Vorträge Oksana Melnyk

04 June, 2024, Rejkjavik. War and vocational education. A case of the Ukrainian vocational education system during russian aggression. The Nordyrk Conference 2024, presentation by Melnyk, O., University of Rejkjavik, 03-05.06.2024.

03 June, 2024, Rejkjavik. Problems of vocational teacher education in Ukraine. Insights from the Erasmus+ project. The Nordyrk Conference 2024, presentation by Melnyk, O., & Deissinger, Th., University of Rejkjavik, 03-05.06.2024.

15 July, 2023, Oxford. Role of international cooperation in vocational education development in Ukraine. The 15th International JVET Conference, presentation by Borodienko, O., & Melnyk, O., Keble College, 13-15.07.2023.

15 July, 2023, Oxford. Enhancing cooperation and partnership in the vocational teacher education system of Ukraine within the Erasmus+ project. The 15th International JVET Conference, presentation by Deissinger, Th., & Melnyk, O., Keble College, 13-15.07.2023.

14 April, 2023, Kyiv (online). Governance of vocational teacher education and training and partnership. Webinar "Individual-developmental pedagogical technologies as modern educational defence", University of Education Management of NAES of Ukraine, (in Ukrainian).

24 January, 2023, Konstanz. Berufliche Bildung in der Ukraine: Besonderheiten und Herausforderungen. Guest lecture within course "Berufbildungspolitik" (Dr. Vera Braun), University of Konstanz.

18 November, 2022, Konstanz. Scientific presentation for future teachers: form, contents and style. Study visits of students to the University of Konstanz within Erasmus+ project PAGOSTE, presentation by Melnyk, O., & Mamlyha, N., 15-25.11.2023.

01 September, 2022, Yerevan (online). Theoretical reflections on reform capacity of VET systems in the post-Soviet countries of Eastern Europe. A case of UkraineECER plus, presentation by Melnyk, O., & Deißinger, Th., 01-10.09.2022.

15 June, 2022, Valencia (online). "Improving governance of vocational teacher education in Ukraine within Erasmus+ project". The 8th International Conference on Higher Education Advances, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, 15-17.06.2022.

12 May, 2022, Stockholm. "International organisations and policy-making in VET systems of developing countries". The 8th Stockholm International Conference of Research on Vocational Education and Training, Stockholm University, 11-13.05.2022.

25 November, 2021, Konstanz. "Policy borowing and Ukrainian VET". Study Visit of Staff within Eramus+ Project PAGOSTE "New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine", University of Konstanz, 21-27.11.2021.

19 October, 2021. Online. "Partnership and cooperation in vocational teacher education as a focus of Erasmus + capacity building in the EU." Research Today @ OctoberVET Event.Presentation by Deissinger Th., & Melnyk, O.

15 April, 2021. Kyiv (online). "Pecularities of project management of Erasmus+ Project on the example of E+ Project PAGOSTE "New mechanisms of partnership-based governance and standardization of vocational teacher education in Ukraine" (in Ukrainian). Webinar "International cooperation in VET" organised by the Ministry Education and Science of Ukraine. Online recording

26 September 2019. Graz. "Zur theoretischen und konzeptionellen Modellierung der Reformfähigkeit post-sowjetischer Berufsbildungssysteme: Das Beispiel der Ukraine". Die Jahrestagung der Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft, presentation by Melnyk, O., & Deißinger, Th., Karl-Franzens-Universität Graz, 25.-27.09.2019.

3 May 2019, Valencia. "Reform perspectives for the Ukrainian VET system - a critical analysis." The 3rd International VET Conference: Crossing Boundaries in Vocational Education and Training: Pedagogical concerns and market demands, presentation by Melnyk, O., & Deissinger,  Th., University of Valencia,  2-3.05.2019.

23 March 2019. Diversity of vocational teacher education models in Ukraine. The 8th   international Conference of the International Network on Innovative Apprenticeship (INAP) “Contemporary Apprenticeship Reforms and Reconfigurations, University of Konstanz, 21-22.03.2019.

18 September 2018, Zurich. "The Historical-Cultural Dimension of Vocational Education in Ukraine". VET and Culture workshop, University of Zurich, 17-18 September 2018.

28 May 2018, Ivano-Frankivsk. "Analysis of efficacy of German vocational teacher education". Teaching seminar of Erasmus + Project ITE-VET, Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, 24-29.05.2018.

16 March 2018, Konstanz. "Vocational Teacher Education in Ukraine: Challenges of Independence". Organization Studies Conference, University of Konstanz, 15-16.03.2018.