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20 / 2459
  • Brüggemann, Ralf; Pohlmeier, Winfried; Smolny, Werner (Hrsg.) (2011): Economic Forecasts : [Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik ; 231 (2011), 1]

    Economic Forecasts : [Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik ; 231 (2011), 1]



    dc.contributor.editor: Smolny, Werner

  • Schwerdt, Guido; Wuppermann, Amelie C. (2011): Is traditional teaching really all that bad? : a within-student between-subject approach Economics of Education Review. 2011, 30(2), pp. 365-379. ISSN 0272-7757. eISSN 1873-7382. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2010.11.005

    Is traditional teaching really all that bad? : a within-student between-subject approach


    Recent studies conclude that teachers are important for student learning but it remains uncertain what actually determines effective teaching. This study directly peers into the black box of educational production by investigating the relationship between lecture style teaching and student achievement. Based on matched student–teacher data for the US, the estimation strategy exploits between-subject variation to control for unobserved student traits. Results indicate that traditional lecture style teaching is associated with significantly higher student achievement. No support for detrimental effects of lecture style teaching can be found even when evaluating possible selection biases due to unobservable teacher characteristics.

  • Seifried, Jürgen; Berger, Stefanie (2011): Determinanten der Weiterbildungsbeteiligung Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. 2011, 107(1), pp. 138-152

    Determinanten der Weiterbildungsbeteiligung


    Im vorliegenden Beitrag wird der Einfluss verschiedener Determinanten auf die Weiterbildungsbeteiligung mit Hilfe von Daten des Sozio-Ökonomischen Panels (SOEP) zu fünf Zeitpunkten ökonometrisch geschätzt. Es zeigt sich, dass vor allem Bildung und Migrationsstatus die Teilnahme an beruflichen Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen beeinflussen. Dieser Effekt ist über alle Untersuchungszeitpunkte hinweg zu finden. Die Befunde sprechen für die Persistenz einer Chancenungleichheit im (Berufs-)Bildungssystem. Es gelingt in der beruflichen Weiterbildung nicht, Chancenungleichheiten entgegenzuwirken. Ansatzpunkte zur Behebung der Benachteiligungen werden diskutiert.

  • Friehe, Tim (2011): A Note on the Deterrence Effects of the Forfeiture of Illegal Gains Review of Law & Economics. 2011, 7(1). ISSN 1555-5879. Available under: doi: 10.2202/1555-5879.1500

    A Note on the Deterrence Effects of the Forfeiture of Illegal Gains


    This paper analyzes how the forfeiture of illegal gains impacts the deterrence of illegal acts. We show that when public authorities introduce a claim on illegal gains as part of a sanction it may, counter-intuitively, increase crime in a setting in which criminals may invest in avoidance activities to lower the probability of detection.

  • Geng, Hong; Weiss, Arne Robert; Wolff, Irenaeus (2011): The Limited Power of Voting to Limit Power Journal of Public Economic Theory. 2011, 13(5), pp. 695-719. ISSN 1097-3923. eISSN 1467-9779. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1467-9779.2011.01517.x

    The Limited Power of Voting to Limit Power


    In this paper, we experimentally approach the question of which aspects of a voting procedure are able to restrict elected candidates’ willingness to use their power in an opportunistic way. For this purpose, we rule out re-election concerns and analyze whether the presence of a vote by itself matters for the exercise of power. We compare two kinds of electoral campaigns: self-descriptions of personality and promises regarding prospective in-office behavior. We find that social approval as conveyed by a vote does not suffice to induce pro-social choices by elected candidates. On the other hand, when campaigns are promise-based, elected candidates transfer more to their recipients than candidates selected by a random draw even though promises do not differ. This refutes explanations based on a taste for consistency or costs of lying. In contrast, the fact that the correlation between dictators’ promises and their beliefs on voter expectations is considerably strengthened in the presence of a vote offers support to a guilt-aversion hypothesis. However, this support is qualified by the correlation between dictators’ second-order beliefs and their choices, which is weaker than predicted. Overall, our results suggest the power of voting to limit the self-oriented exertion of power is limited and context specific.

  • Economics in the Kingdom of Loathing : Analysis of Virtual Market Data


    We analyze a unique data set from a massively-multiplayer online video game economy called The Kingdom of Loathing to assess the viability of these markets in conducting economic research. The data consist of every transaction in a market with over one million players over three years of real time. We find that 1) the game markets are efficient, 2) the complexity of the product determines information diffusion times, and 3) we can classify which and how players participate in trade.

  • Subjects Studied and Students' Political Ideology


    The aim of this analysis is to account for the differences in and changes of political attitudes among university students of different subjects. Employing theories of political economy and science studies an ordered probit analysis is performed on data provided by the student survey of the Konstanz Reseach Group on Higher Education. The findings suggest that the differences in political attitudes among different groups of students primarily stem from self-selection. However, part of the difference is found to be caused by the subjects themselves, as the support of certain political positions changes systematically in the course of studies. While economics is found to increase students’ sympathy for liberal positions, the results indicate that the humanities strengthen students’ support of social democratic positions.

  • Deißinger, Thomas; Heine, Robin; Ott, Mariska (2011): The dominance of apprenticeships in the German VET system and its implications for Europeanisation : a comparative view in the context of the EQF and the European LLL strategy Journal of Vocational Education & Training. 2011, 63(3), pp. 397-416. ISSN 1363-6820. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13636820.2011.569089

    The dominance of apprenticeships in the German VET system and its implications for Europeanisation : a comparative view in the context of the EQF and the European LLL strategy


    Germany’s apprenticeship system is and has always been considered to be the major sub-system of VET. In this context, the debate circling around the European and German Qualifications Framework (EQF and DQR) has become one of the central issues of VET research and policy. Tasks take on a concrete shape if (a) a serious approach is adopted towards the ideas underlying the European Qualifications Framework; and (b) if consideration is given to the ‘construction sites’ typical for the German VET system as a whole. This paper intends to sharpen VET policy awareness for the problem of dealing with those unresolved German VET issues within the context of the development of the DQR. A comparative view includes Austria and France as two countries with diverging learning cultures in VET from the German case, but obviously with more ‘European’ imprints within their respective VET systems. It can be shown that there is an interrelation between the attention apprenticeships as such receive against the background of European ideas such as ‘progression’, ‘permeability’ and ‘lifelong learning’ (LLL), including the implementation and use of ‘hybrid qualifications’.

  • Unemployment, Human Capital Depreciation and Pension Benefits : an Empirical Evaluation of German Data


    This paper investigates empirically how unemployment-induced employment-breaks at different career stages influence pension benefits. The analysis is based on German data. I distinguish four different career phases and investigate to what extent the prevailing social security policy compensated for earning losses. The results suggest that (1) losses in pension benefits were the greatest if unemployment occurred in the middle of a career (between 31 50); (2) social security policies have had a mitigating effect on losses in pension benefits. These findings indicate that institutions have a decided influence on how career patterns translate into pension benefits.

  • Hostages, free lunches and institutional gaps : the case of the European Currency Union


    This paper argues that the strong member states of the European Currency Union are hostages of a financially distressed member state so that they are compelled to provide financial support. Moreover, due to the dynamics of the interaction game, a debt relief is a free lunch for the distressed country. This fosters moral hazard of distressed countries. In the absence of capital market control, European politics do not effectively monitor fiscal politics of member states. The lack of a long term strategy of the European Currency Union to deal with distressed states has undermined the credibility of politics. This lack is also explained by a lack of a European Insolvency Charter. A viable Union requires such a charter with rules for handling distress. Moreover, politics should determine a mechanism to coordinate politics and capital markets in their monitoring of fiscal and economic policy of member states.

  • Englmaier, Florian (2011): Commitment in R&D tournaments via strategic delegation to overoptimistic managers Managerial and Decision Economics. 2011, 32(1), pp. 63-69. ISSN 0143-6570. Available under: doi: 10.1002/mde.1518

    Commitment in R&D tournaments via strategic delegation to overoptimistic managers


    This paper shows that it is profitable for a firm to hire an overoptimistic manager to commit to a certain investment strategy in an R&D tournament situation. In the unique symmetric equilibrium, all firms delegate to overoptimistic managers, where the optimal degree of overoptimism depends on the riskiness of the tournament. In these situations a manager's type may serve as a substitute for delegation via contracts. By delegating to overoptimistic managers, firms can escape the rat race nature of R&D tournaments.

  • How Do Editors Select Papers, and How Good are They at Doing It?


    Using data on the B.E. Journals that rank articles into four quality tiers, this paper examines the accuracy of the research evaluation process in economics. We find that submissions by authors with strong publication records and authors affiliated with highly-ranked institutions are significantly more likely to be published in higher tiers. Citation success as measured by RePEc statistics also depends heavily on the overall research records of the authors. Finally and most importantly, we measure how successful the B.E. Journals’ editors and their reviewers have been at assigning articles to quality tiers. While, on average, they are able to distinguish more influential from less influential manuscripts, we also observe many assignments that are not compatible with the belief that research quality is reflected by the number of citations.

  • Sander, Matthias; Fantapié Altobelli, Claudia (2011): Virtuelle Werbung im Sport NUFER, Gerd, ed., ANDRÉ BÜHLER …, ed.. Marketing im Sport : Grundlagen, Trends und internationale Perspektiven des modernen Sportmarketing. 2. Berlin: Schmidt, 2011, pp. 265-291. Sportmanagement. 2. ISBN 978-3-503-12912-6

    Virtuelle Werbung im Sport



    dc.contributor.author: Fantapié Altobelli, Claudia

  • Hahn, Volker (2011): Should central banks remain silent about their private information on cost-push shocks? Oxford Economic Papers. 2011, 64(4), pp. 593-615. ISSN 0030-7653. eISSN 1464-3812. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oep/gpr056

    Should central banks remain silent about their private information on cost-push shocks?


    We propose a signalling model in which the central bank and firms receive information on cost-push shocks independently of each other. If the firms are rather unlikely to receive information directly, the central bank should remain silent about its own private information. If, however, firms are sufficiently likely to be informed, it is socially desirable for the central bank to reveal its own private information. By doing so, the central bank eliminates the distortions stemming from the signalling incentives under opacity. An ex ante transparency requirement can improve welfare even if central banks have the possibility to withhold information discretionarily. Moreover, our model may provide a rationale for the recent trend towards more transparency in monetary policy.

  • Ursprung, Heinrich; Wiermann, Christian (2011): Reputation, price and death : an empirical analysis of art price formation Economic Inquiry. 2011, 49(3), pp. 697-715. ISSN 0095-2583. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1465-7295.2009.00279.x

    Reputation, price and death : an empirical analysis of art price formation


    We analyze how an artist's death influences the market prices of her works of art. Death has two opposing effects on art prices. By irrevocably restricting the artist's oeuvre, prices, ceteris paribus, increase when the artist dies. On the other hand, an untimely death may well frustrate the collectors' hopes of owning artwork that will, as the artist's career progresses, become generally known and appreciated. By frustrating expected future name recognition, death impacts negatively on art prices. In conjunction, these two channels of influence give rise to a hump-shaped relationship between age at death and death-induced price changes. Using transactions from fine art auctions, we show that the empirically identified death effects indeed conform to our theoretical predictions. We derive our results from hedonic art price regressions, making use of a dataset which exceeds the sample size of traditional studies in cultural economics by an order of magnitude.

  • Enders, Zeno; Müller, Gernot J.; Scholl, Almuth (2011): How do fiscal and technology shocks affect real exchange rates? New evidence for the United States Journal of International Economics. 2011, 83(1), pp. 53-69. ISSN 0022-1996. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jinteco.2010.08.005

    How do fiscal and technology shocks affect real exchange rates? New evidence for the United States


    Using vector autoregressions on U.S. time series relative to an aggregate of industrialized countries, this paper provides new evidence on the dynamic effects of government spending and technology shocks on the real exchange rate and the terms of trade. To achieve identification, we derive robust restrictions on the sign of several impulse responses from a two-country general equilibrium model. We find that both the real exchange rate and the terms of trade—whose responses are left unrestricted—depreciate in response to expansionary government spending shocks and appreciate in response to positive technology shocks.

  • Reward Prediction Error in Online Game Trades


    We use trade data from an online game economy to test the 'dopaminergic reward prediction error' (DRPE) hypothesis: upon buying a game item at a price which is obviously too low, a player should become more active in the trading market. We find that players are more willing to buy goods in the in-game market after such an trade incident. Hence, the effect predicted by the DRPE model is visible. Yet, contrary to the prediction of DRPE, the magnitude of the prediction error does not have any effect on the post-error trading activity.

  • Deißinger, Thomas (2011): Kerschensteiner und die deutsche Berufsschule im Lichte der Berufserziehungsgeschichte des englischsprachigen Kulturraums SIECKE, B., ed., D. HEISLER, ed.. Berufliche Bildung zwischen politischem Reformdruck und pädagogischem Diskurs : Festschrift zum 60. Geburtstag von Manfred Eckert. Paderborn: EUSL-Verl.-Ges., 2011, pp. 368-382

    Kerschensteiner und die deutsche Berufsschule im Lichte der Berufserziehungsgeschichte des englischsprachigen Kulturraums



  • Strategic Wage Bargaining, Labor Market Volatility, and Persistence


    This paper modifies the standard Mortensen-Pissarides model in order to explain the cyclical behavior of vacancies and unemployment. The modifications include strategic wage bargaining and convex labor adjustment costs. We find that this setup replicates the cyclical behavior of both labor market variables remarkably well. First, we show that the model with strategic wage bargaining matches closely the volatility of vacancies and unemployment. Second, the introduction of convex labor adjustment costs makes both variables much more persistent. Third, our analysis indicates that these two modifications are complementary in generating labor market volatility and persistence.

  • Feld, Lars P.; Hessami, Zohal; Reil, Lisa (2011): Direkte Demokratie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland? : Ergebnisse einer Umfrage zur Einführung direkter Volksrechte auf Bundesebene Jahrbuch für direkte Demokratie, pp. 107-134. Available under: doi: 10.5771/9783845231358-107

    Direkte Demokratie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland? : Ergebnisse einer Umfrage zur Einführung direkter Volksrechte auf Bundesebene



    dc.contributor.author: Feld, Lars P.; Reil, Lisa

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