Advanced Course (VTK): “Advanced Technologies for the Life Sciences” (from 04. Nov. - 13. Dec. 2024)

4. November bis 13. Dezember 2024

Core Facilities (Gerätezentren) Uni Konstanz

Veranstaltet von
Core Facilities (BIC, EMC, FlowKon, SequAna)

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:

WS 2024/2025: Offered by the Core Facilities (Gerätezentren) of the Department of Biology

Participating facilities

Bioimaging Center (BIC)

Electron Microscopy Center (EMC)

Flow Cytometry Facility (FlowKon)

Sequencing Analysis Core Facility (SequAna)

This Advanced Course (VTK) offers participants insight into four technologies broadly used in life science research: electron and light microscopy, flow cytometry, and next-generation sequencing.

The course aims to give students basic theoretical background and first hands-on experiences in all four technologies, make them aware of their applications, and introduce them to the working environment of research infrastructures.

- For all non-participants: In this time of the VTK, the FlowKon Facility is opened as usually. The flow cytometers can be used as usually, and sorting sessions are also still possible. Please note that requests for sorting sessions or project discussions must be made early in advance. This also applies for booking the instruments via PPMS. -