Analysis of trainer education programmes and study programmes in educational sciences

Susanne Wißhak & Sabine Hochholdinger

Unlike school teachers, trainers in continuing education have not completed a standardised university study programme or undergone formal training. Most have found their way into education via diverse and mostly informal routes. Often, the value of a so-called trainer certificates or train-the-trainer programmes is emphasised. Such trainer qualifications are offered by a variety of institutes. But which principles, standards and curricular structures form the foundation for these programmes?

The already completed project used qualitative content analysis to investigate what categories need to be employed to describe commercial trainer qualification programmes. This also goes for study programmes in education that are intended to prepare graduates for careers in continuing education.


Wißhak, S. & Hochholdinger, S. (2015). „Zaubern“ lernen – Welche pädagogischen Inhalte umfassen sogenannte Trainerausbildungen? Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung - Report, 38, 113-127.
Wißhak, S. & Hochholdinger, S. (2016). Analyse der Inhalte erziehungswissenschaftlicher Studiengänge im Hinblick auf eine spätere Tätigkeit in der berufsbezogenen Weiterbildung. Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung - Report, 39, 97-115.