Presentation of the annual report of the German Council of Economic Experts (WiWi in Aktion)

Wednesday, 11. January 2023
17:00 - 18:30

A 701

Fachschaft Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Dr. Christopher Zuber

The energy crisis and high inflation are placing a heavy burden on households and businesses in Germany. The economic situation requires measures to address the energy shortage and provide relief to households and firms. These measures must be as targeted as possible and financed without putting excessive strain on public finances. Changes in the geopolitical environment require Germany to reduce the dependencies in its supply chains. Structural and demographic change have made targeted improvements in continuing education and training as well as managed labour migration indispensable. In its Annual Report 2022/23, the German Council of Economic Experts (GCEE) discusses steps to "manage the energy crisis in solidarity" and "shape the new reality." The report was presented to the German government on November 9, 2022.

Dr. Christopher Zuber is a member of the scientific staff which supports the German Council of Economic Experts. He will present the annual report as part of our series of lectures called "WiWi in Aktion" at the University of Constance.