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  • Breyer, Friedrich; Von der Schulenburg, J.-Matthias (1990): Family ties and social security in a democracy Public Choice. 1990, 67(2), pp. 155-167. ISSN 0048-5829. eISSN 1573-7101. Available under: doi: 10.1007/BF00714396

    Family ties and social security in a democracy



    dc.contributor.author: Von der Schulenburg, J.-Matthias

  • Breyer, Friedrich (1990): Can reallocation of rights help to avoid the Paretian Liberal Paradox? Public Choice. 1990, 65(3), pp. 267-271. ISSN 0048-5829. eISSN 1573-7101. Available under: doi: 10.1007/BF00204950

    Can reallocation of rights help to avoid the Paretian Liberal Paradox?



  • Breyer, Friedrich (1990): Das Äquivalenzprinzip in der Rentenversicherung aus wohlfahrtsökonomischer Sicht FinanzArchiv. 1990, 48(1), pp. 127-142. ISSN 0015-2218. eISSN 1614-0974

    Das Äquivalenzprinzip in der Rentenversicherung aus wohlfahrtsökonomischer Sicht



  • Pohlmeier, Winfried (1990): Contract theory and involuntary underemployment : A Review : Comment KÖNIG, Heinz, ed.. Economics of wage determination. Berlin [u.a.]: Springer, 1990, pp. 193-194. ISBN 3-540-52324-3

    Contract theory and involuntary underemployment : A Review : Comment



  • Ökonomische Perspektiven der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands



  • Entorf, Horst; Pohlmeier, Winfried (1990): Innovation, employment and export activity : evidence from firm-level data FLORENS, Jean-Pierre, ed. and others. Microeconometrics : surveys and Applications. Oxford: Blackwell, 1990, pp. 394-415. ISBN 0-631-16965-2

    Innovation, employment and export activity : evidence from firm-level data



    dc.contributor.author: Entorf, Horst

  • König, Heinz; Pohlmeier, Winfried (1990): Innovationen auf Märkten mit asymmetrischem Verhalten GAHLEN, Bernhard, ed.. Marktstruktur und gesamtwirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1990, pp. 295-309. Studies in Contemporary Economics. ISBN 978-3-540-52357-4. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-84141-5_13

    Innovationen auf Märkten mit asymmetrischem Verhalten



    dc.contributor.author: König, Heinz

  • Pohlmeier, Winfried (1989): Worksharing and employment in Germany / from Prof. Dr. Jennifer Hunt : [Comments to the article] STIFTUNG DEUTSCH-AMERIKANISCHES AKADEMISCHES KONZIL, , ed., ZENTRUM FÜR EUROPÄISCHE WIRTSCHAFTSFORSCHUNG (ZEW), ed.. Arbeitsmärkte in den USA und Deutschland : Bonn, 10 - 11 June 1997 = Labor markets in the USA and Germany. Bonn [u.a.]: DAAK, 1989, pp. 377-381. Stiftung Deutsch-Amerikanisches Akademisches Konzil...Öffentliches DAAK-Symposium. 3

    Worksharing and employment in Germany / from Prof. Dr. Jennifer Hunt : [Comments to the article]



  • Breyer, Friedrich (1989): On the intergenerational pareto efficiency of pay-as-you-go financed pension systems Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics (JITE). 1989, 145(4), pp. 643-658

    On the intergenerational pareto efficiency of pay-as-you-go financed pension systems


    When a pay-as-you-go financed public pension system is replaced by a funded system or by private savings, it is generally impossible to compensate the pensioners in the transition generation for the loss incurred without making at least one later generation worse off. This is shown in a standard one-sector overlapping-generations model, both for a "small" open and for a closed economy. Our findings imply that the choice between financing methods for social security can not be reduced to the intergenerational Pareto-criterion but necessarily involves distributional conflicts among generations.

  • König, Heinz; Pohlmeier, Winfried (1989): Worksharing and factor prices : a comparison of three flexible functional forms for nonlinear cost schemes Journal of institutional and theoretical economics : JITE. 1989, 145(2), pp. 343-357

    Worksharing and factor prices : a comparison of three flexible functional forms for nonlinear cost schemes


    The principal objective of this paper is to investigate the effects of changes in standard working hours and relative factor prices on the demand for workers, average hours worked and capital input. As opposed to neoclassical testbook models which treat hours and the number of persons employed as homogeneous input factors with equal elasticities of production and the same factor prices, a demand system is derived accounting for the technological difference between hours and workers as well as for the nonlinearity of the labor cost scheme. The "nonlinear" system can be expressed in terms of the standard linear system. This approach yields a simple test with respect to the second order conditions. An econometric factor demand system for employment, average hours worked and capital input generated by a nonlinear labor cost scheme is estimated on the basis of three flexible functional forms: the translog, the generalized Leontief and the generalized Cobb-Douglas system. In general, the estimates show that employment and hours are complements. A reduction of standard hours as well as the taxation of overtime work does not seem to be the appropriate policy to increase employment. The results are independent of the estimation procedure and the functional form chosen.

  • Simultane Probit- und Tobitmodelle : Theorie und Anwendungen auf Fragen der Innovationsökonomik



  • Pohlmeier, Winfried; König, Heinz (1988): A dynamic model of labour utilization HART, Robert A., ed.. Employment, unemployment and labor utilization ; [ proceedings of a conference held at the Science Center Berlin in September 1986. Boston [u.a.]: Unwin Hyman, 1988, pp. 112-125. ISBN 978-0-04-445120-4

    A dynamic model of labour utilization



    dc.contributor.author: König, Heinz

  • König, Heinz; Pohlmeier, Winfried (1988): Employment, labour utilization and procyclical labour productivity Kyklos. 1988, 41(4), pp. 551-572. ISSN 0023-5962. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6435.1988.tb02730.x

    Employment, labour utilization and procyclical labour productivity



    dc.contributor.author: König, Heinz

  • Entorf, Horst; Krader, Wolfgang; Pohlmeier, Winfried (1988): Entscheidungen über Innovation, Beschäftigung und Außenhandel : Empirische Ergebnisse eines simultanen Probitansatzes KRÄGER, Horst, ed.. Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung : Heinz König zum 60. Geburtstag. Frankfurt /Main: Campus, 1988, pp. 27-48. ISBN 3-593-33901-3

    Entscheidungen über Innovation, Beschäftigung und Außenhandel : Empirische Ergebnisse eines simultanen Probitansatzes



    dc.contributor.author: Entorf, Horst; Krader, Wolfgang

  • Pohlmeier, Winfried (1988): Die Schätzung simultaner Tobitmodelle mit marginalen Maximum-Likelihood-Schätzverfahren KRÄGER, Horst, ed.. Empirische Wirtschaftsforschung : Heinz König zum 60. Geburtstag. Frankfurt /Main: Campus, 1988, pp. 1-26. ISBN 3-593-33901-3

    Die Schätzung simultaner Tobitmodelle mit marginalen Maximum-Likelihood-Schätzverfahren



  • Breyer, Friedrich (1987): The “homothetic” firm in illyria : Comment Journal of Comparative Economics. 1987, 11(4), pp. 603-605. ISSN 0147-5967. eISSN 1095-7227. Available under: doi: 10.1016/0147-5967(87)90080-1

    The “homothetic” firm in illyria : Comment



  • Breyer, Friedrich; Von der Schulenburg, J.-Matthias (1987): Voting on Social Security : The Family as Decision-Making Unit Kyklos. 1987, 40(4), pp. 529-547. ISSN 0023-5962. eISSN 1467-6435. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1467-6435.1987.tb00788.x

    Voting on Social Security : The Family as Decision-Making Unit


    In periods of demographic change, pay-as-you-go financed social security systems imply transfers of lifetime income not only among generational cohorts, but also between families of different size and generational composition. Whereas previous models of voting on social security in democratic societies focused on the first type of transfer and assumed homogeneity of interests within each generation, we treat the family as the relevant decision-making unit. It is then analyzed how the results of majority voting on public pension and sickness funds depend on the rate of time preference, the overall rate of population growth and the distribution of children across families. Not surprisingly, opposition to mandatory social security turns out to be greatest when children are most unevenly distributed.

  • Breyer, Friedrich (1987): The specification of a hospital cost function : A comment on the recent literature Journal of Health Economics. 1987, 6(2), pp. 147-157. ISSN 0167-6296. eISSN 1879-1646. Available under: doi: 10.1016/0167-6296(87)90004-X

    The specification of a hospital cost function : A comment on the recent literature


    In the empirical estimation of hospital cost functions, two radically different types of specifications have been chosen to date, ad-hoc forms and flexible functional forms based on neoclassical production theory. This paper discusses the respective strengths and weaknesses of both approaches and emphasizes the apparently unreconcilable conflict between the goals of maintaining functional flexibility and keeping the number of variables manageable if at the same time patient heterogeneity is to be adequately reflected in the case mix variables. A new specification is proposed which strikes a compromise between these goals, and the underlying assumptions are discussed critically.

  • Liberalisierung des japanischen Kapitalmarktes und japanisches Bankmanagement



    dc.contributor.author: Yamamura, Masayuki

  • König, Heinz; Pohlmeier, Winfried (1987): Arbeitszeit und Beschäftigung : eine ökonometrische Studie BOMBACH, Gottfried, ed. and others. Arbeitsmärkte und Beschäftigung : Fakten, Analysen, Perspektiven ; [Ottobeurener wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminar zum Thema "Arbeitsmärkte und Beschäftigung - Fakten, Analysen, Perspektiven" vom 22. bis 26. September 1986]. Tübingen: Mohr, 1987, pp. 69-89. Schriftenreihe des Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Seminars Ottobeuren. 16. ISBN 3-16-345285-X

    Arbeitszeit und Beschäftigung : eine ökonometrische Studie



    dc.contributor.author: König, Heinz

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