OS Reelle Geometrie und Algebra: Efficiently deciding if an ideal is toric after a linear coordinate change

Freitag, 15. November 2024
13:30 bis 15 Uhr

F 426

Veranstaltet von
Claus Scheiderer

Vortragende Person/Vortragende Personen:
Julian Vill

A prime ideal in a polynomial ring is called toric if it can be generated by binomials.
We propose an effective algorithm that decides if such a prime ideal can be transformed into a
toric ideal by a linear automorphism of the ambient space. If this is the case, the algorithm computes such a transformation
explicitly.  The algorithm can compute that all Gaussian graphical models on five vertices that are not initially toric cannot be made
toric by any linear coordinate change. The same holds for all Gaussian conditional independence ideals of undirected graphs on six vertices.