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20 / 2459
  • Endogenous Credit Limits with Small Default Costs


    We analyze an exchange economy of unsecured credit where borrowers have the option to declare bankruptcy in which case they are temporarily excluded from financial markets. Endogenous credit limits are imposed that are just tight enough to prevent default. Economies with temporary exclusion differ from their permanent exclusion counterparts in two important properties. If households are extremely patient, then the first–best allocation is an equilibrium in the latter economies but not necessarily in the former. In addition, temporary exclusion permits multiple stationary equilibria, with both complete and with incomplete consumption smoothing.

  • Wage Floors, Imperfect Performance Measures, and Optimal Job Design


    We analyze the effects of wage floors on optimal job design in a moral-hazard model with asymmetric tasks and imperfect aggregate performance measurement. Due to cost advantages of specialization, assigning the tasks to different agents is efficient. A sufficiently high wage floor, however, induces the principal to dismiss one agent or to even exclude tasks from the production process. Imperfect performance measurement always lowers profit under multitasking, but may increase profit under specialization. We further show that variations in the wage floor and the agents' reservation utility have significantly different effects on welfare and optimal job design.

  • Schumann, Stephan; Oepke, Maren; Eberle, Franz (2012): Referenzgruppeneffekte auf die Lernmotivation in den Fächern Mathematik und Biologie an Schweizer Gymnasien (VARIA) Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften. 2012, 34(3), pp. 575-594. ISSN 1424-3946

    Referenzgruppeneffekte auf die Lernmotivation in den Fächern Mathematik und Biologie an Schweizer Gymnasien (VARIA)


    In der im Querschnitt angelegten Studie werden Referenzgruppeneffekte auf vier Facetten der Lernmotivation in den Fächern Mathematik und Biologie an Deutschschweizer Gymnasien mittels Mehrebenenanalysen untersucht (N = 2‘426). In Mathematik können für die intrinsische Motivation, das Interesse und die Leistungsmotivation Wirkungen auf Klassenebene nachgewiesen werden, in Biologie hingegen nur für letztere. Für die langfristig-instrumentelle Motivation kann kein solcher Fischteich-Effekt identifiziert werden. Weiterhin zeigt sich für das Fach Mathematik, dass die Effekte für die Facetten der Lernmotivation unterschiedlich stark ausfallen. Die Ergebnisse sprechen somit sowohl im Hinblick auf die Domäne als auch bezüglich der Facetten der Lernmotivation für eine differentielle Betrachtungsweise. Theoretische Implikationen werden diskutiert.

  • Der Kundenwert als Instrument einer integrierten Vertriebssteuerung in der Automobilindustrie



    dc.contributor.author: Berger, Thomas Michael

  • On the Nature of Reciprocity : Evidence from the Ultimatum Reciprocity Measure


    We experimentally show that current models of reciprocity are incomplete in a systematic way using a new variant of the ultimatum game that provides second-movers with a marginal-cost-free punishment option. For a substantial proportion of the population, the degree of first-mover unkindness determines the severity of punishment actions even when marginal costs are absent. The proportion of these participants strongly depends on a treatment variation: higher fixed costs of punishment more frequently lead to extreme responses. The fractions of purely selfish and inequity-averse participants are small and stable. Among the variety of reciprocity models, only one accommodates (rather than predicts) parts of our findings. We discuss ways of incorporating our findings into the existing models.

  • On the optimal size of committees of experts


    What is the optimal size of expert committees? To address this question, I present a model of a committee of experts with career concerns. Each expert may observe an argument about the state of the world but be unsure about the argument's soundness. Experts may remain silent or compete for the opportunity to announce an argument. I show that experts become more reluctant to speak in larger committees. This effect is sufficiently strong to make small groups of experts optimal. At the same time, a small committee may be superior to an individual expert.

  • Technology and the Changing Family : A Unified Model of Marriage, Divorce, Educational Attainment and Married Female Labor-Force Participation


    Marriage has declined since 1960, with the drop being bigger for non-college educated individuals versus college educated ones. Divorce has increased, more so for the non-college educated vis-à-vis the college educated. Additionally, assortative mating has risen; i.e., people are more likely to marry someone of the same educational level today than in the past. A unified model of marriage, divorce, educational attainment and married female labor force participation is developed and estimated to fit the postwar U.S. data. The role of technological progress in the household sector and shifts in the wage structure for explaining these facts is gauged.

  • Naïve Responses to Kind Delegation


    People do not like to delegate the distribution of favors. To explain this reluctance we disentangle reward motives in an experiment, in which an investor can directly transfer money to a trustee or delegate this decision to another investor. Varying the transfer values of investor and delegate, we find that the trustee’s rewards follow a rather simple pattern. In all situations, both investors are rewarded, but the person who ultimately decides gets a higher reward. Unlike studies on the punishment of delegated unkind decisions our results do not reveal sophisticated reward behavior that takes the responsibility of people into account.

  • Steinmayr, Andreas; Felfe, Christina; Lechner, Michael (2011): The closer the sportier? : Children’s sports activity and their distance to sports facilities European Review of Aging and Physical Activity. Springer. 2011, 8(2), pp. 67-82. ISSN 1813-7253. eISSN 1861-6909. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11556-011-0090-0

    The closer the sportier? : Children’s sports activity and their distance to sports facilities


    We investigate whether the distance between the next sports facilities and children’s homes matter for their sports activities inside and outside of sports clubs. Our analysis is based on a large and informative cross-section of individual data on children and their families, the so-called German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents data. We use a semiparametric econometric method to investigate this relationship empirically. Our results suggest that while the distance does not matter in larger towns and cities, it does matter in smaller towns and in particular on the countryside.

  • Integration durch Bildung : Doppelte Benachteiligung von Zuwandererkindern



    dc.contributor.author: Lüdemann, Elke

  • Cooray, Arusha; Potrafke, Niklas (2011): Gender inequality in education : Political institutions or culture and religion? European Journal of Political Economy. Elsevier. 2011, 27(2), pp. 268-280. ISSN 0176-2680. eISSN 1873-5703. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2010.08.004

    Gender inequality in education : Political institutions or culture and religion?


    We investigate empirically whether political institutions or culture and religion underlie gender inequality in education. The dataset contains up to 157 countries over the 1991–2006 period. The results indicate that political institutions do not significantly influence education of girls: autocratic regimes do not discriminate against girls in denying educational opportunities and democracies do not discriminate by gender when providing educational opportunities. The primary influence on gender inequality in education is through culture and religion. Discrimination against girls is especially pronounced in Muslim dominated countries.

  • Niemann, Stefan (2011): Dynamic monetary : fiscal interactions and the role of monetary conservatism Journal of Monetary Economics. Elsevier. 2011, 58(3), pp. 234-247. ISSN 0304-3932. eISSN 1873-1295. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jmoneco.2011.03.008

    Dynamic monetary : fiscal interactions and the role of monetary conservatism


    Assuming that macroeconomic policies are directed by distinct monetary and fiscal policy makers who cannot commit to future actions, we reassess the implications of monetary conservatism and fiscal impatience in a setting with nominal government debt. For environments where a non-negative steady state level of government debt (assets) emerges in the absence of conservatism and impatience, monetary conservatism induces accumulation of a higher stock of liabilities (assets) and has adverse (positive) welfare implications. This result obtains irrespectively of the degree of fiscal impatience and questions the unambiguous desirability of monetary conservatism traditionally found in the literature.

  • Bjørnskov, Christian; Potrafke, Niklas (2011): Politics and privatization in Central and Eastern Europe : A panel data analysis Economics of Transition. Wiley-Blackwell. 2011, 19(2), pp. 201-230. ISSN 0967-0750. eISSN 1468-0351. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0351.2010.00404.x

    Politics and privatization in Central and Eastern Europe : A panel data analysis


    This article examines how government ideology influenced privatization efforts in Central and Eastern Europe after the transition from socialism. We analyse a dataset of privatization indicators covering small‐ and large‐scale industries in 19 transition countries over the period 1990–2007 and introduce a government ideology index. The results suggest that market‐oriented governments promoted the privatization of small‐scale industries more than that of large‐scale ones. In the rapid transition process in the early 1990s, leftist governments stuck to public ownership more strongly than in the following period from the mid‐1990s to 2007. The remarkable differences between leftist and right‐wing governments concerning both the role of government in the economy and the basic elements of political order are in line with developments in OECD countries, and may also hold further implications for transition and democratizing countries outside Central and Eastern Europe.

  • Potrafke, Niklas (2011): Public Expenditures on Education and Cultural Affairs in the West German States : Does Government Ideology Influence the Budget Composition? German Economic Review. De Gruyter. 2011, 12(1), pp. 124-145. ISSN 1465-6485. eISSN 1468-0475. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0475.2010.00507.x

    Public Expenditures on Education and Cultural Affairs in the West German States : Does Government Ideology Influence the Budget Composition?


    This paper examines whether government ideology influenced the allocation of public expenditures on education and cultural affairs in the West German states in the 1974-2006 period. I explicitly consider the allocation of policy responsibilities between the federal and the states’ governments. The results suggest that leftist governments slightly increased public spending for schooling, whereas right wing governments spent somewhat more on universities and cultural affairs. This spending pattern appears to be in line with the preferences of the governing parties’ constituencies and indicates political competition in a time of declining electoral cohesion.

  • Disagreement, Uncertainty and the True Predictive Density


    This paper generalizes the discussion about disagreement versus uncertainty in macroeconomic survey data by emphasizing the importance of the (unknown) true predictive density. Using a forecast combination approach, we ask whether cross sections of survey point forecasts help to approximate the true predictive density. We find that although these cross-sections perform poorly individually, their inclusion into combined predictive densities can significantly improve upon densities relying solely on time series information.

  • Evidence of Competition in Research Activity among Economic Department using Spatial Econometric Techniques


    Despite the prevalence of both competitive forces and patterns of collaboration within academic communities, studies on research productivity generally treat universities as independent entities. By exploring the research productivity of all academic economists employed at 81 universities and 17 economic research institutes in Austria, Germany, and German-speaking Switzerland, this study determines whether a research unit’s productivity depends on that of neighboring research units. The significant negative relationship that is found implies competition for priority of discovery among individual researchers, as well as the universities and research institutes that employ them. In addition, the empirical results support the hypotheses that collaboration and the existence of economies of scale increase research productivity.

  • Hochholdinger, Sabine; Beinicke, Andrea (2011): Evaluation betrieblichen E-Learnings : Methoden und Befunde HOHENSTEIN, Andreas, ed. and others. Handbuch E-Learning : Expertenwissen aus Wissenschaft und Praxis; [Strategien, Instrumente, Fallstudien] [39. Erg.-Lfg.]. Köln: Dt. Wirtschaftsdienst, 2011, pp. 6.18. ISBN 978-3-87156-298-3

    Evaluation betrieblichen E-Learnings : Methoden und Befunde


    Vor über einer Dekade wurde die Einführung betrieblichen E-Learnings zunächst begeistert begrüßt. Rasch folgte darauf eine entsprechende Ernüchterung. Inzwischen ist E-Learning in den meisten Unternehmen methodischer Baustein des Weiterbildungsangebots und wird vorwiegend in Form von webbasierten Trainings umgesetzt. Unternehmen unterscheiden sich dabei stark in der Nutzungsintensität von E-Learning. Auch die Forschung, vor allem in der Tradition der Trainingsevaluation, unterstützt diese Ent- wicklung zunehmend durch empirische, theoriebasierte Beiträge, die Licht auf Bewährungsdaten und Erfolgsfaktoren von betrieblichem E-Learning werfen. Um den wissenschaftlich gestützten Ausbau von E-Learning zu fördern, lohnt es sich, methodische Zugänge aufzuarbeiten und den aktuellen Forschungsstand zu bilanzieren. Dafür sind sowohl E-Learning-spezifische als auch allgemeine Ansätze der Trainingsevaluation sinnvoll, da sich prä- senz- und webbasierte Trainings teilweise in ihren Wirkzusammenhängen und Erfolgsfaktoren unterscheiden. Insbesondere motivationalen Merkmalen und emotionalen Reaktionen der Lernenden kommen im E-Learning eine größere Bedeutung zu.

  • Academic Performance and Single-Sex Schooling : Evidence from a Natural Experiment in Switzerland


    We study the effects of random assignment to coeducational and single-sex classes on the academic performance of female high school students. Our estimation results show that single-sex schooling improves the performance of female students in mathematics. This positive effect increases if the single-sex class is taught by a male teacher. An accompanying survey reveals that single-sex schooling also strengthens female students’ selfconfidence and renders the self-assessment of their mathematics skills more level-headed. Single-sex schooling thus has profound implications for human capital formation and the mind-set of female students.

  • Maué, Elisabeth; Fickler-Stang, Ulrike (2011): Berufliche Partizipation von Teilnehmenden an Alphabetisierungskursen : Befunde aus einer Längsschnittstudie an Volkshochschulen Alfa-Forum : Zeitschrift für Alphabetisierung und Grundbildung. 2011, 77, pp. 38-41. ISSN 1435-0793

    Berufliche Partizipation von Teilnehmenden an Alphabetisierungskursen : Befunde aus einer Längsschnittstudie an Volkshochschulen



    dc.contributor.author: Fickler-Stang, Ulrike

  • Endres, Alfred; Friehe, Tim (2011): Incentives to diffuse advanced abatement technology under environmental liability law Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 2011, 62(1), pp. 30-40. ISSN 0095-0696. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jeem.2010.12.001

    Incentives to diffuse advanced abatement technology under environmental liability law


    Polluting firms with advanced abatement technology at their disposal have incentives or disincentives to share this technology with other polluting firms. The ‘direction’ and extent of those incentives depends on the liability rule applicable and the way technical change impacts marginal abatement costs. We establish that incentives for diffusion are socially optimal under strict liability and socially suboptimal under negligence if technical change lowers marginal abatement costs for all levels of abatement. Negligence may, however, induce better diffusion incentives than strict liability if technical change decreases (increases) marginal abatement costs for low (high) levels of abatement.

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