Summer semester 2017

Bachelor SEMINAR Corporate Education

Facts and myths about human resources management

For: BSc Economics

Sabine Hochholdinger

Is it really the case that diversity increases the productivity of working groups and businesses, assessment centres deliver particularly meaningful information on applicants and older employees perform less well and are less creative than their younger colleagues? Assumptions such as these are ubiquitous in the media and in businesses. But are they actually true? Many don’t know that there is a lot of research available that has long since relegated such assumptions to the realm of myth. Take one such myth and, by using cutting-edge research, find out if and under what conditions it actually holds true!

You will use English-language specialist literature and work independently to acquire expertise in the empirical-psychological methodologies and research approaches associated with this topic.
You will develop a research question, narrow it down and write a research proposal. As you do this, you will learn how to read and write scientific texts and how to research internationally available empirical-quantitative articles in scientific databases (e.g. PsycInfo, EconLit, ERIC).

We will alternate between on-campus and self-learning units (lasting about two weeks each).

In order to achieve the required record of academic achievement, you will need to submit a written proposal (two thirds of the overall seminar grade) and deliver an oral presentation (one third of the overall seminar grade).

This course is in preparation for a bachelor's thesis in this field.

Requirements and prerequisites:

The relevant specialist literature you will study is in English. Das Seminar richtet sich in erster Linie an Studierende in der Vertiefungsrichtung C. This seminar is mainly for students taking programme concentration C. We expect you to know your way around scientific databases (if you don’t, we recommend that you take the “IT competency for Economics students” course offered by the University of Konstanz Library). You will need to demonstrate a sound knowledge of statistics and econometrics in order to be able to get to grips with the quantitative empirical literature we use in this course.

For starters, try the following:

  • Biemann, T., Sliwka, D. & Weckmüller, H. (2012). Auf gesicherte empirische Fakten setzen, statt auf Mythen vertrauen (Betting on solid empirical facts instead of trusting in myths).
    Personal quarterly, 64, 13-17. Personal quarterly, 64, 13-17.

You will be told everything else you need to know during our first meeting!

Time: Monday, 10:00 - 11:30, room: F 427

First meeting takes place on 24.04.2017

From 17:00 until 18:30 on 26.04.2017, the University of Konstanz Library will hold an introduction to researching scientific databases in room J 213 (“Informationskompetenz für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler”, taught in German).

Corporate Education I

For: BSc Economics, area of specialisation C

Caroline Bonnes

Like most other organisations, businesses can only function if their employees keep learning new things on a daily basis. This is why all measures that enable, guide or control such processes are of the utmost importance. It is also important to understand how to design these measures successfully. A particular focus will lie on the relationship between the work that employees carry out, their job and learning processes. This seminar deals with pedagogical and psychological concepts and insights related to continuing professional education, e.g. forms of corporate training, professional learning or human resources development including organisational development. You will acquire the necessary knowledge by yourselves and present on it during class.

In order to achieve the required record of academic achievement, you will have to complete an oral examination and a written essay on a suitable topic.

Reading list:

  • Nerdinger, F. W., Blickle, G. & Schaper, N. (2014): Arbeits- und Organisationspsychologie (Workplace and organisational psychology). Heidelberg: Springer.
  • Schuler, H. & Kanning, P. (2014). Lehrbuch der Personalpsychologie (Textbook of human resources psychology). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Time: Tuesday, 10:00-11:30, 1st meeting: 9.5.17, room: F 428

additional block date: 21.07.2017 from 13:30 - 18:30, room: D 247

Advanced educational science seminar “Case studies in human resources development”

For: MSc Economics and Business Education

Caroline Bonnes

During this course, you will have the opportunity to expand your knowledge of various human resources development tools. Using case studies, you will work on specific problems related to human resources development. This includes a structured analysis of your individual case and the development of a theoretically and empirically well-founded solution. In order to achieve the required record of academic achievement, you will need to deliver an oral presentation on your case study during one of the block dates and submit a written report on your case study.

The course consists of individual on-campus sessions, self-learning units and block dates.

Time: Tuesday, 13:30-15:00 (partial block), 1st meeting: 09.05.2017, room: F428

Block dates: 07.07. and 14.07.2017 from 13:30 - 18:30, room D431

Corporate Education III

For: BSc Economics, area of specialisation C

Inka Keller

Continuing education in professional contexts requires time and money. The overall aim is to create training opportunities with long-lasting positive effects. This in turn requires detailed preparation, planning and implementation. In a series of workshops, you will study continuing professional education standards as well as models and theories associated with evaluation, teaching and learning research. You will have the chance to put your scientific insights into practice by conducting a demand analysis for a business.

Block course


  • Fri, 28.04.2017, 9:00 - 15:00, F 423
  • Fri, 19.05.2017, 9:00 - 15:00, H 302
  • Fri, 23.06.2017, 9:00 - 15:00, H 304
  • Fri, 07.07.2017, 9:00 - 15:00, G 420