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20 / 2459
  • Düring, Bertram; Toscani, Giuseppe (2007): Hydrodynamics from kinetic models of conservative economies

    Hydrodynamics from kinetic models of conservative economies


    In this paper, we introduce and discuss the passage to hydrodynamic equations for kinetic models of conservative economies, in which the density of wealth depends on additional parameters, like the propensity to invest. As in kinetic theory of rarefied gases, the closure depends on the knowledge of the homogeneous steady wealth distribution (the Maxwellian) of the underlying kinetic model. The collision operator used here is the Fokker-Planck operator introduced by J.P. Bouchaud and M. Mezard in [4], which has been recently obtained in a suitable asymptotic of a Boltzmann-like model involving both exchanges between agents and speculative trading by S. Cordier, L. Pareschi and one of the authors [11]. Numerical simulations on the fluid equations are then proposed and analyzed for various laws of variation of the propensity.

  • Kaas, Leo; Zink, Stefan (2007): Human Capital and Growth Cycles Economic Theory. 2007, 31(1), pp. 19-33. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s00199-006-0081-y

    Human Capital and Growth Cycles


    This paper studies the dynamic interaction between human capital accumulation and economic growth. Capital market imperfections and an indivisibility in human capital investment prevent poor agents from accumulating skills, the acquisition of which positively affects technological progress. More productive technologies in turn require more sophisticated qualification and involve higher training costs. The equilibrium dynamics can be characterized by the joint evolution of productivity growth, the schooling costs, and the income distribution. Under our assumptions, individual incomes follow a non-linear Markov chain. This nonlinearity generates endogenous fluctuations of schooling activities and the rate at which productivity improvements occur.

  • Are International Educational Tests Good Accountability Tools?


    The paper investigates if the provision of financial incentives has an impact on the performance of students in educational tests. The analysis is based on data from an experiment with high school students which answered multiple choice items from the TIMS-Study. Like in that study, the setup did not discourage students from guessing. Students with a salary based on individual performance scored insignificantly better than students with a fixed payout or a payout which is based on the performance of the entire group. However, incentives have an impact. The group with individualized payments showed significantly more guessing activities than the others.

  • Azariadis, Costas; Kaas, Leo (2007): Asset price fluctuations without aggregate shocks Journal of Economic Theory. 2007, 136(1), pp. 126-143. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2006.06.005

    Asset price fluctuations without aggregate shocks


    We analyze the pricing of a productive asset in a class of dynamic exchange economies with heterogeneous, infinitely-lived agents, and self-enforcing intertemporal trades. Individual incomes fluctuate and are correlated; preferences, dividends and aggregate income are fixed. Almost all economies in this class have a unique stationary Markovian equilibrium with fluctuations in asset prices.As the set of unrationed households changes over time and states, excess demand functions shift, asset returns fluctuate, and some households are shut out of asset markets. Examples suggest that the amplitude of these movements is negatively correlated with the productivity of the asset and with the penalty for default.

  • Rich and Healthy better than Poor and Sick? : an Empirical Analysis of Income, Health, and the Duration of the Pension Benefit Spell


    We analyze the relationship between duration of the pension benefit spell and pension benefit claims from the German public pension system, with a special emphasis on differential results with respect to health. This relationship is crucial and causal for a potential structural pattern of redistribution between different income and health groups, induced by the public pension system. Evidence for such redistribution from poor to rich is present for most of the specifications in our analysis. The specification we believe to be correct is partially-linear, does therefore not impose any parametrical restrictions between duration and benefit claims, and allows for potential endogeneity. The relationship we extract is remarkably close to positively linear. Additionally we find that the income gradient is steeper for pensioners in bad health, meaning that redistribution from the least able to the most able individuals is more pronounced the worse the health status is.

  • Dual Income Taxation as a Stepping Stone Towards a European Corporate Income Tax



  • Learning and Peer Effects


    The paper documents the results from an experiment on peer effects in learning processes. The experimental approach eliminates endogeneity and selection problems which typically restrict the measurement of peer effects with administrative or survey data. The results provide evidence on the mechanisms of peer interaction and on optimal learning group composition. Learning with a partner is more successful than learning without one, though differences between gender and age groups are observable. High ability students provide benefits to other high ability students. Subjects who are member in a club provide a benefit to partners who are not.

  • Fischbacher, Urs (2007): z-Tree : Zurich toolbox for ready-made economic experiments Experimental Economics. 2007, 10(2), pp. 171-178. ISSN 1386-4157. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s10683-006-9159-4

    z-Tree : Zurich toolbox for ready-made economic experiments


    z-Tree (Zurich Toolbox for Ready-made Economic Experiments) is a software for developing and conducting economic experiments. The software is stable and allows programming almost any kind of experiments in a short time. In this article, I present the guiding principles behind the software design, its features, and its limitations.

  • Franke, Günter; Weber, Thomas (2007): Wie werden Collateralized Debt Obligation-Transaktionen gestaltet? Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, Sonderheft. 2007, 57, pp. 95-123

    Wie werden Collateralized Debt Obligation-Transaktionen gestaltet?



  • Four Essays on International Trade and Labour Markets


    The following dissertation is a collection of four stand-alone research papers. The common theme of all papers is the analysis of the decision of heterogeneous individuals about investing in education. The first paper analyses how these decisions affect the impact of globalisation or technological change on the income distribution. The second and the third paper focus on the distributional effects of human-capital investments in the presence of immigration. The fourth paper discusses the interplay of globalisation and alternative formulations of the institutional framework of the educational system.

  • Making schools practical : practice firms and their function in the full-time vocational school system in Germany


    Purpose: To provide information and insight into the potential of reforms in full-time vocational education and training (VET) (practice finns in vocational colleges) in contrast with apprenticeships against the background of training market frictions in Germany.
    Design/methodology/approach: Structural information on the German VET system; empirical study (2006) within a research project to illustrate the didactical and social benefits of practice finns.
    Findings: Underlines that vocational colleges and practice firms within them are part of a "preparatory" system which predominantly serves further education needs and the follow-up intention to undertake an apprenticeship; confirms preceding research which put them in line with the "typical" full-time VET system.
    Research implications/limitations: Limitations are due to the focus on one type of full-time VET and the specific conditions in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg.
    Practical implications: Provides useful information to understand the nature of VET in a given country; insight into the limitations of full-time VET can help teachers to rethink co-operation with companies in general.
    Originality/value: Useful contribution to rethinking VET policy and to understanding limitations in the wake of an implementation of new forms of vocational learning against the background of culturally-rooted traditions.

  • Learning and Peer Effects


    The paper documents the results from an experiment on peer effects in learning processes. The experimental approach eliminates endogeneity and selection problems which typically restrict the measurement of peer effects with administrative or survey data. The results provide evidence on the mechanisms of peer interaction and on optimal learning group composition. Learning with a partner is more successful than learning without one, though differences between gender and age groups are observable. High ability students provide benefits to other high ability students. Subjects who are member in a club provide a benefit to partners who are not.

  • Im Fokus - die REGIO Bodensee : Bevölkerung, Beschäftigung und Arbeitsmarkt, ausgewählte Branchen, Verkehr, Bildung, private Ausgaben


    Die Statistikplattform Bodensee hat mit der Publikation "Im Fokus - Die REGIO Bodensee" eine grenzübergreifende Analyse der Themen Bevölkerung, Arbeitsmarkt, Verkehr, Bildung und private Ausgaben in den Bodenseeanrainerstaaten Deutschland, Schweiz, Österreich und Liechtenstein verfasst.

  • Der Übergang von der vollzeitschulischen Berufsausbildung in das Beschäftigungssystem als Herausforderung für die Berufsbildungsforschung : theoretische und empirische Zugänge zum Problem der Akzeptanz vollzeitschulisch erworbener Berufsabschlüsse


    The transition from vocational full-time schools to labour market is one of the big challenges of vocational education research an for German vocational training policy. Most of the school leavers don't find any job opportunity and choose an additional vocational education in the "dual system". The little labour market value of these vocational qualifications enforces the ongoing training market crisis.

    In order to cope with this "image problem" by promoting equivalence of full-time VET in relation to the dual apprenticeship system, the reasons for the smaller labour market value have to be outlined. The paper deals with several theories form different social sciences to explore a multiple explanation approach. From the methodological point of view the system theory serves as a framework.

  • Tuition fees and the dual income tax : the optimality of the nordic income tax system reconsidered


    We examine the optimal tax and education policy in case of a dual income tax and a publicly provided education system with endogenous tuition fees. In a Nielsen and Sørensen (1997) type OLG framework, we show that tuition fees and progressive labor taxation are (largely) equivalent instruments, even when labor supply is endogenous. Hence, there exists a large variety of Second-best optimal tax and education systems including the Nordic one. Moreover, education subsidies and progressive taxation turn out to be Siamese Twins on pure efficiency grounds.

  • Information asymmetries and securitization design


    The strong growth in collateralized debt obligation transactions raises the question how these transactions are designed. The originator designs the transaction so as to maximize her benefit subject to requirements imposed by investors and rating agencies. An important issue in these transactions is the information asymmetry between the originator and the investors. First Loss Positions are the most important instrument to mitigate conflicts due to information asymmetry. We analyse the optimal size of the First Loss Position in a model and the actual size in a set of European collateralized debt obligation transactions. We find that the asset pool quality, measured by the weighted average default probability and the diversity score of the pool, plays a predominant role for the transaction design. Characteristics of the originator
    play a small role. A lower asset pool quality induces the originator to take a higher First Loss Position and, in a synthetic transaction, a smaller Third Loss Position. The First Loss Position bears on average 86 % of the expected default losses, independent of the asset pool quality. This loss share and the asset pool quality strongly affect the rating and the credit spread of the lowest rated tranche.

  • Gorski, Michael; Krieger, Tim; Lange, Thomas (2007): Pensions, Education and Life Expectancy

    Pensions, Education and Life Expectancy


    In a two-period model with agent heterogeneity we analyze a pension reform toward a stronger link between contributions and benefits (as recently observed in several countries) in a pension system with a Bismarckian and a Beveridgian component. We show that such a policy change reduces the educational level in an economy. The life expectancy differential between skilled and unskilled individuals drives this result. Furthermore, we investigate the consequences on the intragenerational redistribution characteristics of the pension system in the sense of the number of net-recipients relative to net-payers as well as welfare effects.

  • Immigration Policy, Equilibrium Unemployment, and Underinvestment in Human Capital


    We analyse the impact of different immigration policies on human capital investment in a search-theoretic model. This class of model features unemployment and underinvestment in human capital. We show that an immigration policy aiming at well educated immigrants leads to rising educational attainment of natives and can be Pareto-improving. In combination with education subsidies, underinvestment in human capital can be removed such that a Pareto-optimal investment level of natives is reached. Including labour markets of different skill groups the model exhibits the possibility to discuss a bimodal skilled immigration.

  • Two-Dimensional Risk-Neutral Valuation Relationships for the Pricing of Options


    The Black-Scholes model is based on a one-parameter pricing kernel with constant elasticity. Theoretical and empirical results suggest declining elasticity and, hence, a pricing kernel with at least two parameters. We price European-style options on assets whose probability distributions have two unknown parameters. We assume a pricing kernel which also has two unknown parameters. When certain conditions are met, a two-dimensional risk-neutral valuation relationship exists for the pricing of these options: i.e. the relationship between the price of the option and the prices of the underlying asset and one other option on the asset is the same as it would be under risk neutrality. In this class of models, the price of the underlying asset and that of one other option take the place of the unknown parameters.

  • Rischbieter, Julia Laura (2007): Globalisierungsprozesse vor Ort : die Interdependenz von Produktion, Handel und Konsum am Beispiel „Kaffee“ zur Zeit des Kaiserreichs Comparativ : Zeitschrift für Globalgeschichte und vergleichende Gesellschaftsforschung. 2007, 17(3), pp. 28-45. ISSN 0940-3566. Available under: doi: 10.26014/j.comp.2007.03.03

    Globalisierungsprozesse vor Ort : die Interdependenz von Produktion, Handel und Konsum am Beispiel „Kaffee“ zur Zeit des Kaiserreichs



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