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20 / 2459
  • Estimating Stable Factor Models By Indirect Inference


    Financial returns exhibit common behavior described at best by factor models, but also fat tails, which may be captured by α-stable distributions. This paper concentrates on estimating factor models with multivariate α-stable distributed and independent factors and idiosyncratic noises under the assumption of time constant distribution (static factor models) or time-varying conditional distribution (GARCH factor models). While the simulation from such a distribution is straightforward, the estimation encounters difficulties. These difficulties are overcome in this paper by implementing the indirect inference estimation method with the multivariate Studentâ s t as the auxiliary distribution.

  • Pivotality and Responsibility Attribution in Sequential Voting


    Are people blamed for being pivotal if they implement an unpopular outcome in a sequential voting process? We conduct an experimental voting game and analyze how pivotality affects responsibility attribution by parties who can be negatively affected by the voting outcome. We measure responsibility attribution by assigned punishment points and find that pivotal decision makers are blamed significantly more than non-pivotal decision makers. Moreover, we find that some voters avoid being pivotal by voting strategically to delegate the pivotal vote to subsequent decision makers.

  • Fischer, Marcel; Steininger, Bertram I. (2014): The tradeoff between mutual fund and direct stock investments : a theoretical analysis involving different types of investors Review of Managerial Science. 2014, 8(2), pp. 197-224. ISSN 1863-6683. eISSN 1863-6691. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11846-013-0101-9

    The tradeoff between mutual fund and direct stock investments : a theoretical analysis involving different types of investors


    We study the tradeoff between direct and indirect stock investments through equity mutual funds for a utility-maximizing investor. Whereas direct investments impose higher transaction costs on the formation of a well-diversified portfolio, mutual funds charge fees for their services. Our results show that the fee levels that make private investors indifferent between direct and indirect stock investments vary heavily according to risk aversion, the amounts invested, correlations between assets, transaction costs, and the length of investment horizon. In particular, our results suggest that for a wide range of actively managed mutual funds, the fees charged are too high for these mutual funds to appeal to a wide range of informed investors. However, accounting for search costs, such as costs for financial advice, can facilitate an understanding of the levels of management fees charged by mutual funds existing in the market.

  • Three Essays on Audit Regulation, Audit Market Structure, and the Quality of Financial Statements


    The dissertation "Three Essays on Audit Regulation, Audit Market Structure, and the Quality of Financial Statements" is a collection of three research papers written during my doctoral studies at the University of Konstanz between May 2009 and April 2014. All three studies cover the main topic auditing and are empirical analysis. The main focus of the first two studies is on audit regulation, whereas the third study deals with former audit firm employees.
    The thesis is organized as follows: The study in Chapter 1, Audit Market Regulation and Supplier Concentration around the World: Empirical Evidence, analyses the connection between audit regulations and the structure of the national audit markets.
    Chapter 2, Audit Market Regulation and Earnings Characteristics: Cross-Country Evidence on the Role of the Audit Market Structure, contains the investigation of the effect of audit regulations on the financial reporting quality.
    The study in Chapter 3, The Effect of the Appointment of Former Audit Firm Employees to the Board of Directors on the Quality of the Financial Reporting, analyses changes of the audit fees and the discretionary accruals following the appointment of a former audit firm employee to the board of directors.

  • Greenwood, Jeremy; Guner, Nezih; Kocharkov, Georgi; Santos, Cezar (2014): Marry Your Like : Assortative Mating and Income Inequality

    Marry Your Like : Assortative Mating and Income Inequality


    Has there been an increase in positive assortative mating? Does assortative mating contribute to household income inequality? Data from the United States Census Bureau suggests there has been a rise in assortative mating. Additionally, assortative mating a¤ects household income inequality. In particular, if matching in 2005 between husbands and wives had been random, instead of the pattern observed in the data, then the Gini coe¢ cient would have fallen from the observed 0.43 to 0.34, so that income inequality would be smaller. Thus, assortative mating is important for income inequality. The high level of married female labor-force participation in 2005 is important for this result.

  • Essays in the Economics of Obesity and Diabetes Prevention

  • Macroeconomic Interdependencies During Financial Crises



  • Breyer, Friedrich (2014): Rente mit 63 : Weder nachhaltig noch sozial Wirtschaftsdienst. 2014, 94(2), pp. 84. ISSN 0043-6275. eISSN 1613-978X. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s10273-014-1631-8

    Rente mit 63 : Weder nachhaltig noch sozial



  • Forsblom, Lara; Negrini, Lucio; Gurtner, Jean-Luc; Schumann, Stephan (2014): Lehrvertragsauflösungen und die Rolle der betrieblichen Auswahl von Auszubildenden JÜRGEN SEIFRIED ..., , ed.. Jahrbuch der berufs- und wirtschaftspädagogischen Forschung 2014. Opladen [u.a.]: Barbara Budrich, 2014, pp. 187-198. ISBN 978-3-8474-0164-3. Available under: doi: 10.3224/84740164

    Lehrvertragsauflösungen und die Rolle der betrieblichen Auswahl von Auszubildenden



    dc.contributor.author: Gurtner, Jean-Luc

  • Breyer, Friedrich (2014): Pkw-Maut : Was wäre EU-konform? Wirtschaftsdienst. 2014, 94(8), pp. 532. ISSN 0043-6275. eISSN 1613-978X. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s10273-014-1711-9

    Pkw-Maut : Was wäre EU-konform?



  • Fehrler, Sebastian; Kosfeld, Michael (2014): Pro-social missions and worker motivation : an experimental study Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2014, 100, pp. 99-110. ISSN 0167-2681. eISSN 1879-1751. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2014.01.010

    Pro-social missions and worker motivation : an experimental study


    Do employees work harder if their job has the right mission? In a laboratory labor market experiment, we test whether subjects provide higher effort if they can choose the mission of their job. We observe that subjects do not provide higher effort than in a control treatment. Surprised by this finding, we run a second experiment in which subjects can choose whether they want to work on a job with their preferred mission or not. A subgroup of agents (roughly one third) is willing to do so even if this option is more costly than choosing the alternative job. Moreover, we find that these subjects provide substantially higher effort. These results suggest that some workers can be motivated by missions and that selection into mission-oriented organizations is an important factor to explain empirical findings of lower wages and high motivation in these organizations.

  • Three Essays on the Econometrics of Survey Expectations Data


    This dissertation consists of three essays that have a common focus on the econometrics of survey expectations data. Such data play a crucial role in economics. First, as most decisions depend on expectations, these data facilitate a better understanding of economic dynamics. Second, survey data provide information that is otherwise unavailable, e.g. the economic expectations of professional forecasters or firms' hiring, investment and production activities. This thesis contributes to the relevant literature by considering novel aspects in the measurement of expectations, and by proposing a new approach to exploit survey expectations data in forecasting.

  • Pivotality and Responsibility Attribution in Sequential Voting


    Are people blamed for being pivotal if they implement an unpopular outcome in a sequential voting process? We conduct an experimental voting game and analyze how pivotality affects responsibility attribution by parties who can be negatively affected by the voting outcome. We measure responsibility attribution by assigned punishment points and find that pivotal decision makers are blamed significantly more than non-pivotal decision makers. Moreover, we find that some voters avoid being pivotal by voting strategically to delegate the pivotal vote to subsequent decision makers.

  • Teulings, Coen N.; Zubanov, Nick (2014): Is economic recovery a myth? : Robust estimation of impulse responses Journal of Applied Econometrics. 2014, 29(3), pp. 497-514. ISSN 0883-7252. eISSN 1099-1255. Available under: doi: 10.1002/jae.2333

    Is economic recovery a myth? : Robust estimation of impulse responses


    We estimate the impulse response function (IRF) of GDP to a banking crisis using an extension of the local projections method. We demonstrate that, though robust to misspecifications of the data-generating process, this method suffers from a hitherto unnoticed bias which increases with the forecast horizon. We propose a correction to this bias and show through simulations that it works well. Applying our corrected local projections estimator to the data from a panel of 99 countries observed between 1974 and 2001, we find that an average banking crisis yields a GDP loss of just under 10% in 10 years, with little sign of recovery. Like the original local projections method, our extension of it is widely applicable.

  • Effects of Obesity and Physical Activity on Health Care Utilization and Costs


    The study analyses the combined influence of obesity and lifestyle behaviors on health care utilization and health care costs. Therefore I analyze the interaction of obesity, nutrition and physical activity based on a community level dataset from a German city. In addition to the expected convex effects of age and chronic diseases for utilization, the results indicate that BMI and physical inactivity have an independent influence on G.P. visits as well as for hospitalization. The key finding of the cost analysis is that health care costs increase in consequence of a completely sedentary lifestyle by 505 € independent of the individual’s BMI level. The results also confirm that compared to individuals of normal weight, the medical costs of the group of overweight people (by 377 €) and the group of obese people (by 565 €) are significantly increased. Even without significant weight reductions public programs against a sedentary lifestyle can be a way to reduce health care spending, and thus a sole focus on weight reduction might underestimate the additional benefits of changes in lifestyle behaviors.

  • Franke, Günter; Krahnen, Jan; von Lüpke, Thomas (2014): Effective Resolution of Banks : Problems and Solutions Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Rechtswissenschaft. 2014, 113(4), pp. 556-569. ISSN 0044-3638

    Effective Resolution of Banks : Problems and Solutions


    This essay reviews a cornerstone of the European Banking Union project, the resolution of systemically important banks. The focus is on the inherent conflict between a possible intervention by resolution authorities, conditional on a crisis situation, and effective prevention prior to a crisis. Moreover, the paper discusses the rules for bail-in debt and conversion rules for different layers of debt. Finally, some organizational requirements to achieve effective resolution results will be analyzed.

  • Three Essays on Hedge Fund Risk Taking, Hedge Fund Herding, and Audit Experts



  • Three Essays on Executive Compensation


    This dissertation is a collection of three research papers about executive compensation, which were written between 2009 and 2013 at the University of Konstanz. The first paper, "Executive Compensation and Firm Performance in Germany", analyzes executive compensation in German firms. Since there is no publicly available compensation database for German firms, the analysis is based on hand-picked compensation data from annual reports. The paper presents empirical evidence that German executive compensation is related to accounting performance during the period 2005-2009, but not to stock market performance. The second paper, "Which Pay for what Performance? Evidence from Executive Compensation in Germany and the United States", compares German executive compensation with compensation practices in the United States. It shows that there are differences in pay-performance sensitivities and the use of performance measures, and relates them to differences in corporate control between the two jurisdictions. The third paper, "Profit Sharing with Executives", analyzes the fraction of earnings firms spent on executive compensation. This fraction differs substantially between firms and industries. The analysis shows that several firm characteristics, but also measures of managerial power determine the fraction of earnings dedicated to top management compensation.

  • Inference in VARs with Conditional Heteroskedasticity of Unknown Form


    We derive a framework for asymptotically valid inference in stable vector autoregressive (VAR) models with conditional heteroskedasticity of unknown form. We prove a joint central limit theorem for the VAR slope parameter and innovation covariance parameter estimators and address bootstrap inference as well. Our results are important for correct inference on VAR statistics that depend both on the VAR slope and the variance parameters as e.g. in structural impulse response functions (IRFs). We also show that wild and pairwise bootstrap schemes fail in the presence of conditional heteroskedasticity if inference on (functions) of the unconditional variance parameters is of interest because they do not correctly replicate the relevant fourth moments' structure of the error terms. In contrast, the residual-based moving block bootstrap results in asymptotically valid inference. We illustrate the practical implications of our theoretical results by providing simulation evidence on the finite sample properties of different inference methods for IRFs. Our results point out that estimation uncertainty may increase dramatically in the presence of conditional heteroskedasticity. Moreover, most inference methods are likely to understate the true estimation uncertainty substantially in finite samples.

  • Greenwood, Jeremy; Guner, Nezih; Kocharkov, Georgi; Santos, Cezar (2014): Marry Your Like : Assortative Mating and Income Inequality American Economic Review. 2014, 104(5), pp. 348-353. ISSN 0002-8282. eISSN 1944-7981. Available under: doi: 10.1257/aer.104.5.348

    Marry Your Like : Assortative Mating and Income Inequality


    Has there been an increase in positive assortative mating? Does assortative mating contribute to household income inequality? Data from the United States Census Bureau suggests there has been a rise in assortative mating. Additionally, assortative mating affects household income inequality. In particular, if matching in 2005 between husbands and wives had been random, instead of the pattern observed in the data, then the Gini coefficient would have fallen from the observed 0.43 to 0.34, so that income inequality would be smaller. Thus, assortative mating is important for income inequality. The high level of married female labor-force participation in 2005 is important for this result.

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