Marketing I (Consumer Behaviour, Market Research, Marketing Prognosis)

Time and Room

Lecture (Prof. Dr. Sander) (3h):
On Tuesdays, 15:15-16:45, F420
On Wednesdays, 08:15-09.45, E402 (every two weeks)

Thursdays 08:15-09:45, G420 (every two weeks)

Tutorial schedule


First date:

26.07.2018, 11:30-13:00, A701

Second date:

16.10.2018, 10:30-12:00, D434

Registration period:

First date: 26.06.-02.07.2018

Second date: 11.09.-17.09.2018

Post exam review (second date): Friday, 02.11.2018, F340, 08:00-08:30, Studend-ID required


This course begins with a discussion of the various buying behaviour theories. The buying behaviour of consumers, private and public companies and that of trade are analysed. This is followed by a presentation of how, in market research, data can be collected and processed in primary and secondary ways. Here, emphasis is placed on bivariate and multivariate data analysis methods. The final part of the course shows how forecasts can be made, which have a particular relevance for marketing. Aside from development forecasts, market response forecasts are also considered. The wide spectrum of forecasting methods is presented and examined with respect to its applicability to marketing-specific questions.

Foundational literature

  • M. Sander, Marketing-Management. Märkte, Marktforschung und Marktbearbeitung (2. Auflage, Konstanz, München 2011)

(More information)

Further literture

  • Aaker, D.A., Day, G.S.: Marketing Research, latest edn., Chichester et al.
  • Backhaus, K., et al.: Multivariate Analysemethoden, latest edn., Berlin et al.
  • Bänsch, A.: Käuferverhalten, latest edn., Munich et al.
  • Berekoven, L., Eckert, W., Ellenrieder, P.: Marktforschung, latest edn., Wiesbaden
  • Berndt, R.: Marketing 1. Käuferverhalten, Marktforschung, Marketing-Prognosen, latest edn., Berlin et al.
  • Böhler, H.: Marktforschung, latest edn., Stuttgart et al.
  • Bortz, J.: Lehrbuch der Statistik, latest edn., Berlin et al.
  • Engel, J.F.: Blackwell, R.D., Miniard, P.W. (1992) Consumer Behavior, New York et. al.
  • Fantapié Altobelli, C. (1991): Die Diffusion neuer Kommunikationstechniken in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Heidelberg
  • Hammann, P., Erichson, B.: Marktforschung, latest edn., Stuttgart, Jena, New York
  • Hüttner, M.: Grundzüge der Marktforschung, latest edn., Berlin, New York
  • Hüttner, M. (1982): Markt- und Absatzprognosen, Stuttgart et al.
  • Kamenz, U. (1997): Marktforschung, Stuttgart
  • Kotler, P., Bliemel, F.: Marketing-Management. Analyse, Planung, Umsetzung und Steuerung, latest edn., Stuttgart
  • Kroeber-Riel, W., Weinberg, P.: Konsumentenverhalten, latest edn., Wiesbaden
  • Meffert, H.: Marketingforschung und Käuferverhalten, latest edn., Wiesbaden
  • Nieschlag, R., Dichtl, E., Hörschgen, H.: Marketing, latest edn., Berlin
  • Pepels, W. (1995): Käuferverhalten und Marktforschung, Stuttgart
  • Pepels, W. (1997): Lexikon der Marktforschung, Munich
  • Trommsdorff, V.: Konsumentenverhalten, latest edn., Stuttgart et al.

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