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20 / 2459
  • Comments on Udo Ebert "Redistribution on Income when Needs Differ"



  • Lujo Brentano und die Ökonomien der Moderne : zum Wandel wissenschaftlicher Darstellungsformen in der deutschen ökonomischen Tradition (1871-1931)


    dc.title: Seewald, Michael

  • Trust me, it is High Trust : on Trust and its Measurement


    As the positive impact of trust on business success is widely undisputed, the question of how to measure trust naturally arises. Both expectations of trustworthy behavior and possible gains and losses from a trusting relationship influence the level of trust between two parties or individuals. This paper explores whether an exchange featuring (almost) equal expected gains and expected losses for a trusting individual is evidence for high trust or low trusts; we argue that such an exchange tends to display low trust. A simple trust measure is suggested that can be applied both in experimental and analytical research.

  • Three Essays on Bayesian Factor Models


    The present dissertation consists of three stand-alone research papers that all deal with factor models from a Bayesian perspective, both in a theoretical and an empirical setup. More precisely, the thesis is organized in a progressive way as follows: Chapter 1 briefly presents the general framework of the model used throughout the thesis, and surveys the simulation methods that can be implemented to conduct Bayesian inference in this kind of model. Chapters 2 and 3 introduce some important theoretical variations extending the original setup presented in Chapter 1, and illustrate how factor structure models can be empirically applied to assess the importance of cognitive and noncognitive skills in explaining various outcomes of interest.

  • Unequal opportunities and distributive justice


    There is well established empirical evidence that more redistribution occurs when luck rather than performance determines the earnings. We provide experimental evidence on how unequal access to performance enhancing education affects demand for redistribution. In this experiment, we can control the information about the role of luck and effort. We find that unequal opportunities evoke a preference for redistribution that is comparable to the situation when luck alone determines the allocation rather than performance. Furthermore, unequal opportunities reduce performance incentives.

  • Predatory pricing and recoupment under EC competition law : per-se rules, underlying assumptions and the reality ; results of an experimental study



  • Ideology and cultural policy


    By examining voting behavior in a referendum on the construction of a concert hall in Germany, I show that political ideology influences cultural policy. The results suggest that resistance to the concert hall was particularly strong in electoral districts in which majorities of citizens vote for the social democrats. By contrast, constituents of rightwing parties voted more in favor of the project. This voting pattern indicates that cultural policy is ideology-induced. The direct-democratic vote against the concert hall is not in line with the voting behavior of the representatives in the city council. My findings thus show that the voting behavior of political representatives may be decoupled from the preferences of their constituents even in closely knit jurisdictions in which the principal-agent relationship between voters and representatives is usually thought to favor the principals. Moreover, this decoupling has been documented for a policy issue that does not require substantial information or specialized knowledge to be evaluated but rather voters' decisions are based on ideological convictions.

  • Research evaluation and journal quality weights : much ado about nothing?


    Research evaluations based on quality weighted publication output are often criticized on account of the employed journal quality weights. This study shows that evaluations of entire research organizations are very robust with respect to the choice of readily available weighting schemes. We document this robustness by applying rather different weighting schemes to otherwise identical rankings. Our unit of analysis consists of German, Austrian and Swiss university departments in business administration and economics.

  • Seifried, Jürgen (2010): Sichtweisen von Lehrkräften an kaufmännischen Schulen Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik: ZBW. 2010, 106(2), pp. 199-219

    Sichtweisen von Lehrkräften an kaufmännischen Schulen


    In der Lehrerbildung herrscht Konsens, dass für das professionelle Handeln von Lehrkräften nicht nur (Fach-)Wissen, sondern auch persönlich gefärbte Grundorientierungen (subjektive, naive oder implizite Theorien, Überzeugungen, Vorstellungen, Weltbilder etc.) eine zentrale Rolle spielen. Bezüglich dieser Grundorientierungen lässt sich eine Vielzahl von Forschungslinien ausmachen, die aber trotz des gemeinsamen Erkenntnisinteresses mehr oder weniger unverbunden nebeneinander herlaufen. In einem ersten Teil des Beitrags werden daher zentrale Forschungslinien skizziert und aufeinander bezogen. Im zweiten Teil werden dann empirische Befunde aus verschiedenen internationalen Studien sowie einer eigenen Untersuchung skizziert, die sich mit den Sichtweisen von Dozenten bzw. Lehrkräften in der beruflichen Bildung auseinandersetzen.

  • Ammann, Manuel; Kind, Axel; Seiz, Ralf (2010): What Drives the Performance of Convertible-Bond Funds? (Digest Summary) CFA Digest. 2010, 40(4), pp. 58-59. ISSN 0046-9777. eISSN 1872-6372. Available under: doi: 10.2469/dig.v40.n4.30

    What Drives the Performance of Convertible-Bond Funds? (Digest Summary)


    The authors find that stock-, bond-, and fund-related factors are drivers of convertible bond fund (CBF) performance. And although CBF managers demonstrate successful timing, it does not totally offset poor selection and management fees. They conclude that CBF performance is comparable with that of a passive benchmark of stocks, bonds, and convertible bonds.

  • A fault confessed is half redressed : confessions and punishment


    Confessions after failures are socially desirable. However, confessions also bear the risk of punishment. In a laboratory experiment I examine how confessions work. I analyze whether the willingness to punish harmful failures depends on how the harmed party has learned about the outcome. The harmed party can learn about the outcome via random detection or self-report by the performer. I find that confessions are a powerful instrument: punishment for confessed failures is less likely than for randomly detected failures.

  • Breyer, Friedrich (2010): Innovation und Gerechtigkeit : Einige ökonomische Überlegungen HÄUSSLER, Bertram, ed. and others. Innovation und Gerechtigkeit : mit 8 Tabellen. Stuttgart: Schattauer, 2010, pp. 3-13. Jahrbuch der medizinischen Innovationen. 6. ISBN 978-3-7945-2683-3

    Innovation und Gerechtigkeit : Einige ökonomische Überlegungen



  • Schwerdt, Guido; Ichino, Andrea; Ruf, Oliver; Winter-Ebmer, Rudolf; Zweimüller, Josef (2010): Does the color of the collar matter? : employment and earnings after plant closure Economics Letters. 2010, 108(2), pp. 137-140. ISSN 0165-1765. eISSN 1873-7374. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2010.04.014

    Does the color of the collar matter? : employment and earnings after plant closure


    We investigate whether the costs of job displacement differ between blue and white collar workers. In the short-run earnings and employment losses are substantial for both groups but stronger for white collars. In the long run, there are only weak effects for blue collar workers but strong and persistent effects for white collars.

  • Die Percentage-of-Completion-Methode : Budgetierung und Realisierung im Projektgeschäft


    Die effiziente betriebliche und konzernweite Implementierung der Percentage-of-Completion-Methode (PoC) stellt die Praxis vor einige Herausforderungen. Dies schließt die Auswahl der geeigneten Variante dieser Methode sowie die Verprobung der Überleitungsrechnung mit der Gewinn- und Verlustrechnung und der Bilanz ein.
    An einem Praxisbeispiel beantworten die Autoren insbesondere folgende Fragen zur Effizienz der PoC-Einführung: Wie lässt sich eine konzernweite Ergebnistransparenz erreichen? Was ist zu beachten, damit eine PoC-Überleitung fehlerfrei erfolgt? Wie kann eventuell auftretenden Vorschauproblemen durch unterschiedliche Restkostenschätzungen begegnet werden?

  • Potrafke, Niklas (2010): The growth of public health expenditures in OECD countries : Do government ideology and electoral motives matter? Journal of Health Economics. 2010, 29(6), pp. 797-810. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jhealeco.2010.07.008

    The growth of public health expenditures in OECD countries : Do government ideology and electoral motives matter?


    This paper empirically evaluates whether government ideology and electoral motives influenced the growth of public health expenditures in 18 OECD countries over the 1971–2004 period. The results suggest that incumbents behaved opportunistically and increased the growth of public health expenditures in election years. Government ideology did not have an influence. These findings indicate (1) the importance of public health in policy debates before elections and (2) the political pressure towards re-organizing public health policy platforms especially in times of demographic change.

  • Englmaier, Florian (2010): Managerial optimism and investment choice Managerial and Decision Economics. 2010, 31(4), pp. 303-310. ISSN 0143-6570. Available under: doi: 10.1002/mde.1498

    Managerial optimism and investment choice


    This paper analyzes whether it might be desirable for a firm to hire an overoptimistic manager to commit to a certain R&D strategy. I consider a Cournot model with an ex-ante R&D stage where firms can invest in cost reduction before product market competition takes place. I show that firms want to hire overoptimistic managers and argue that a manager's type may serve as a substitute for strategic delegation via contracts.

  • Reference-Dependent Preferences : Models and Experiments


    In economic situations people form expectations prior to their decisions. These expectations represent a reference point and exert a strong influence on decision making and preferences. This paper surveys the theory of reference-dependent preferences. I will summarize the theoretical framework and present experimental evidence in support of preferences being reference-dependent. Additionally, I will address the still open and fundamental questions of how expectations are formed. That is: How are reference points formed?

  • Risk Sharing and Employee Motivation in Competitive Search Equilibrium


    This paper incorporates a classical moral hazard problem with unobserved worker effort and bonus payments into a competitive search equilibrium environment with risk averse workers. The resulting framework permits an analysis of the effects of labour market competition and search frictions on individual contract setting. The paper demonstrates that the classical model of moral hazard with an ex-post wage setting regime may underestimate the optimal values of wages and bonus payments in competitive labour markets. The baseline model is extended to account for employer heterogeneity with respect to capital endowments. In the extended model, wage competition between employers serves as a source of positive correlation between wages and bonus payments reported in a number of empirical studies.

  • Catalyzers for social insurance : education subsidies vs. real capital taxation


    To analyze the optimal social insurance package, we set up a two-period life-cycle model with risky human capital investment, where the government has access to labor taxation, education subsidies and capital taxation. Social insurance is provided by redistributive labor taxation. Moreover, both education subsidies and capital taxation are used as catalyzers to facilitate social insurance by mitigating distortions from labor taxation. We derive a Ramsey-rule for the optimal combination of these two instruments. Relative to capital taxation, optimal education subsidies increase in their relative effectiveness to boost labor supply and in households' underinvestment into education, but they decrease in their relative net distortions. For their absolute levels, indirect complementarity effects, i.e., influencing the effectiveness of the other instrument, do matter. Generally, a decrease in capital taxes should go along with an increase in education subsidies.

  • Methods for Causal Evaluation of Education Policies and Practices : An Econometric Toolbox


    Education policy-makers and practitioners want to know which policies and practices can best achieve their goals. But research that can inform evidencebased policy often requires complex methods to distinguish causation from accidental association. Avoiding econometric jargon and technical detail, this paper explains the main idea and intuition of leading empirical strategies devised to identify causal impacts and illustrates their use with real-world examples. It covers six evaluation methods: controlled experiments, lotteries of oversubscribed programs, instrumental variables, regression discontinuities, differences-indifferences, and panel-data techniques. Illustrating applications include evaluations of early-childhood interventions, voucher lotteries, funding programs for disadvantaged, and compulsory-school and tracking reforms.

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