Marketing II

Time and room

Lecture (Prof. Dr. Sander), 3 hours (6cr)

14-days, Wednesday, 08:15 – 09:45 in room F425
and Wednesday, 11:45 – 13:15 Uhr in room E402,
Start: 17.04. (2. lecture week) and
14-days, Thursday, 10:00 – 11:30 Uhr in room E402.
Start: 18.04. (2. lecture week)

2 tutorials, (1 hour), 14-days, start 3. lecture week
1. group, mon, 15:15 – 16:45 Uhr, 14-days, D432
2. group, wed, 11;45 – 13:15 Uhr, 14-days, L602

A tutorial schedule can be found here.


Registration time:

First date: 25.06. – 02.07.2024
Second date: 10.09. – 17.09.2024

Exam dates:

First date: 19.07., 13:30 – 15:00 Uhr, G300
Second date: 15.10., 17:30 – 19:00 Uhr, R513

Exam review: 

First date: t.b.a.
Second date: t.b.a.

Note: Your student ID and an official photo ID (ID card, passport or driver's license) are required to participate in the inspection.


This lecture focuses on the four marketing instruments

   - Product, product range and service policy
   - Communication policy
   - Contracting policy
   - Distribution policy

The many different ways in which these instruments can be designed are discussed in detail. The focus of the presentation is on a decision-oriented perspective in the sense of an optimal use of these instruments. Particular emphasis is placed on product innovation in the context of product policy, advertising and innovative communication instruments (product placement, sponsoring, event marketing) in the context of communication policy, pricing policy in the context of contracting policy and distribution and sales policy in the context of distribution policy. Finally, it is shown how these instruments can be combined in an optimal marketing mix.


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Foundational literature

M. Sander: Marketing-Management (4th edition)
Märkte, Marktforschung und Marktbearbeitung, 2023

(Further information)

Bonus material: Solution notes for the tasks in the book