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20 / 2459
  • Educational and Wage Risk : Social Insurance Versus Quality of Education


    In this model of education, where individuals are exposed both to educational risk and to wage risk within the skilled sector, successful graduation depends both on individual effort to study and on public resources. We show that insuring the present risks is a dichotomic task: Wage risk is diversified ex post among the skilled by graduate taxation and skill-specific tuition fees. Educational risk of failure and inequality between skilled and unskilled workers are mitigated ex ante by enhancing the quality of education. The necessary expenditures are optimally financed by regressive tuition fees and the net revenue from the graduate tax.

  • Fischer, Justina; Rodriguez-Andres, Antonio (2008): Political institutions and suicide : a regional analysis of Switzerland

    Political institutions and suicide : a regional analysis of Switzerland


    The question to what extent governance structure affects people s well-being, here reflected in the decision to commit suicide, remains still largely unknown. This paper examines the effects of political institutions and governance structure on suicide using a balanced panel for 26 Swiss states (cantons) over the period 1980 1998. Our results indicate that stronger popular rights and more fiscal decentralization reduce suicide, while more local autonomy increases it. The effects are not strongly gender-specific. However, we find evidence that the effect of direct legislation is partly transmitted through sub-federal budgets, but not through health sector spending exclusively.

  • Fischbacher, Urs; Thöni, Christian (2008): Excess Entry in an Experimental Winner-Take-All Market Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 2008, 67(1), pp. 150-163. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2006.05.018

    Excess Entry in an Experimental Winner-Take-All Market


    "Winner-take-all" markets (i.e., markets in which the relative and not the absolute performance is decisive) have gained in importance. Such markets have a tendency to provoke inefficiently many entries. We investigate such markets in an experiment and show that there are even more inefficient entries than predicted by the Nash equilibrium. Moreover, this effect increases with group size. Quantal response equilibrium predicts the increase in group size but fails to predict the excess entry in the smaller group. We show that the excess entry is not caused by coordination failures. Furthermore, individual entry behavior is not significantly linked to risk preferences.

  • How can scholarship institutions foster the return of foreign students?


    We investigate the return decision of foreign students from developing countries who graduated in Germany and received support from a scholarship institution. Controlling for the impact of economic, political and institutional determinants, we find that individual factors in particular age and time spent in the host country have a crucial impact on the return decision. Better integrated students have lower propensities to return to their home countries after graduation. Scholarship institutions which want their students to return might, thus, consider personal characteristics like age or family status when they select their students. Also provisions for scholarship receipt should be scrutinised. Some provisions for scholarship receipt, for example time restrictions or age limits, lead to increased return rates. We further investigate the impact of cultural differences between home and host country on the return decision. Especially graduates from Africa and Asia seem to consider cultural differences when deciding whether to return or not.

  • Fabel, Oliver; Hein, Miriam; Hofmeister, Robert (2008): Research Productivity in Business Economics : An Investigation of Austrian, German and Swiss Universities German Economic Review. Verein für Socialpolitik and Blackwell Publishing. 2008, 9(4), pp. 506-531. ISSN 1465-6485. eISSN 1468-0475

    Research Productivity in Business Economics : An Investigation of Austrian, German and Swiss Universities


    We draw on a new and comprehensive dataset that collects the research output of business economists employed by Austrian, German and Swiss universities. We compute research rankings of departments and identify the leading departments in selected subdisciplines. Moreover, we investigate how institutional design and individual characteristics affect research productivity and draw some conclusions for the training of junior scientists.

  • Seifried, Jürgen (2008): Kompetenzentwicklung des Lehrpersonals an kaufmännischen Schulen BWP - Berufsbildung in Wissenschaft und Praxis. 2008, 37(6), pp. 10-13

    Kompetenzentwicklung des Lehrpersonals an kaufmännischen Schulen


    Die Lehrerbildung im beruflichen Bereich steht vor großen Herausforderungen. Neben der Bewältigung von strukturellen Reformen (Umstellung von Diplom- bzw. Lehramtsstudiengängen auf die Bachelor- und Masterstruktur) geht es vor allem darum, die Kompetenzentwicklung von angehenden Lehrpersonen sicherzustellen. In der öffentlichen Diskussion wird - auch als Reaktion auf internationale Vergleichsstudien - vermehrt bezweifelt, dass die Lehrerbildung hierzu tatsächlich in der Lage ist. Entsprechende Aussagen entbehren freilich einer empirischen Grundlage, denn es fehlt nach wie vor eine umfassende Evaluation der ersten Phase der Lehrerausbildung bzw. der Lehrerbildung insgesamt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag werden ausgewählte empirische Studien vorgestellt, die die Kompetenzentwicklung bei angehenden Lehrkräften an kaufmännischen Schulen thematisieren. Zudem wird ausgeführt, wie fachdidaktisches Coaching zur Kompetenzentwicklung genutzt werden könnte.

  • Four Essays on University Economics


    Die vorliegende Dissertation ist eine Sammlung von vier eigenständigen Forschungsartikeln, die ich während meines Doktorandenstudiums an der Universität Konstanz zwischen Oktober 2004 und November 2008 geschrieben habe. Diese Artikel sind empirische Studien, in denen verschiedene Fragestellungen auf dem Gebiet der Universitätsökonomie untersucht werden. In den ersten beiden Artikeln evaluiere ich Forschungsleistungen in den Bereichen Volks- und Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Mit Hilfe bibliometrischer Methoden erfasse ich den Zustand der universitären Forschung in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Außerdem untersuche ich, welche Faktoren den Forschungsprozess beeinflussen. In den beiden anderen Artikeln befasse ich mich mit Universitätsabsolventen. Ich analysiere die Rückkehrentscheidung ausländischer Absolventen und untersuche, welche Faktoren den beruflichen Erfolg von Absolventen eines wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Studiengangs beeinflussen.

  • Public sector decentralization and school performance : International evidence


    Using a panel of international student test scores, 1980 2000, panel fixed effects estimates suggest that government spending decentralization is conducive to student performance. The effect does not appear to be mediated through levels of, or decentralization in, educational spending.

  • Friehe, Tim (2008): On Judgment Proofness in the Case of Bilateral Harm European Journal of Law and Economics. 2008, 26(2), pp. 175-185. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s10657-008-9057-7

    On Judgment Proofness in the Case of Bilateral Harm


    This paper defies the widely held belief concerning the unambiguous superiority of negligence in settings of judgment proofness. We analyze a set-up with bilateral harm, bilateral care, and potential judgment proofness by one party to the accident. We establish that strict liability with a defense of contributory negligence can perform better than simple negligence and negligence with a defense of contributory negligence. It is shown that the former liability rule can better establish a discontinuity in individual costs conducive to inducing efficient care than the other rules.

  • Nothing Ventured - Nothing Gained? : Empirical Evidence on Venture Capital Financing in Switzerland


    dc.title: Hopp, Christian

  • Hofmeister, Robert; Ursprung, Heinrich (2008): Das Handelsblatt Ökonomen-Ranking 2007: Eine kritische Beurteilung Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik. 2008, 9(3), pp. 254-266. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2516.2008.00279.x

    Das Handelsblatt Ökonomen-Ranking 2007: Eine kritische Beurteilung


    The Handelsblatt Ökonomen-Ranking is as yet the best privately provided ranking of individual economists and entire economics departments in Austria, Germany and Switzerland. It is, however, not suited for management purposes because the employed evaluation method gives rise to dysfunctional incentives. The research productivities derived by the Handelsblatt method, moreover, turn out to be biased. The Committee for Research Monitoring of the Verein für Socialpolitik makes use of an established bibliometric method that is not afflicted with these shortcomings. We show how selected results are altered when instead of the standard method various aspects of the Handelsblatt method are applied.

  • Kaas, Leo; Madden, Paul (2008): Holdup in oligopsonistic labour markets - a new role for the minimum wage Labour Economics. 2008, 15(3), pp. 334-349. ISSN 0927-5371. eISSN 1879-1034. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.labeco.2007.06.011

    Holdup in oligopsonistic labour markets - a new role for the minimum wage


    We consider a labour market model of oligopsonistic wage competition and show that there is a holdup problem although workers do not have any bargaining power. When a firm invests more, it pays a higher wage in order to attract workers from competitors. Because workers participate in the returns on investment while only firms bear the costs, investment is inefficiently low. A binding minimum wage can achieve the first-best level of investment, both in the short run for a given number of firms and in the long run when the number of firms is endogenous.

  • Franke, Günter (2008): Wieweit tragen rationale Modelle in der Finanzmarktforschung? OEHLER, Andreas, ed., Udo TERSTEGE, ed.. Finanzierung, Investition und Entscheidung Einzelwirtschaftliche Analysen zur Bank- und Finanzwirtschaft ; Prof Dr Michael Bitz zum 65. Geburtstag gewidmet. Wien: Bank-Verl., 2008, pp. 193-217

    Wieweit tragen rationale Modelle in der Finanzmarktforschung?



  • Knoch, Daria; Nitsche, Michael A.; Fischbacher, Urs; Eisenegger, Christoph; Pascual-Leone, Alvaro; Fehr, Ernst (2008): Studying the Neurobiology of Social Interaction with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation - The Example of Punishing Unfairness Cerebral Cortex. 2008, 18(9), pp. 1987-1990. Available under: doi: 10.1093/cercor/bhm237

    Studying the Neurobiology of Social Interaction with Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation - The Example of Punishing Unfairness


    Studying social behavior often requires the simultaneous interaction of many subjects. As yet, however, no painless, noninvasive brain stimulation tool existed that allowed the simultaneous affection of brain processes in many interacting subjects. Here we show that transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) can overcome these limits. We apply right prefrontal cathodal tDCS and show that subjects propensity to punish unfair behavior is reduced significantly.

  • Endogenous Timing with Demand Uncertainty


    This paper develops an endogenous timing model for a quantity-setting duopoly with imperfect information on market demand and costly market research. If the market research cost K is too high, market research never plays a role. For intermediate values of K, and independently of production costs, there are two SPNE with endogenous leadership. If K is low, SPNE with endogenous leadership appear if the production costs of the leader are low enough relative to market conditions (e.g. large expected market capacity and small variance thereof). If both firms are relatively inefficient, there is a SPNE with simultaneous production.

  • Insuring educational risk : opportunities versus income


    We develop a model of education where individuals face educational risk. Successfully entering the skilled labor sector depends on individual effort in education and public resources, but educational risk still causes (income) inequality. We show that an optimal public policy consists of deferred skill-specific tuition fees, lump-sum transfers/taxes, and public funding of the educational sector. We argue that improved educational opportunities matter more than direct income transfers in a Second-best setting. Contrary to standard models of income risk, it is not optimal to use a proportional wage tax, because combining skill-specific tuition fees and public education spending provide both insurance and redistribution at lower costs. A wage tax is only optimal if skill-specific tuition fees are not available.

  • Determinants of Trust in the European Central Bank


    In this paper we study the determinants of citizens trust in the European Central Bank during the start-up phase from 1999-2004. Using a country panel based on the Eurobarometer survey, we find that higher inflation rates reduce trust. Thus people appear to evaluate the performance of the ECB on the basis of its success in achieving its primary objective, namely price stability. However, national income also has a strong impact, which poses a dilemma to the ECB, as it cannot increase economic growth in the long run. Unemployment does not have a significant impact on trust in the ECB, while unemployment spending exerts a trust-building impact. Possibly, automatic stabilizers serve as substitutes for ECB interventions, which would lower people s trust. Interestingly, active labor market policies, which can be interpreted as proxies for the public s perception of the urgency of the problem of high unemployment, tend to decrease trust.

  • Decentralization as a disincentive for transnational terror? : System stability versus government efficiency: an empirical test


    Using panel data for a maximum of 109 countries over the years 1976-2000, we empirically analyze the impact of decentralization on the occurrence of transnational terror. Our results show that expenditure decentralization robustly reduces the number of terror events in a country, while political decentralization has no impact. The effects of decentralization do not transmit through government efficiency and effectiveness, in line with the system stability hypothesis of Frey and Luechinger (2004).

  • Changes in Human Capital : Implications for Productivity Growth in the Euro Area


    The euro area has experienced a sustained decline in labour productivity growth since the 1980s. In the economic literature this phenomenon is commonly explained by a decline in capital deepening and lower total factor productivity (TFP) growth. However, the decline in labour productivity growth might partly also reflect a lower contribution of labour quality growth. We present evidence of changes in human capital in a number of euro area countries based on a fixed-weight index for labour quality growth for both the employed population and the labour force. We then evaluate the significance of these changes for recent developments in productivity growth. Our findings suggest that euro area labour quality has indeed moderated towards the end of the 1990’s, but the impact on labour productivity growth is small compared to the overall decline in capital deepening and total factor productivity growth.

  • Sembill, Detlef; Seifried, Jürgen (2007): Selbstorganisiertes Lernen und Unterrichtsqualität JÜRGEN, , ed., BUER, ed. and others. Qualität von Schule - ein kritisches Handbuch. Frankfurt a. M.: Lang, 2007, pp. 401-412

    Selbstorganisiertes Lernen und Unterrichtsqualität


    Der vorliegende Beitrag gibt einen Überblick über die Befunde der von Sembill und Mitarbeitern durchgeführten Prozessanalysen selbstorganisierten Lernens in der beruflichen Bildung. Es werden zentrale Unterschiede zwischen selbstgesteuertem und selbstorganisiertem Lernen herausgestellt und diskutiert, inwiefern durch die umfassende Einbindung der Lernenden bei Planung, Durchführung und Kontrolle sowie bei der Bewertung von Lehr-Lern-Prozessen die Qualität von Unterricht nachhaltig gesteigert werden kann. Dabei steht die Frage nach der mehrkriterialen Wirksamkeit von Unterricht auf dem Prüfstand. Vor diesem Hintergrund sind Faktoren, die einer Öffnung des Unterrichts in Richtung selbstorganisiertes Lernen in der Schulpraxis entgegenstehen, einer kritischen Reflexion zu unterziehen. Dazu gehören auch Fragen des wissenschaftlichen Diskurses, des Forschungsverständnisses in einzelnen Domänen und der bildungspolitischen Professionalität.

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