Introduction to Marketing

Time and room

Lecture (Prof. Dr. Sander), 2h.:

Wednesday, 11:45-13:15, Audimax

Tutorials, 1h. (14 Groups) (every other week)

Group 1+2: Monday, 11:45 – 13:15, M627
Group 3+4: Tuesday, 11:45 – 13:15, G530
Group 5+6: Tuesday, 15:15 – 16:45, G530
Group 7+8: Wednesday, 13:30 – 15:00, G201
Group 9+10: Thursday, 08:15 – 09:45, M628
Group 11+12: Thursday, 13:30 – 15:00, G227
Group 13+14: Friday, 10:00 – 11:30, D432

 Tutorial schedule


First date: Wednesday, 26.02.20, 9 - 10:30 Uhr, room: Audimax (Student-ID: 719380 - 922676 and 1000221 - 1034822), R712 (Student-ID: 923293 - 999915)

Second date: Saturday, 06.06.20, 9 - 10:30, room (status 29.05.2020): Audimax (Matr.-No.: 719153-995269); Universitätssporthalle, Mainaustraße 213, 78464 Konstanz-Egg (Matr.-No.: 995285-1025561)

Note:  Please attend at least 30 minutes early to the exam for admission controls. Student and photo ID are required! Participation in the exam is allowed only in the allocated room! In the university gym wearing trainers is mandated! Please let us know, if you are in need of barrier-free access to the rooms, where the exam will take place ( Please take note of the hygiene provisions!

Registration Period:

First date: 21.01. – 27.01.2020

Second date: 11.05.-18.05. 12:00

Exam review:

First date: Tue 19.05.2020, from 15:00, room: Universitätssporthalle (Mainaustraße 213, 78464 Konstanz-Egg).

Second Date: Thu 25.06.2020, from 12:30, room: Audimax. Registration is necessary, to participate. Further information is provided here.

Note: student and photo ID required! The exam review by someone else than the student, who wrote the exam, requires the submission of a written informal power of attorney to (deadline: Wed. 24.06.2020, 16:00) aswell as at the exam review in paper.

The exam review timetable will be available on Wednesday, the 24th of June 2020 latest at 20:00. Access will be granted only to those, who are registered in the system (note the description in the "Materials"-section).


This course presents the basics of Marketing. It goes into detail about markets, market relations and market demarcations. Furthermore the fundamental aspects of market research will be demonstrated. Finally the basics of product policy, price policy, communication policy and distribution policy will be debated. Concluding the difficulty of the establishment of an adequate marketing mix will be discussed.

Teaching materials

Access to course material is only possible if you are logged in. Please use your regular university credentials (first_name.last_name) that you would also use for Webmail.

Foundational literature

Further literature

  • Berndt, R.: Marketing 2. Marketingstrategie und -Politik, neueste Auflage, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York
  • Bruhn, M.: Marketing, neueste Auflage, Wiesbaden
  • Diller, H.: Grundprinzipien des Marketing, neueste Auflage, Nürnberg
  • Esch, F. R., Herrmann, A., Sattler, H.: Marketing, neueste Auflage, München

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