany to investigate the relationships among media‐didactical competence, media‐didactical self‐efficacy, attitudes toward the use of digital media and the actual use of digital media in training. Furthermore, we compared trainers who attended a course on digital media with trainers who did not attend such a course. The analysis of the theoretically expected correlations between the variables resulted in not all hypotheses being accepted. The analysis of the group differences showed that the trainers who attended a course on digital media had higher media‐didactical competence and media‐didactical self‐efficacy scores and used digital media more often in training. There was no significant difference in negative attitudes. The implications for the promotion of the media‐didactical competence of trainers are discussed.

  • Piopiunik, Marc; Schwerdt, Guido; Simon, Lisa; Woessmann, Ludger (2020): Skills, signals, and employability : An experimental investigation European Economic Review. Elsevier. 2020, 123, 103374. ISSN 0014-2921. eISSN 1873-572X. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2020.103374

    Skills, signals, and employability : An experimental investigation


    Because most skills of labor-market entrants are not directly observed by employers, individuals acquire skill signals. To study which signals are valued by employers, we randomize several skill signals on resumes of fictitious applicants among which we ask a large representative sample of German human-resource managers to choose. We find that signals in both studied domains – cognitive and social skills – have significant effects on being invited for a job interview. Consistent with their relevance, expectedness, and credibility, different signals are effective for apprenticeship applicants and college graduates. While GPAs and social skills are significant for both genders, females are particularly rewarded for IT and language skills. Older HR managers value school grades less and other signals more. HR managers in larger firms value college grades more.

  • Friederichs, Edgar; Kärner, Tobias; Friederichs, Katja M.; Lehmeier, Stefan (2020): Too much of a good thing? : Curvilinear relationships between self-calming and autonomic responses in paediatric patients Medical Hypotheses. Elsevier. 2020, 137, 109536. ISSN 0306-9877. eISSN 1532-2777. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.mehy.2019.109536

    Too much of a good thing? : Curvilinear relationships between self-calming and autonomic responses in paediatric patients


    Based on the theory of self-regulation and the polyvagal theory, we hypothesise a curvilinear relationship between self-regulation and autonomic responses. We report findings of a pilot study that provides support for the proposed hypothesis. For some of the observed cases, the quadratic polynomial regression models the data better than the linear regression model, indicating curvilinear relationships between self-regulation and indicators of autonomic response. Consequences of the hypothesis and its relevance for therapeutic interventions supporting the patients’ self-calming system are discussed.

  • Hochholdinger, Sabine (2020): Evidenzbasiertes Personalmanagement WIRTZ, Markus Antonius, ed.. Dorsch - Lexikon der Psychologie. 19., überarbeitete Auflage. Bern: Hogrefe, 2020, pp. 1325-1326. ISBN 978-3-456-85914-9

    Evidenzbasiertes Personalmanagement



  • Kärner, Tobias; Röhrig, Franziska; Warwas, Julia (2020): Situative Anforderungscharakteristika lernprozessbegleitender Diagnostik im Unterricht : Systematisches Literaturreview und Fragebogenentwicklung Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. Steiner. 2020, 116(4), pp. 643-676. ISSN 0172-2875. eISSN 2366-2433. Available under: doi: 10.25162/ZBW-2020-0027

    Situative Anforderungscharakteristika lernprozessbegleitender Diagnostik im Unterricht : Systematisches Literaturreview und Fragebogenentwicklung


    Ziel des Beitrags ist die literaturgestützte Systematisierung sowie empirische Erfassung von Anforderungscharakteristika lernprozessbegleitender Diagnosen im laufenden Unterricht. Basierend auf einem systematischen Literaturreview sowie auf der Verarbeitung von Fragebogendaten von insgesamt 150 Lehrpersonen werden die folgenden Dimensionen identifiziert, inhaltlich beschrieben, empirisch erfasst und im Ausblick hinsichtlich ihrer forschungs- sowie unterrichtspraktischer Verwendungsmöglichkeiten diskutiert: (1) Vielfalt an Informationen, (2) Informationsdefizite, (3) unsichere Informationsgrundlage, (4) Gefahr situativer Wahrnehmungs- und Urteilsverzerrungen, (5) Zeit- und Handlungsdruck, (6) hohe Entscheidungsverantwortung, (7) fehlende Regeln und Handlungsschemata.

  • Dertwinkel-Kalt, Markus; Köster, Mats; Sutter, Matthias (2020): To buy or not to buy? : Price salience in an online shopping field experiment European Economic Review. Elsevier. 2020, 130, 103593. ISSN 0014-2921. eISSN 1873-572X. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2020.103593

    To buy or not to buy? : Price salience in an online shopping field experiment


    We examine whether shrouding or partitioning of a surcharge raises demand in online shopping. In a field experiment with more than 34,000 consumers, we find that consumers in the online shop of a cinema are more likely to select tickets for a 3D movie when the 3D surcharge is shrouded, but they also drop out more often when the overall price is shown at the checkout. In sum, the demand distribution is independent of the price presentation. This result outlines the limits of the effectiveness of shrouding practices.

  • Sovereign Default, Taxation, and the Underground Economy


    This paper studies the dynamic interaction between sovereign default risk, taxation, and the underground economy. For a large sample of countries, we find that the size of the underground economy is positively correlated with sovereign debt and interest spreads. We rationalize these empirical regularities within a quantitative model of sovereign default that explicitly accounts for underground activities. We highlight a vicious circle: Higher sovereign risk premia tighten the endogenous borrowing constraint and force the government to raise taxes. Tax hikes, however, induce the private sector to invest less and to evade taxes by producing in the underground sector. Eventually, falling tax revenues force the government to either implement further tax hikes or to default. Our quantitative findings suggest that the underground economy fosters sovereign default risk and deepens debt crises.

  • Hoffmann, Manuel; Mosquera, Roberto; Chadi, Adrian (2020): Vaccines at Work

    Vaccines at Work


    Influenza vaccination could be a cost-effective way to reduce costs in terms of human lives and productivity losses, but low take-up rates and vaccination unintentionally causing moral hazard may decrease its benefits. We ran a natural field experiment in cooperation with a bank in Ecuador, where we modified its vaccination campaign. Experimentally manipulating incentives to participate in this health intervention allows us to study peer effects with organizational data and to determine the personal consequences of being randomly encouraged to get vaccinated.We find that assigning employees to get vaccinated during the workweek roughly doubled take-up compared to employees assigned to the weekend, which indicates that reducing opportunity costs plays an important role in increasing vaccination rates. Coworker take-up also increased individual take-up significantly and is driven by social norms. Contrary to the company's expectation, vaccination did not reduce sickness absence during the flu season. Getting vaccinated was ineffective with no measurable health externalities from coworker vaccination. We rule out meaningful individual health effects when considering several thresholds of expected vaccine effectiveness. Using a dataset of administrative records on medical diagnoses and employee surveys, we find evidence consistent with vaccination causing moral hazard, which could decrease the effectiveness of vaccination.

  • Hahn, Volker; Marencak, Michal (2020): Price points and price dynamics Journal of Monetary Economics. Elsevier. 2020, 115, pp. 127-144. ISSN 0304-3932. eISSN 1873-1295. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jmoneco.2019.05.007

    Price points and price dynamics


    A standard model of price-setting is extended to include an important role for price points as well as sticky information. It makes empirically reasonable predictions about the frequency of price adjustments, the sizes of price increases and decreases, the shape of the hazard function, the fraction of price changes that are price increases, and the relationship between price changes and inflation. When the model of price-setting is integrated into a small-scale DSGE model, it implies plausible aggregate effects of monetary policy in contrast to a model with a prominent role for price points but no information rigidities.

  • Sembill, Detlef; Kärner, Tobias (2020): Emotionen sind Macht : Analoge und digitale Rhythmen in der Fortschrittsdebatte der beruflichen Lehrpersonenbildung Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik online (bwp@). Universität Hamburg, Institut für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. 2020(Profil 6). eISSN 1618-8543

    Emotionen sind Macht : Analoge und digitale Rhythmen in der Fortschrittsdebatte der beruflichen Lehrpersonenbildung


    Emotionen sind Macht wendet sich gegen das Diktum Wissen ist Macht und das rationalistische Credo Ich denke, also bin ich. Diese Überzeugungen dienten in der beginnenden Neuzeit und der Aufklärung der Loslösung aus der Umklammerung der mittelalterlichen Scholastik und der christlich-stoischen Ethik. Sind sie aber auch zukunftsfähig für das 21. Jahrhundert? Die Konzentration auf kognitive Lern­prozesse in einer Wissensgesellschaft, allenfalls durch massive Digitalisierungsbemühungen angerei­chert, scheint immer noch das Maß der Dinge. Das sollte befremden, denn seit ca. 140 Jahren – mit einer spezifischen Dekade des Gehirns in den 1990er Jahren – wird Affekten und Emotionen in der Sin­nesphysiologie im Übergang zur Wahrnehmungspsychologie eine funktionale Bedeutung in der Bewer­tung von Sinnesreizen zum Konstituieren von Informationen als spezifischer Evolutionsvorteil zugestan­den. Erst aus bewerteten Informationen generiert sich Wissen.

    Dieses Befremden mündet in den Verdacht, dass Emotionen in der Entwicklung von Gesellschaftsfor­men bis heute eine andere, eine ab- und ausgrenzende Rolle in der Konstituierung und Aufrechterhaltung von Machtverhältnissen spielen und ein Teil unseres sozio-kulturellen Erbes, den sozialen Schichten, sind. Das Aufbrechen einer emotionalen Oben-Unten-Musterprägung eröffnet aber auch die Chance, konstituierende Strukturen einer Lerngesellschaft als menschenwürdige Leistungsgesellschaft zu benen­nen. Um solche argumentativ zu stützen, konfrontieren wir die zuvor analysierten Musterprägungen mit Ergebnissen evidenzbasierter neurowissenschaftlich orientierter Lehr-Lernforschung.

  • Biswas, Kumar; Asaduzzaman, T. M.; Evans, David K.; Fehrler, Sebastian; Ramachandran, Deepika; Sabarwal, Shwetlena (2020): TV-Based Learning in Bangladesh : Is it Reaching Students?

    TV-Based Learning in Bangladesh : Is it Reaching Students?



    dc.contributor.author: Asaduzzaman, T. M.; Evans, David K.; Ramachandran, Deepika; Sabarwal, Shwetlena

  • Predicting economics student retention in higher education : The effects of students' economic competencies at the end of upper secondary school on their intention to leave their studies in economics


    Despite the importance of acquiring economic competencies at the secondary level and the worldwide popularity of economics in higher education, there is almost no research on the effects of economic competencies on economics student retention. Based on a longitudinal sample of 538 high school students in Switzerland, this study provides the first results on this topic. The longitudinal study took place from 2011 to 2016 and comprised two points of measurement. Economic competencies were measured multidimensionally and comprised knowledge and skills, as well as attitude, value-oriented dispositions, interest and motivation. Different student retention models were adapted and combined to explain student retention in the field of economics. According to these models, students' academic and social integration are key mediators to predict their retention. Based on these theoretical explanations, structural equation modelling was then used to test the long-term effects of high school students' economic competencies at the end of upper-secondary school on their retention in studying in the field of economics. The results show that economic competencies predict economics students' academic integration (as measured by grade point average) but not their social integration. Additionally, the data confirm that academic and social integration are strong mediators for their retention. In addition to economic competencies, students' cognitive abilities, prior schooling (school grades, school profile, and school type) and perceived family support predict student retention in economics. Overall, economic competencies account for a substantial proportion of the variance in student retention. Against this background, the results indicate that fostering high school students' economic competencies plays a crucial role in their study success in the field of economics.

  • Essays on Sovereign Debt Crises



  • Emotionales Erleben und Wissenserwerb im computergestützten Wirtschaftsunterricht



  • Wißhak, Susanne; Hochholdinger, Sabine (2020): Perceived instructional requirements of soft-skills trainers and hard-skills trainers Journal of Workplace Learning. Emerald. 2020, 32(6), pp. 405-416. ISSN 1366-5626. eISSN 1758-7859. Available under: doi: 10.1108/JWL-02-2020-0029

    Perceived instructional requirements of soft-skills trainers and hard-skills trainers


    This study aims to investigate whether soft-skills trainers and hard-skills trainers have different perspectives regarding their required instructional knowledge and skills.

    An online questionnaire was completed by 129 soft-skills trainers and 61 hard-skills trainers. The authors used 14 items covering relevant instructional knowledge and skills based on the training literature.

    An exploratory factor analysis identified the following two factors: managing interactions and instructional activities. A multivariate analysis of variance showed significant differences in the assessments of managing interactions (p = 0.00) and instructional activities (p = 0.01) between soft- and hard-skills trainers. The differences in managing interactions were larger than those in instructional activities. The soft-skills trainers showed higher agreement with all items. Most individual items had medium effect sizes. The differing perspectives of soft- and hard-skills trainers are not an effect of different educational backgrounds.

    Research limitations/implications
    These findings suggest that differences exist in the required instructional knowledge and skills depending on whether trainers teach soft or hard skills. Further research should consider the training content.

    Practical implications
    Practitioners can ensure that soft-skills trainers meet the respective requirements.

    This study is the first to investigate the differences in soft- and hard-skills trainers’ perceptions of instructional requirements.

  • Kleinert, Tobias; Schiller, Bastian; Fischbacher, Urs; Grigutsch, Laura-Anne; Koranyi, Nicolas; Rothermund, Klaus; Heinrichs, Markus (2020): The Trust Game for Couples (TGC) : A new standardized paradigm to assess trust in romantic relationships PLoS one. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2020, 15(3), e0230776. eISSN 1932-6203. Available under: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0230776

    The Trust Game for Couples (TGC) : A new standardized paradigm to assess trust in romantic relationships


    Trust between couples is a prerequisite for stable and satisfactory romantic relationships. However, there has been no valid research tool to assess partner-specific trust behavior including costly investments in the trustworthiness of the romantic partner. We here present a comprehensive validation of the newly developed Trust Game for Couples (TGC) by means of various self-report and implicit relationship-related measures. The TGC operationalizes trust by measuring an individual’s willingness to invest his or her own financial resources in pro-relationship attitudes of their romantic partner (collected by dichotomous responses to relationship-relevant items, e.g., answering yes to “I am absolutely sure that I love my partner”). Thirty-five healthy couples between 20 and 34 years completed the TGC in an interactive (both partners present), but anonymous setting (no information on the partner’s responses revealed). Trust, as measured by the TGC, correlates positively with self-reported trust, satisfaction, and felt closeness in the relationship, but not with general interpersonal trust, confirming both its convergent and discriminant validity. In addition to explicit criteria for construct validity, implicit measures of partner valence and confidence explained variance in the TGC, demonstrating that it constitutes an economical measure of implicit and explicit ingredients of trust between couples. In sum, the TGC provides a novel, specific behavioral tool for a sensitive assessment of trust in dyadic relationships with potential for numerous research fields.

  • Felfe, Christina; Rainer, Helmut (2020): Intended and Unintended Consequences of Birthright Citizenship CESifo Forum ; 21,4, pp. 14-18

    Intended and Unintended Consequences of Birthright Citizenship



    dc.contributor.author: Rainer, Helmut

  • Mikroökonomik : Eine Einführung



  • Harder, Andreas; Imboden, Serge; Glassey-Previdoli, Deborah; Schumann, Stephan (2020): Schulleitungshandeln in Zeiten der digitalen Transformation : „Business as usual“ oder „Alles ist neu“? HEINRICHS, Karin, ed., Kristina KÖGLER, ed., Christin SIEGFRIED, ed.. Berufliches Lehren und Lernen : Grundlagen, Schwerpunkte und Impulse wirt­schaft­späda­go­gi­scher Forschung : Profil 6: Digitale Festschrift für Eveline Wuttke zum 60. Geburtstag. Hamburg: Universität Hamburg, Institut für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik, 2020. Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik online (bwp@). Profil 6

    Schulleitungshandeln in Zeiten der digitalen Transformation : „Business as usual“ oder „Alles ist neu“?


    Die erfolgreiche Bewältigung der Anforderungen des digitalen Wandels bedingt in den Schulen um­fangreiche Schulentwicklungsprozesse. Bei der Initiierung und Umsetzung dieser Prozesse kommt der Schulleitung eine zentrale Bedeutung zu. Das kooperative Projekt „Digitaler Wandel in der Berufsbil­dung und die Rolle der Schulleitung“ setzt an dieser Stelle an: Es untersucht erstens den „digitalen IST-Zustand“ beruflicher Schulen in der Schweiz und zweitens den Einfluss des Schulleitungshandelns auf den digitalen Wandel der Schule. Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird insbesondere darauf eingegangen, ob die Schulleitungen diesen Wandel als „normalen“ Schulentwicklungsprozess wahrnehmen oder ob sich dieser hiervon unterscheidet. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine umfassende Online-Befragung in der ge­samten Schweiz im Zeitraum von November 2019 bis Januar 2020 durchgeführt. Insgesamt haben n = 630 Schulleitungsmitglieder aus n = 177 beruflichen Schulen aus 23 der 26 Kantone der Schweiz und dabei allen vier Sprachregionen an der Studie teilgenommen. Erste deskriptive Befunde zeigen, dass dem digitalen Wandel grundsätzlich eine (sehr) hohe Priorität (61%) beigemessen wird. Vom Großteil der Probanden wird der allgemeine Entwicklungsstand ihrer Schule hinsichtlich des digitalen Wandels als (eher) fortgeschritten eingestuft (68%), nur 27% bezeich­nen den Stand als wenig/nicht fortgeschritten. Zugleich berichten die Befragten, dass sich der digitale Wandel im Hinblick auf die benötigten finanziellen Ressourcen, die (erwartete) Geschwindigkeit sowie bzgl. der Komplexität von anderen Schulentwicklungsprozessen unterscheidet.

  • Three Essays on Identification and Dimension Reduction in Vector Autoregressive Models



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