Gastdozent aus den USA im SoSe
Consumer Behavior
This course is designed to give you an overview of key psychological characteristics and processes that impact how, when, and why people buy, use, and dispose of goods. Developing an understanding of consumer behavior will better enable you to design effective marketing strategies based upon theory instead of just personal experience or intuition. Furthermore, it will help you to understand the both the beneficial and the detrimental effects marketing practices can have on individuals and society. This course will concentrate on consumer behavior theories originating from social psychology, cognitive psychology, decision sciences, economics, sociology, and anthropology. The focus of the course will be practically-oriented and managerially-relevant, but you will also gain exposure to topics of current or emerging research as they relate to our class sessions. Please see teaching times in the LSF.
To register, please email -- first come, first served basis -- 20 people max!