Prof. Dr. Marcel Fischer

Chair of Finance


Phone: +49 7531  88-2645

Room: F 335

Post office box: 147


Office Hours

by appointment



Ilse Geigges-Marschall



Phone: +49 7531  88-2543

Room: F 332

Postal Address: Universitätsstraße 10, 78464 Konstanz

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Office Hours

by appoinment

Dr. Patrick Hauf

Lecturer / Lehrbeauftragter


Phone: +49 7531  88-3620

Room: F 333

Post office box: 147

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Office Hours

by appointment


Dr. Patrick Hauf graduated from the University of Konstanz with a diploma in Mathematical Finance. After his studies, he worked as a consultant and supported various projects in the financial sector across Europe. Risk management projects being his focus, Patrick succeeded in receiving the designation Financial Risk Manager from the Global Association of Risk Professionals. In 2014, he returned to the University of Konstanz for his dissertation. Within his research, he analyzed the tone in newspaper articles to predict CEO dismissals and extracted sentiment from a set of well-known proxies to uncover the role of sentiment concerning stock prices and anomalies. Having finished his PhD, Patrick has had a leading role in RegTech before returning to the academic field. He is now a Senior Lecturer, researcher, and Programme Director of an AI education program at the Zurich University of Applied Sciences. He still holds close ties to the University of Konstanz through his teaching.

Natascha Jankowski

PhD Student


Phone: +49 7531 88-4326

Room: F330

Post office box: 134

Office Hours

by appointment


Natascha Jankowski is a PhD student at the Chair of Finance since May 2022 and participates in the Graduate School of Decision Sciences. She graduated from the University of Konstanz with a bachelor’s and master's degree in Mathematical Finance. In her thesis, she analyzed different models for forward risk-neutral probability distributions of stock prices which can be derived from option prices. Her research interests are in the field of life cycle models.

Julia Duttlinger

Student Research Assistant


Phone: +49 7531 88-3562

Room: F333

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Chiara Laußer

Student Research Assistant


Phone: +49 7531 88-3562

Room: F333

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