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  • The Determinants of Salary and Bonus for Rank and File Employees


    The current study integrates the repeated game approach to implicit contracts and the analysis of explicit bonus rules based on subjective performance evaluation to determine the optimal structure of the compensation scheme for the average white-collar employee. In contrast to previous contributions we assume that the agent is risk-neutral but liquidity constrained. The salary reflects the maximum reward associated with contractual compliance which can be implicitly agreed. If the probability that the employee remains within the firm increases, the principal can reduce the rent captured by the agent. Hence, the optimal salary increases and the explicit bonus decreases. Nevertheless, the optimal effort supply unambiguously increases.

  • Ammermüller, Andreas (2004): PISA : what makes the difference?

    PISA : what makes the difference?


    The huge difference in the level and variance of student performance in the 2000 PISA study between Finland and Germany motivates this paper. It analyses why Finnish students performed so much better by estimating educational production functions for both countries. The difference in the reading proficiency scores is assigned to different effects, using Oaxaca-Blinder and Juhn-Murphy-Pierce decomposition techniques. The analysis shows that German students have on average a more favorable background except for the lowest deciles, but experience much lower returns to these background characteristics in terms of test scores than Finnish students. The results imply that early streaming in Germany penalizes students in lower school types and leads to a greater inequality of educational achievement. It remains unclear, however, if this can be attributed to the effect of school types per se or student background and innate ability that determine the allocation process of students into school types. Overall, the variation in test scores can be explained much better by the observable characteristics in Germany than in Finland.

  • Evaluating the Liquidity of Stocks using Transaction Data


    In recent years a substantial amount of literature in one way or another deals with liquidity. The interest in it grows beyond the walls of the academia, as the security exchanges recognize the importance of the concept and plan to adopt unique measures of liquidity and publish them in the regular reports. But as in literature, there is still no consensus as what liquidity really means and how it should be measured, or reported, understood or predicted, as the consistent summary of what the liquidity with a meaningful quantitative comparison is practically missing. In the present paper we try to gather and categorise the existent knowledge about liquidity and estimate the measures that can help to gain an idea of the liquidity generated on the transactions level at the stock market.
    We apply the existent knowledge of liquidity to market microstructure; establish and explain the links between spreads, size of the transactions and price movements and the actual time of the trade. This paper carries out the analysis of the validity of the liquidity measures and transaction based econometric models for five stocks of different trading intensity in order to see how the trading intensity influences the ability to estimate the dynamics of the price formation, information unravelling and evaluate the accuracy of the estimated models.

  • Deißinger, Thomas; Hellwig, Silke (2004): Initiatives and Strategies to Secure Training Opportunities in the German Vocational Education and Training System Journal of adult and continuing education : JACE. 2004, 10(2), pp. 160-174. ISSN 1361-7788. eISSN 1477-9714. Available under: doi: 10.7227/JACE.10.2.6

    Initiatives and Strategies to Secure Training Opportunities in the German Vocational Education and Training System


    In Germany, the vocational education and training system has traditionally been regarded as stable and efficient and also well esteemed because it produces highly valued and nationally recognised vocational qualifications. The so-called Dual System still attracts the majority of school-leavers with non-academic aspirations or talents. However, in the past few years the Dual System has faced severe problems, and critics argue that it is in a structural crisis owing to failing operating mechanisms. Furthermore, economic factors have contributed to a critical situation in the training market, with a serious lack of training opportunities. On the other hand, the vocational full-time schools as the second major sub-system of vocational education and training in Germany, though clearly in the shadow of the Dual System, provide a mix of opportunities to achieve general or vocational qualifications.
    Against this background, vocational training policy and research alike have identified the need for reforms and a more or less substantial change of the system. Currently, four strategies are under discussion and have already been partly undertaken to provide a more reliable supply of training opportunities and to enhance the quality of vocational courses and programmes. Although one focus lies on bridging the gap between the two subs-systems, the nature of the reform debate at least partly shows parallels to reforms in anglophone countries, which seems remarkable as the system in Germany has always been reluctant to reform and less flexible and open compared to other countries.

  • Stefani, Ulrike (2004): Externe Qualitätskontrollen in schweizerischen Revisionsgesellschaften : Regulierung von aussen oder Selbstregulierung? Die Unternehmung : Swiss journal of business research and practice ; Organ der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Betriebswirtschaft (SGB). 2004, 58(2), pp. 157-175. ISSN 0042-059X

    Externe Qualitätskontrollen in schweizerischen Revisionsgesellschaften : Regulierung von aussen oder Selbstregulierung?



  • Deißinger, Thomas (2004): Apprenticeship systems in England and Germany : decline and survival GREINERT, Wolf-Dietrich, ed., Georg HANF, ed.. Towards a history of vocational education and training (VET) in Europe in a comparative perspective : Proceedings of the first international conference, October 2002, Florence ; Vol. I, the rise of national VET systems in a comparative perspective. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, 2004, pp. 28-45. Cedefop Panorama series. 103. ISSN 1562-6180. ISBN 92-896-0314-3

    Apprenticeship systems in England and Germany : decline and survival



  • Lechner, Sandra; Pohlmeier, Winfried (2004): To Blank or not to Blank? : a comparison of the effects of disclosure limitation methods in nonlinear regression estimates DOMINGO-FERRER, Josep, ed., Vicenç TORRA, ed.. Privacy in Statistical Databases. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2004, pp. 187-200. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 3050. ISBN 978-3-540-22118-0. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-540-25955-8_15

    To Blank or not to Blank? : a comparison of the effects of disclosure limitation methods in nonlinear regression estimates


    Statistical disclosure limitation is widely used by data collecting institutions to provide safe individual data. However, the choice of the disclosure limitation method severely affects the quality of the data and limit their use for empirical research. In particular, estimators for nonlinear models based on data which are masked by standard disclosure limitation techniques such as blanking or noise addition lead to inconsistent parameter estimates. This paper investigates to what extent appropriate econometric techniques can obtain parameter estimates of the true data generating process, if the data are masked by noise addition or blanking. Comparing three different estimators – calibration method, the SIMEX method and a semiparametric sample selectivity estimator – we produce Monte-Carlo evidence on how the reduction of data quality can be minimized by masking.

  • Kaas, Leo; Madden, Paul (2004): Non-existence of market-clearing wages when the output market is imperfectly competitive Economics Letters. 2004, 84(2), pp. 175-182. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2004.01.010

    Non-existence of market-clearing wages when the output market is imperfectly competitive


    In a sector in which oligopolistic firms face a sector-specific labour supply constraint, there may be no marketclearing wage. Instead, at some wages, there can be two equilibria, one with involuntary unemployment and one with unfilled vacancies.

  • Performance Differences in German Higher Education: Empirical Analysis of Strategic Groups


    Initial investments and different strategic actions of universities lead to their different positions in the higher education sector. Pursuing similar strategies leads to similar positions that influence structure and performance within the system. Institutions cannot only choose to focus on research or on teaching, but also to focus either on natural sciences or social sciences. Using 73 public universities in Germany, this paper examines the existence of strategic groups based on performance. Common strategic variables only partly determine performance in high and low efficiency groups.

  • Audretsch, David; Lehmann, Erik; Warning, Susanne (2004): University spillovers and new firm location

    University spillovers and new firm location


    This paper examines the impact of locational choice as a firm strategy to access knowledge spillovers from universities. Based on a large data set of young high-technology start-ups publicly listed in Germany, this study tests the propositions that geographic proximity to the university is shaped by different spillover mechanisms -- research and human capital -- and by different types of knowledge spillover -- natural sciences and social sciences. The results suggest that spillover mechanisms as well as spillover types are heterogeneous. In particular, the evidence suggests that new knowledge and technological-based firms have a high propensity to locate close to universities, presumably in order to access knowledge spillovers. However, the exact role that geographic proximity plays is shaped by the two factors examined in this paper -- the particular knowledge context, and the specific type of spillover mechanism.

  • Does Venture Capital Syndication Spur Employment Growth and Shareholder Value? : evidence from German IPO Data


    This study examines empirically the syndication of equity by multiple venture capitalists in Germany. Following the literature, there are mainly two competing views as to why venture capitalists syndicate investments. First, syndication can be viewed as a means of risk-sharing. Second, venture capitalists may provide important productive resources to firms, capital and information. We test hypotheses based on these two aspects. The results show that the syndication of equity and the number of venture capitalists involved cannot be fully explained by firm characteristics like size, age or industry affiliation. Although syndicated investments do not differ significantly in stock-market performance, they show significantly higher growth rates.

  • Breyer, Friedrich; Kifmann, Mathias (2004): The German Retirement Benefit Formula : Drawbacks and Alternatives FinanzArchiv. 2004, 60(1), pp. 63-82. ISSN 0015-2218. eISSN 1614-0974

    The German Retirement Benefit Formula : Drawbacks and Alternatives


    We identify several objectionable features of the German retirement benefit formula. Groups of insureds with higher than average life expectancy are subsidized by the rest of the members because the formula neglects differences in group-specific life expectancy. Moreover, undesirable long-run effects arise if the earnings ceiling is raised or mandatory membership is extended, or if life expectancy rises or the rate of population growth declines. We present three alternative formulas. In particular, a return-rate formula that rewards contributions with the internal rate of return of the pay-as-you-go pension system is superior to the current formula. This formula corresponds to the concept of ''notional defined contribution'' pensions that has been recently introduced in several countries.

  • Dimitrova, Teodora; Tchipev, Anton (2004): Globalization and Labour Markets Deregulation

    Globalization and Labour Markets Deregulation


    We present a model consistent with the stylized fact that rigid Europe has witnessed higher unemployment and a more compressed wage structure than flexible America . A distinguishing feature of the present paper is that it endogenises the labour market regulations that account for this divergent experience. We use our political economy model to investigate the policy responses to globalization, i.e. to an increase in international capital mobility. It turns out that labour market institutions are not necessarily scaled down in the course of globalization; rather, the direction of the globalization-induced policy response is determined by the relative strength of the politically active groups.

  • Might a Securities Transactions Tax Mitigate Excess Volatility? : Some Evidence From the Literature


    International financial markets are said to be excessively volatile due to destabilizing speculation and excessive market volume. Transactions taxes might help. From studying the literature we conclude that there must be an optimal market liquidity, which minimizes excess volatility. There are two effects when imposing a transactions tax. Both reduce excess volatility in highly speculative markets when tax rates are small. The total tax effect then is unambiguous. However, in illiquid markets the tax might raise volatility.

  • Convergence of a high-order compact finite difference scheme for a nonlinear Black-Schools equation


    A high-order compact finite difference scheme for a fully nonlinear parabolic differential equation is analyzed. The equation arises in the modeling of option prices in financial markets with transaction costs. It is shown that the finite difference solution converges locally uniformly to the unique viscosity solution of the continuous equation. The proof is based on a careful study of the discretization matrices and on an abstract convergence result due to Barles and Souganides.

  • Are US wages really determined by European Labor Market Institutions?


    This paper integrates institutionally determined wage rigidities into an otherwise standard Heckscher Ohlin model of international trade. It accounts for individual heterogeneities with respect to innate abilities and analyses their implications for individual wage incomes and for individual decisions about acquiring education. The model provides a foundation for the conjectures the development of wages and unemployment rates derived from comparative cross country studies that do not consistently account for the global general equilibrium links affecting factor prices. It does not support the view that global equilibrium links cause US wages to be determined by European wage rigidities or insulate the US economy from exogenous labor supply shocks.

  • Political Repression and Child Labor: Theory and Empirical Evidence


    Most normative studies on child labor arrive at the conclusion that child labor is detrimental to social welfare. Child labor is, however, still prevalent in many developing countries even though in many of these countries it is forbidden by law. In this paper we develop a political-economic model that explains lenient enforcement of existing child labor legislation. The most important implication of our model is that in countries with repressive political regimes enforcement is more lenient and child labor thus more prevalent than in countries enjoying political freedom. We test this implication and find that it is confirmed by the data.

  • Fehr, Ernst; Fischbacher, Urs (2003): The nature of human altruism Nature. 2003, 425(6960), pp. 785-791. ISSN 0028-0836. eISSN 1476-4687. Available under: doi: 10.1038/nature02043

    The nature of human altruism


    Some of the most fundamental questions concerning our evolutionary origins, our social relations, and the organization of society are centred around issues of altruism and selfishness. Experimental evidence indicates that human altruism is a powerful force and is unique in the animal world. However, there is much individual heterogeneity and the interaction between altruists and selfish individuals is vital to human cooperation. Depending on the environment, a minority of altruists can force a majority of selfish individuals to cooperate or, conversely, a few egoists can induce a large number of altruists to defect. Current gene-based evolutionary theories cannot explain important patterns of human altruism, pointing towards the importance of both theories of cultural evolution as well as gene–culture co-evolution.

  • Breyer, Friedrich; Heineck, Martin; Lorenz, Normann (2003): Determinants of health care utilization by German sickness fund members - with application to risk adjustment Health Economics. 2003, 12(5), pp. 367-376. ISSN 1057-9230. Available under: doi: 10.1002/hec.757

    Determinants of health care utilization by German sickness fund members - with application to risk adjustment


    In many countries, social health insurance systems are being reformed in favor of more competition among insurers, while premiums are community rated by regulation. The implicit incentives for insurers to engage in risk selection can only be curtailed using appropriate systems of risk-adjusted equalization payments among insurers. To develop these systems, predictors of individual utilization patterns have to be identified, e.g. via regression analysis using previous utilization data. In some countries such as Germany, such data are hardly ever available. In the early nineties, a number of sickness funds participated in an experiment in which individual utilization data were collected. Our data set covers more than 70 000 members of company sickness funds over a 5-year period. We analyze socio-demographic determinants of utilization which could be used as risk adjusters in a risk equalization scheme. Our results suggest that besides age and sex, the set of risk adjusters should include income, family status and a dummy for the last year of life.

  • Falk, Armin; Fehr, Ernst; Fischbacher, Urs (2003): Reasons for Conflict : Lessons from Bargaining Experiments Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics : JITE. 2003, 159(1), pp. 171-187. ISSN 0932-4569. eISSN 1614-0559. Available under: doi: 10.1628/0932456032974925

    Reasons for Conflict : Lessons from Bargaining Experiments


    In this paper we experimentally study the effects of fairness, spite, and reputation formation on conflict. We show that fairness preferences are a potential source of conflict and that intentions play an important role in the perception of fairness. Further, we show that feelings of spite may affect the occurrence of conflict. Finally, we study reputation formation as a possible source of conflict. We show that people invest in a reputation of being a tough bargainer. This does not automatically increase conflict, however. The reason is that through reputation, information about one's opponent is much better than in anonymous bargaining.

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