Workshop for teachers at Hegau-Gymnasium Singen on the topic of ‘Dealing with linguistic heterogeneity’

Monday, 4. November 2024

Hegau-Gymnasium Singen

Hegau-Gymnasium Singen

Ramona Baumgartner, Saskia Braun, Prof. Dr. Theo Marinis, Simone Waitz

Pupils who speak (an)other language(s) in addition to German are not uncommon in many schools. The linguistic heterogeneity of pupils is becoming increasingly noticeable in classrooms and raises the following questions:

How can teachers deal with the linguistic heterogeneity of their pupils? How can the heritage languages be used in the classroom and how can pupils be supported linguistically?

Saskia Braun, Ramona Baumgartner, Prof Dr Theo Marinis and Simone Waitz will discuss these questions with teachers from Hegau-Gymnasium Singen. In workshops, the four members of the Centre for Multilingualism will provide an insight into current and completed research projects and discuss approaches to language support and language-sensitive subject teaching.

The training will take place as part of the pedagogical day at Hegau-Gymnasium Singen and is aimed exclusively at teachers there. If you are also interested in further training from the Centre for Multilingualism, please send an email to: