Veranstaltung für Studierende | Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Career Check: Consulting

Friday, 29. November 2019
16:00 - 17:30


Department of Economics

Dr. Patrick Hauf, Mareike Helmts

This event is part of an event series „Career Check“.

Two of the Department's alumni will talk about their careers and tasks in consulting. After a short lecture, they will be happy to answer questions on career entry and career opportunities.


  • Dr. Patrick Hauf, Senior Business Consultant, BearingPoint (Diplom Mathematical Finance 2011)
  • Mareike Helmts, Senior Consultant, d-fine (MSc Mathematical Finance 2016)

When? Friday, November 29th, 16:00-17:30, followed by an apéro 
Where? D406
Language? German
How much? free
No need to register, just drop in

The Career Check invites alumni of the department to talk about their careers, job profiles and give advice for starting your career.

Get a stamp for your Career Passport (international students)
Accepted for the Kompetenzportfolio Campus&Career

The Career Check enjoys support by the University's alumni organisation, VEUK e.V..

Picture: rita-morais via unsplash