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20 / 2460
  • Feld, Lars P.; Hessami, Zohal; Reil, Lisa (2011): Direkte Demokratie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland? : Ergebnisse einer Umfrage zur Einführung direkter Volksrechte auf Bundesebene Jahrbuch für direkte Demokratie, pp. 107-134. Available under: doi: 10.5771/9783845231358-107

    Direkte Demokratie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland? : Ergebnisse einer Umfrage zur Einführung direkter Volksrechte auf Bundesebene


    dc.title: Feld, Lars P.; Reil, Lisa

  • Türling, Janosch; Seifried, Jürgen; Wuttke, Eveline; Gewiese, Anna; Kästner, Ronny (2011): "Typische" Schülerfehler im Rechnungswesenunterricht : empirische Befunde einer Interviewstudie Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. 2011, 107(3), pp. 390-407

    "Typische" Schülerfehler im Rechnungswesenunterricht : empirische Befunde einer Interviewstudie


    Die Fähigkeit einer Lehrkraft, Schülerfehler im Unterricht als solche zu diagnostizieren und im Unterricht konstruktiv, d.h. lernwirksam mit Fehlersituationen umzugehen, gilt gemeinhin als eine der zentralen Kompetenzen von Lehrkräften. Während sich die Mathematikdidaktik oder die Fachdidaktik verschiedener Fremdsprachen seit geraumer Zeit mit der Fehlerproblematik auseinandersetzen, lassen sich für den wirtschaftskundlichen Bereich deutlich weniger Forschungsaktivitäten ausmachen. Dies ist bedauerlich, denn die Auseinandersetzung mit Schülerfehlern im kaufmännischen Unterricht setzt gesichertes Wissen über Fehler in der jeweiligen Domäne voraus. Im vorliegenden Beitrag berichten wir über die Ergebnisse einer Interviewstudie zur Identifizierung und Klassifizierung von 'typischen' Schülerfehlern bzw. Fehlerarten im Rechnungswesen.

  • Hochholdinger, Sabine (2011): Gestaltung des Transfers durch und im E-Learning HOHENSTEIN, Andreas, ed. and others. Handbuch E-Learning : Expertenwissen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis ; [Strategien, Instrumente, Fallstudien]. Köln: Dt. Wirtschaftsdienst, 2011. ISBN 978-3-87156-298-3

    Gestaltung des Transfers durch und im E-Learning


    Im Vergleich zu anderen Formen der betrieblichen Weiterbildung fällt es Teilnehmenden an betrieblichen E-Learning-Angeboten bis heute noch etwas schwerer, auf diesem Weg präsentierte Inhalte zu erwerben und anzuwenden. Dies kontrastiert mit den ehemals hohen Erwartungen an die Effektivität und Effizienz dieser Lernform. Die psychologische Trainingsevaluationsforschung widmet sich insbesondere der Frage, welche Faktoren Transfer beeinflussen und wie er gefördert werden kann. Diese Forschungsrichtung nimmt zunehmend auch E-Learning-Angebote in den Blick. Dabei geben die empirischen Befunde Hinweise auf E-Learning-spezifische Probleme, ebenso wie auf allgemeine und spezifische Lösungsansätze. Beispiele zeigen konkret, wie sich Transfer beim betrieblichen E-Learning fördern und überprüfen lässt.

  • Gewiese, Anna; Wuttke, Eveline; Kästner, Ronny; Seifried, Jürgen; Türling, Janosch (2011): Professionelle Fehlerkompetenz von Lehrkräften : Wissen über Schülerfehler und deren Ursachen FASSHAUER, Uwe, ed. and others. Lehr-Lernforschung und Professionalisierung : Perspektiven der Berufsbildungsforschung. Opladen [u.a.]: Budrich, 2011, pp. 161-172

    Professionelle Fehlerkompetenz von Lehrkräften : Wissen über Schülerfehler und deren Ursachen


    dc.title: Gewiese, Anna; Wuttke, Eveline; Kästner, Ronny

  • Alós-Ferrer, Carlos; Kern, Johannes; Ritzberger, Klaus (2011): Comment on “Trees and extensiveforms” [J. Econ. Theory 143 (1) (2008) 216–250] Journal of Economic Theory. 2011, 146(5), pp. 2165-2168. ISSN 0022-0531. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2011.06.008

    Comment on “Trees and extensiveforms” [J. Econ. Theory 143 (1) (2008) 216–250]


    dc.title: Ritzberger, Klaus

  • Hessami, Zohal (2011): Globalization's Winners and Losers : Evidence from Life Satisfaction Data, 1975 - 2001 Economics Letters. 2011, 112(3), pp. 250-253. ISSN 0165-1765. eISSN 1873-7374. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2011.05.016

    Globalization's Winners and Losers : Evidence from Life Satisfaction Data, 1975 - 2001


    Using data for the EU-15 countries from 1975 to 2001, we find that globalization has especially increased the subjective well-being of high-skilled workers, right-wing voters, high-income earners, and of respondents that trust the WTO, the World Bank, and the IMF.

  • Constantinides, George M.; Czerwonko, Michal; Jackwerth, Jens; Perrakis, Stylianos (2011): Are options on index futures profitable for risk-averse investors? : Empirical evidence The Journal of Finance. 2011, 66(4), pp. 1407-1437. ISSN 0022-1082. eISSN 1540-6261. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1540-6261.2011.01665.x

    Are options on index futures profitable for risk-averse investors? : Empirical evidence


    American options on the S&P 500 index futures that violate the stochastic dominance bounds of Constantinides and Perrakis (2009) from 1983 to 2006 are identified as potentially profitable trades. Call bid prices more frequently violate their upper bound than put bid prices do, while violations of the lower bounds by ask prices are infrequent. In out-of-sample tests of stochastic dominance, the writing of options that violate the upper bound increases the expected utility of any risk-averse investor holding the market and cash, net of transaction costs and bid-ask spreads. The results are economically significant and robust.

  • On the Nature of Reciprocity : Evidence from the Ultimatum Reciprocity Measure


    We experimentally show that current models of reciprocity are in-complete in a systematic way using a new variant of the ultimatum game that provides second-movers with a marginal-cost-free punish-ment option. For a substantial proportion of the population, the de-gree of rst-mover unkindness determines the severity of punishment actions even when marginal costs are absent. The proportion of these subjects strongly depends on a treatment variation: higher fixed costs of punishment lead to harsher responses. The fractions of purely self-ish and inequity-averse participants are small and stable. Among the variety of reciprocity models, only one accommodates (rather than predicts) parts of our findings. The treatment effect is unaccounted for. We discuss ways of incorporating our findings into the existing models.

  • Breyer, Friedrich; Costa-Font, Joan; Felder, Stefan (2011): Ageing, health, and health care Oxford Review of Economic Policy. 2011, 26(4), pp. 674-690. ISSN 0266-903X. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oxrep/grq032

    Ageing, health, and health care


    The population in the developed world has experienced a significant increase in life expectancy over the last 50 years. Simultaneously, while the onset of comorbidities has been deferred to older age groups, health-care expenditure has grown dramatically, primarily owing to the advancement of medical technology and the expansion of individual income levels, along with population ageing in the wake of increased longevity. However, the contribution of population ageing to health expenditure growth is subject to some theoretical and empirical scrutiny. This paper takes the question of ageing and health and health care to the data to evaluate the net impact of ageing. We focus on two main questions, namely the welfare valuation of longevity improvements for various OECD countries, along with the ‘red herring’ hypothesis which suggests that population ageing has a small and almost negligible impact on health-care expenditure. Our estimates lead us to suggest an average gain in longevity of 4.5 years since 1980, corresponding to about 13.5 per cent of lifetime income of a 20-year-old in 2000. Furthermore, we confirm a weak red-herring claim, that is, that population ageing accounts for only a 0.5 per cent annual growth rate of health-care expenditure. Finally, we find that the rise in longevity leads to a further demand for life-prolonging medical care.

  • Gersbach, Hans; Hahn, Volker (2011): Monetary policy inclinations Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. 2011, 43(8), pp. 1707-1717. ISSN 0022-2879. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1538-4616.2011.00464.x

    Monetary policy inclinations


    We examine whether central banks should complement their inflation forecasts with interest rate projections. Introducing a central bank loss function that accounts for deviations from announcements, we incorporate the publication of policy inclinations into a dynamic monetary model. We show that in the presence of cost-push shocks, the publication of interest rate forecasts tends to improve welfare.

  • Schumann, Stephan (2011): Duale und vollzeitschulische Berufsausbildung in der Schweiz : Ausprägung, empirischer Forschungsstand und Forschungsperspektiven Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. 2011, 107(3), pp. 437-450. ISSN 0172-2875. eISSN 2366-2433

    Duale und vollzeitschulische Berufsausbildung in der Schweiz : Ausprägung, empirischer Forschungsstand und Forschungsperspektiven


    Das duale System ist die dominierende Organisationsform der Berufsausbidung in der Schweiz. Der Anteil der vollzeitschulischen Ausbildung liegt schweizweit bei unter 20 Prozent, wobei diese Lernform in der französischen und italienischen Schweiz deutlich häufiger anzutreffen ist als in der Deutschschweiz. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird der empirische Forschungsstand zu Qualitätsmerkmalen der dualen und vollzeitschulischen Berufsausbildung in der Schweiz anhand eines Kriterienkatalogs komparativ analysiert. Aufgrund des Mangels an empirischen Studien haben die dabei zusammengetragenen Befunde zumeist Vorläufigkeitscharakter. Dennovh geben sie wertvolle Hinweise für die Formulierung von Forschungsfragen an den Gegenstand. In diesem Sinne werden abschließend der Forschungsbedarf und Forschungsperspektiven präzisiert.

  • Incentive Effects of Funding Contracts : An Experiment


    We examine the incentive e ffects of funding contracts on entrepreneurial eff ort decisions and allocative e ciency. We experiment with four types of contracts (standard debt contract, outside equity, non-monotonic contract, full-subsidy contract) that di er in the structure of investor repayment and, therefore, in the incentives for entrepreneurial e ffort provision. Theoretically the replacement of a standard debt contract by a repayment-equivalent non-monotonic contract reduces eff ort distortions and increases e ciency. We test this non-monotonic-contracts hypothesis in the laboratory as well.
    Our results reveal that the incentive e ffects of funding contracts need to be
    experienced before they refl ect in observed behavior. With su cient experience
    observed behavior is consistent with the theoretical predictions and supports the non-monotonic-contracts hypothesis: we fi nd that the replacement of a standard debt contract by a repayment-neutral non-monotonic contract increases entrepreneurial income by 170% and total surplus by 30% in our setting.

  • Maué, Elisabeth; Fickler-Stang, Ulrike (2011): Angebote zur Alphabetisierung im Erwachsenenalter : Partizipation am lebenslangen Lernen oder Etablierung der notwendigen Voraussetzungen dafür? Zielgruppen in Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung Erwachsener : Bestimmung, Verortung, Ansprache. Bielefeld: wbv, Bertelsmann, 2011, pp. 77-96. Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung Erwachsener. 1. ISBN 978-3-7639-4710-2

    Angebote zur Alphabetisierung im Erwachsenenalter : Partizipation am lebenslangen Lernen oder Etablierung der notwendigen Voraussetzungen dafür?


    dc.title: Fickler-Stang, Ulrike

  • A Tale of Five PIIGS : Soft Budget Constraints and the EMU Sovereign Debt Crises


    Why are so many EU countries currently in dire fiscal straits? A popular explanation is that monetary unification led to bailout expectations, which in turn resulted in soft budget constraints and over-borrowing. This paper investigates the validity of this explanation by studying the effects of the Maastricht treaty and the introduction of the Euro on public deficits. To identify the causal effects of these last two stages of EMU, we apply the difference- in-difference methodology to a dataset that covers 26 OECD countries (including all EU-15 countries) over the 1975-2009 period. The estimations suggest that the effect of the EMU on deficits is limited to the so-called PIIGS countries. The signing of the Maastricht treaty triggered a reduction of deficits in this group of countries. Once the Euro had been introduced, the PIIGS expanded their deficits – but only to pre Maastricht levels. In other words, the Euro led to soft budget constraints, and the PIIGS exploited these soft budget constraints to some extent (but not excessively). From a policy perspective, our findings favor reforms in the direction of administrative rather than fiscal centralization for the EU.

  • Baumann, Florian; Friehe, Tim; Grechenig, Kristoffel (2011): A Note on the Optimality of (Even More) Incomplete Strict Liability International Review of Law and Economics. 2011, 31(2), pp. 77-82. ISSN 0144-8188. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.irle.2011.01.004

    A Note on the Optimality of (Even More) Incomplete Strict Liability


    This paper starts from the premise that liability is incomplete and establishes that firms may nevertheless invest excessively in care. This may justify a (further) reduction in the level of liability from a social standpoint, thereby arguing against seeking to approach full compensation as close as possible. In our framework, firms are liable under product liability, but also invest in care to prevent consumers’ switching to competitors. Affecting the partition of consumers by means of care-taking is not desirable from a social standpoint. Consequently, it may be optimal to reduce liability below a given level of incomplete compensation in order to adjust firms’ care incentives.

  • Franke, Günter (2011): Hostages, free lunches and institutional gaps : the case of the European Currency Union Financial Markets and Portfolio Management. 2011, 26(1), pp. 61-85. ISSN 1555-4961. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11408-011-0176-8

    Hostages, free lunches and institutional gaps : the case of the European Currency Union


    This paper argues that the strong member states of the European Currency Union are hostages of a financially distressed member state so that they are compelled to provide financial support. Moreover, due to the dynamics of the interaction game, a debt relief is a free lunch for the distressed country. This fosters moral hazard of distressed countries. In the absence of capital market control, European politics do not effectively monitor fiscal politics of member states. The lack of a long term strategy of the European Currency Union to deal with distressed states has undermined the credibility of politics. This lack is also explained by a lack of a European Insolvency Charter. A viable Union requires such a charter with rules for handling distress. Moreover, politics should determine a mechanism to coordinate politics and capital markets in their monitoring of fiscal and economic policy of member states.

  • Tranching and Pricing in CDO-Transactions


    This paper empirically investigates the tranching and tranche pricing of European securitization transactions of corporate loans and bonds. Tranching allows the originator to issue bonds with strong quality differences and thereby attract heterogeneous investors. We find that the number of differently rated tranches in a transaction is inversely related to the quality of the underlying asset pool. Credit spreads on rated tranches in a transaction are inversely related to the number of tranches. For all rated tranches in a transaction, the average price for transferring a unit of expected default loss is inversely related to the default probability of the underlying asset pool. For a tranche, this price increases with the rating of the tranche; it is higher for the lowest rated tranche and very high for Aaa-tranches in true sale-transactions. It varies little across butterfly spreads obtained from rated tranches except for the most senior spread.

  • Endres, Alfred; Friehe, Tim (2011): R&D and Abatement Under Environmental Liability Law : Comparing Incentives Under Strict Liability and Negligence if Compensation Differs from Harm Energy Economics. 2011, 33(3), pp. 419-425. ISSN 0140-9883. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.eneco.2010.11.001

    R&D and Abatement Under Environmental Liability Law : Comparing Incentives Under Strict Liability and Negligence if Compensation Differs from Harm


    This paper analyzes equilibrium R&D in pollution control and equilibrium pollution abatement by polluters who are subject to environmental liability law when the level of compensation differs from the level of environmental harm. We contrast the performance of strict liability with that of the negligence rule. Privately optimal levels necessarily deviate from socially optimal ones under strict liability, whereas private decisions are first-best under negligence unless compensation is much smaller than harm. It is established that the way in which privately optimal R&D deviates from the first-best level depends on the kind of technical change in pollution abatement. Counterintuitively polluters might overinvest into R&D in pollution control if compensation falls short of harm, and may underinvest if compensation exceeds harm.

  • Mechanically Extracted Company Signals and their Impact on Stock and Credit Markets


    I analyze company news from Reuters with the 'General Inquirer' and relate measures of positive sentiment, negative sentiment and disagreement to abnormal stock returns, stock and option trading volume, the volatility spread and the CDS spread. I test hypotheses derived from market microstructure models. Consistent with these models, sentiment and disagreement are strongly related to trading volume. Moreover, sentiment and disagreement might be used to predict stock returns, trading volume and volatility. Trading strategies based on positive and negative sentiment are profitable if the transaction costs are moderate, indicating that stock markets are not fully efficient.

  • Die Entwicklung beruflicher Grundqualifikationen bei Jugendlichen mit dem Förderbedarf Lernen


    Der Übergang von der Schule in eine Ausbildung stellt viele Jugendliche vor große Herausforderungen. In besonderem Maße trifft das auf Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Lernschwierigkeiten zu. Durch eine Verbindung der beiden Berliner Studien BELLA und ENEBS zeichnet das vorliegende Buch die Lernentwicklung Berliner Jugendlicher mit dem sonderpädagogischen Förderschwerpunkt Lernen innerhalb von drei Jahren nach. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf beruflichen Grundqualifikationen, im speziellen auf Kompetenzen in den Bereichen Mathematik, Informationsentnahme aus diskontinuierlichen Texten und Ökonomisches Verständnis. Faktoren, welche die Lernentwicklung beeinflussen, beispielsweise Vorwissen, soziodemographischer Hintergrund sowie institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen, sind ebenfalls von Interesse. Die Item-Response-Theorie bildet die Grundlage der statistischen Analysen.

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