Seminar in Microeconomics -Johannes Schneider (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Donnerstag, 22. Juni 2023
11:30 bis 12:30 Uhr
TWI Kreuzlingen, Hafenstraße 6, 8280 Kreuzlingen, Schweiz
Veranstaltet von
Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Johannes Schneider (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)
Titel: Titel: Embracing the Enemy (w/ Alvaro Delgado-Vega)
We study the repeated interaction between a principal who
partially influences which agent takes the lead in the next project. The
leading agent takes an action determining how the project is completed.
Players differ in their preferences over the ideal action such that the
principal prefers an action between the agents' respective bliss points.
Agents receive a payoff from leading, but the principal is agnostic
conditional on action. We show that moderately biased principals
outperform extreme and balanced principals, and that patient principals
prefer competition between friends and enemies over having only a friend
Registration to Ms. Madeleine Hafner per E-Mail