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  • Kärner, Tobias; Goller, Michael; Bonnes, Caroline; Maué, Elisabeth (2022): Die professionelle pädagogische Beziehung zwischen Referendar*innen und ihren Seminarlehrkräften : Belastungsfaktor oder Ressource? Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften. 2022, 25(3), pp. 687-719. ISSN 1434-663X. eISSN 1862-5215. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11618-022-01065-4

    Die professionelle pädagogische Beziehung zwischen Referendar*innen und ihren Seminarlehrkräften : Belastungsfaktor oder Ressource?


    Der Beitrag befasst sich mit der professionellen pädagogischen Beziehung zwischen Referendar*innen und ihren Seminarlehrkräften, deren Beitrag für die Beanspruchung der Referendar*innen bisher noch nicht eingängig untersucht wurde. Das Ziel der Studie ist es, anhand einer Querschnittserhebung von 2583 Referendar*innen und ausgebildeten Lehrkräften, kompensatorische sowie verstärkende Effekte der Beziehungsdimensionen Transparenz, Fairness, Vertrauen und Ambivalenz auf die wahrgenommene Beanspruchung im Referendariat zu untersuchen. Die Analyse erfolgt mittels eines latent moderierten Strukturgleichungsansatzes. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Belastungen durch die Kerntätigkeiten im Referendariat sowie Belastungen durch den Umgang mit Kolleg*innen im Lehrer*innenkollegium in signifikant positivem Zusammenhang mit resultierenden Beanspruchungsreaktionen stehen. Je transparenter, fairer und vertrauensvoller und je weniger ambivalent die Beziehung zur Seminarlehrkraft erlebt wird, desto geringer fallen die Beanspruchungsreaktionen aus. Die Ergebnisse werden hinsichtlich ihrer Relevanz für die Beziehungsarbeit im Referendariat als zentralem Ausbildungsbestandteil der zweiten Phase der Lehrer*innenausbildung diskutiert.

  • Koch, Alisha; Wißhak, Susanne; Spener, Claudio; Naumann, Alexander; Hochholdinger, Sabine (2022): Transferwissen von Lehrenden in der berufsbezogenen Weiterbildung : Entwicklung und Pilotierung eines Testinstruments Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung. Springer. 2022, 45(1), pp. 89-105. ISSN 2364-0014. eISSN 2364-0022. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s40955-022-00210-0

    Transferwissen von Lehrenden in der berufsbezogenen Weiterbildung : Entwicklung und Pilotierung eines Testinstruments


    Transfer gilt als zentrales Ziel berufsbezogener Weiterbildungsmaßnahmen. Obwohl Lehrende in der berufsbezogenen Weiterbildung Transfer anbahnen und unterstützen können, ist über ihr dafür benötigtes professionelles Wissen bislang wenig bekannt, und es fehlt an einem Messinstrument zu dessen Erfassung. Zu diesem Zweck entwickelten wir einen Test, welcher wissenschaftlich fundiertes Wissen über die Determinanten und die Förderung von Transfer erfasst. Der vorliegende Beitrag thematisiert die Entwicklung und Pilotierung des Instruments. Auf Basis der Item-Response-Theory (IRT) wurden die Testantworten von N = 105 Lehrenden skaliert und interpretiert. Die 32 Items zeigen eine gute Passung hinsichtlich des eindimensionalen Partial-Credit-Modells mit Infit-Werten zwischen 0,93 und 1,16. Die EAP/PV-Reliabilität liegt bei 0,81. Die Ergebnisse weisen darauf hin, dass sich Transferwissen mithilfe des Instruments operationalisieren und reliabel messen lässt.

  • Wißhak, Susanne (2022): Transfer in der berufsbezogenen Weiterbildung : Systematisches Literaturreview und Synthese mit Blick auf die Handlungsmöglichkeiten der Lehrenden Zeitschrift für Weiterbildungsforschung. Springer. 2022, 45(1), pp. 69-88. ISSN 2364-0014. eISSN 2364-0022. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s40955-022-00204-y

    Transfer in der berufsbezogenen Weiterbildung : Systematisches Literaturreview und Synthese mit Blick auf die Handlungsmöglichkeiten der Lehrenden


    In der berufsbezogenen Weiterbildung gilt der Transfer des Gelernten als zentrales, wenngleich schwer erreichbares Erfolgskriterium. Das systematische Literaturreview folgt der Prämisse, dass Transfer gezielt gefördert werden muss und dass die Rolle der Lehrenden dabei bisher unzureichend berücksichtigt wurde. Mit dem Ziel, die empirische Forschungslage zu Transferdeterminanten zu analysieren, wurden 19 Metaanalysen aus dem Zeitraum zwischen 1988 und 2021 ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse wurden zusammengefasst und mit Blick auf mögliche Ansatzpunkte der Transferförderung durch die Lehrenden interpretiert. Erwartungsgemäß scheint der Handlungsspielraum der Lehrenden hinsichtlich des Weiterbildungsdesigns am größten. Abhängig von den Weiterbildungszielen erwiesen sich unterschiedliche Lehr-Lern-Methoden und -Prinzipien als transferförderlich. Daneben können Lehrende aber auch auf einzelne Teilnehmendenmerkmale, wie die Motivation und Selbstwirksamkeit, Einfluss nehmen. Die Transferförderung im Arbeitsumfeld können sie begünstigen, indem sie diese rechtzeitig anbahnen, wichtige Beteiligte einbinden und über die Weiterbildungsmaßnahme hinaus Unterstützung anbieten. Das Literaturreview kommt zu dem Schluss, dass Lehrende Transfer fördern können und die dafür nötigen Kompetenzen besitzen sollten.

  • Findeisen, Stefanie; Jüttler, Andreas; Neuenschwander, Markus P.; Schumann, Stephan (2022): Transition from School to Work : Explaining Persistence Intention in Vocational Education and Training in Switzerland Vocations and Learning. Springer. 2022, 15(1), pp. 129-154. ISSN 1874-785X. eISSN 1874-7868. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s12186-021-09282-4

    Transition from School to Work : Explaining Persistence Intention in Vocational Education and Training in Switzerland


    Vocational education and training (VET) programs are typically regarded as the means to enable successful school-to-work transitions. However, high rates of premature contract terminations in VET programs suggest that adolescents face difficulties during this transition. This paper aims to examine the determinants of persistence intention, claiming that persistence intention is a crucial indicator of imminent dropout decisions. The analysis is based on a longitudinal data set of trainees in dual VET programs in Switzerland (n = 1,163) containing two measurement points (before and after the transition from school to VET). Drawing on Social Cognitive Career Theory (Lent & Brown, 2008, 2013), we are interested in the effects of work adjustment indicators, selected characteristics of the vocational choice process, and environmental support before and after the transition on trainees’ persistence intention. We use structural equation modeling to analyze both direct and indirect effects of different predictor variables on persistence intention. The results show significantly positive effects of both occupational self-efficacy and perceived person-vocation fit during the training program on trainees’ persistence intention. Moreover, there are only indirect effects of anticipated person-vocation fit and occupational self-efficacy at the end of compulsory education. Trainees’ relationship with the trainer also has an indirect effect on persistence intention. Social integration in the workplace is both directly and indirectly linked to persistence intention. Overall, the model explains 48% of the variance in persistence intention. Implications for VET programs and future research are discussed.

  • Bellani, Luna; Hager, Anselm; Maurer, Stephan E. (2022): The Long Shadow of Slavery : The Persistence of Slave Owners in Southern Law-Making The Journal of Economic History. Cambridge University Press. 2022, 82(1), pp. 250-283. ISSN 0022-0507. eISSN 1471-6372. Available under: doi: 10.1017/S0022050721000590

    The Long Shadow of Slavery : The Persistence of Slave Owners in Southern Law-Making


    This paper documents the persistence of Southern slave owners in political power after the American Civil War. Using data from Texas, we show that former slave owners made up more than half of all state legislators until the late 1890s. Legislators with slave-owning backgrounds were more likely to be Democrats and voted more conservatively even conditional on party membership. A county’s propensity to elect former slave owners was positively correlated with cotton production, but negatively with Reconstruction-era progress of blacks. Counties that elected more slave owners also displayed worse educational outcomes for blacks in the early twentieth century.

  • Hahn, Volker (2022): Price Dispersion and the Costs of Inflation Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Wiley. 2022, 54(2-3), pp. 459-491. ISSN 0022-2879. eISSN 1538-4616. Available under: doi: 10.1111/jmcb.12870

    Price Dispersion and the Costs of Inflation


    The new Keynesian literature typically makes the assumption that firms always have to satisfy demand, which is at odds with profit-maximizing behavior under Calvo pricing when long-run inflation is positive. Our model, which relaxes this assumption, predicts that inflation causes a substantially smaller loss in effective aggregate productivity compared to a benchmark model without the possibility of rationing. Moreover, under positive inflation, firms choose smaller markups over marginal costs in our model than in the benchmark model. As a result, our analysis suggests that the standard new Keynesian model may exaggerate the welfare costs of inflation.

  • Dauth, Wolfgang; Findeisen, Sebastian; Moretti, Enrico; Suedekum, Jens (2022): Matching in Cities Journal of the European Economic Association. Oxford University Press. 2022, 20(4), pp. 1478-1521. ISSN 1542-4766. eISSN 1542-4774. Available under: doi: 10.1093/jeea/jvac004

    Matching in Cities


    Using administrative German data, we show that large cities allow for a more efficient matching between workers and firms and this has important consequences for geographical inequality. Specifically, the match between high-quality workers and high-quality plants is significantly tighter in large cities relative to small cities. Wages in large cities are higher not only because of the higher worker quality, but also because of a stronger assortative matching. Strong assortative matchig in large cities magnifies wage differences caused by worker sorting, and is a key factor in explaining the growth of geographical wage disparities over the last three decades.

  • Dertwinkel-Kalt, Markus; Köster, Mats (2022): Attention to Online Sales : The Role of Brand Image Concerns Journal of Economics & Management Strategy. Wiley. 2022, 31(1), pp. 64-89. ISSN 1058-6407. eISSN 1530-9134. Available under: doi: 10.1111/jems.12449

    Attention to Online Sales : The Role of Brand Image Concerns



    dc.contributor.author: Köster, Mats

  • Chadi, Adrian; Mechtel, Mario; Mertins, Vanessa (2022): Smartphone bans and workplace performance Experimental Economics. Springer. 2022, 25(1), pp. 287-317. ISSN 1386-4157. eISSN 1573-6938. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s10683-021-09715-w

    Smartphone bans and workplace performance


    This paper constitutes the first economic investigation into the potential detrimental role of smartphones in the workplace based on a field experiment. We exploit the conduct of a nationwide telephone survey, for which interviewers were recruited to work individually and in single offices for half a day. This setting allows to randomly impose bans on the use of interviewers’ personal smartphones during worktime while ruling out information spillovers between treatment conditions. Although the ban was not enforceable, we observe substantial effort increases from banning smartphones in the routine task of calling households, without negative implications linked to perceived employer distrust. Analyzing the number of conducted interviews per interviewer suggests that higher efforts do not necessarily translate into economic benefits for the employer. In our broad discussion of smartphone bans and their potential impact on workplace performance, we consider further outcomes of economic relevance based on data from employee surveys and administrative phone records. Finally, we complement the findings of our field experiment with evidence from a survey experiment and a survey among managers.

  • Bayer, Sebastian; Dimitriadis, Timo (2022): Regression-Based Expected Shortfall Backtesting Journal of Financial Econometrics. Oxford University Press. 2022, 20(3), pp. 437-471. ISSN 1479-8409. eISSN 1479-8417. Available under: doi: 10.1093/jjfinec/nbaa013

    Regression-Based Expected Shortfall Backtesting


    This article introduces novel backtests for the risk measure Expected Shortfall (ES) following the testing idea of Mincer and Zarnowitz (1969). Estimating a regression model for the ES stand-alone is infeasible and thus, our tests are based on a joint regression model for the Value at Risk (VaR) and the ES, which allows for different test specifications. These ES backtests are the first which solely backtest the ES in the sense that they only require ES forecasts as input variables. As the tests are potentially subject to model misspecification, we provide asymptotic theory under misspecification for the underlying joint regression. We find that employing a misspecification robust covariance estimator substantially improves the tests’ performance. We compare our backtests to existing joint VaR and ES backtests and find that our tests outperform the existing alternatives throughout all considered simulations. In an empirical illustration, we apply our backtests to ES forecasts for 200 stocks of the S&P 500 index.

  • Spielbasierte Förderung von Financial Literacy im Wirtschaftsunterricht


    Empirische Befunde verweisen auf Mängel bezüglich eines kompetenten Umgangs mit Finanzangelegenheiten (Financial Literacy), welche besonders auf junge Menschen zutreffen. Dieser Befund erstaunt erst einmal nicht, nimmt Financial Literacy doch mit dem Alter und damit verbundener Erfahrung zu. Problematisch sind diese Befunde allerdings insofern, als das Jugendliche und junge Erwachsene zugleich mit einer zunehmenden Eigenverantwortung im Hinblick auf Altersvorsorge, Einkommensabsicherung und komplexeren Finanzprodukten konfrontiert sind, der ihre Elterngeneration so nicht ausgesetzt war. Aus diesem Grund ist ein erklärtes bildungspolitisches Ziel der OECD, Financial Literacy in den Mitgliedsländern institutionalisiert zu fördern und in Deutschland soll dies laut KMK im Schulunterricht umgesetzt werden. Übersichtsarbeiten zur effektiven Förderung von Financial Literacy weisen darauf hin, dass sich zur Förderung von Financial Literacy in dieser Altersgruppe erfahrungsbasierte Methoden, wie z.B. Game-based Learning (GBL), eignen. GBL erlaubt durch einen spielerischen Ansatz mit einer hohen Fehlertoleranz die Simulation sozio-ökonomischer Entscheidungsprozesse, die aufgrund begrenzter Geschäftsfähigkeit und finanzieller Abhängigkeit vom Elternhaus im Alltag noch nicht erfahrbar sind, jedoch zeitnah für Lernende der Sekundarstufe II relevant werden wird. Ob und inwiefern diese Methode tatsächlich geeignet ist, das theoretisch angenommene Potenzial einer effektiven Förderung von Financial Literacy zu erfüllen, wurde bisher kaum untersucht. Die vorliegende Arbeit folgt aus diesem Grund der übergeordneten Fragestellung, inwiefern GBL im Wirtschaftsunterricht mit einem Fokus auf der Förderung von Financial Literacy wirksam ist. Damit soll ein Beitrag zur Theoriebildung und zur Entwicklung der Unterrichtspraxis geleistet werden. Die Beantwortung erfolgt im Kern mittels dreier Beiträgen, welche jeweils Teilfragestellungen untersuchen: (1) Der erstmaligen Vorlage eines systematischen Reviews, welche die Wirksamkeit und Gelingensbedingungen von GBL im Wirtschaftsunterricht untersucht (Platz, 2022), (2) der Entwicklung eines Forschungsdesigns inkl. Treatment, um die effektive Gestaltung von GBL in der Sekundarstufe II zu untersuchen (Platz et al., 2021) und (3) der Untersuchung von Interaktionseffekte zwischen individuellen Personenmerkmale, dem Spielerleben und der Interessensentwicklung, um zu überprüfen, für welche Personen diese Methode besonders geeignet sind (Platz & Jüttler, 2022). In diesem Zusammenhang kann bestätigt werden, dass (1) der Einsatz von GBL bei dem Wissenserwerb Vorteile gegenüber traditionelleren Lernmethoden aufweist. Damit GBL motivationsförderlich sein kann, ist auf eine hohe Leistungserwartung, herausfordernde Aufgaben und einen klaren Inhaltsbezug zum Unterricht zu achten. Ein (2) differenziertes Ergebnis zur Wirksamkeit von GBL ist durch die Variation einzelner GBL Elemente (z.B. Spielmechaniken) möglich (Designvergleich), zu dem ein Forschungskonzept vorgestellt wird. Dabei wird die zentrale Bedeutung geeigneter Spielemechaniken und Reflexionsaufgaben für das Spielerleben und die Interessensentwicklung legitimiert und erstmals eine theoretisch und curricular basierte Spielumgebung (Moonshot) vorgestellt, welche im Rahmen des dritten Beitrags eingesetzt wird. Anschließend werden (3) mithilfe eines Pre-Post Designs Teilfacetten von Financial Literacy als stärkste Prädiktoren identifiziert: Während fachliche Vormotivation in einem positiven Zusammenhang steht, stehen Fachwissen und Freizeitbeschäftigung in einem negativen Zusammenhang mit dem Spielerleben und der Interessensentwicklung. Die Ergebnisse werden abschließend mit Blick auf die Theoriebildung von GBL und Financial Literacy sowie im Hinblick auf praktische Implikationen diskutiert.

  • Holding Period Effects in Dividend Strip Returns


    We estimate short-term dividend strip prices from 26 years of S&P 500 index options data (1996-2021). We endogenize interest rates when estimating strip prices and use longer holding period returns to mitigate the effect of measurement error. We find that Sharpe ratios for short-term strips are sizable and substantially higher than Sharpe ratios for the market. Short-term strips also have a low market beta and a high alpha. Over the business cycle, realized term premia (i.e., the difference between market and strip returns) and the term structure of Sharpe ratios move countercyclically, whereas the term structure of alphas moves procyclically.

  • How information about inequality impacts support for school closure policies : Evidence from the pandemic


    The increase in inequalities during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has been the topic of intense scholarly and public debate. School closures are one of the containment measures that have been debated most critically in this regard. What drives support for school and daycare/kindergarten closures during a public health crisis such as the current COVID-19 pandemic? More specifically, do inequality concerns affect this support? To identify causal linkages between awareness of inequalities and support for school and daycare/kindergarten closures, we use a survey experiment with information treatment, in which we randomly assign information designed to prime the respondents to think about either education inequality, gender inequality, or both. Based on an original survey experiment involving more than 3,000 respondents, conducted in spring 2021 at the end of a long lockdown in Germany, our findings show that concerns about education inequality and gender inequality are equally important for decreasing support for preschool and primary school closures, while they do not seem to matter regarding secondary school closures.

  • Michaelis, Christian; Findeisen, Stefanie (2022): Influence of Person-Vocation Fit on Satisfaction and Persistence in Vocational Training Programs Frontiers in Psychology. Frontiers Research Foundation. 2022, 13, 834543. eISSN 1664-1078. Available under: doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.834543

    Influence of Person-Vocation Fit on Satisfaction and Persistence in Vocational Training Programs


    Positive effects of person-environment fit on job satisfaction and persistence are well documented. However, little is known about the consequences of person-vocation (P-V) fit for vocational education and training (VET). Using data from the German National Educational Panel Study (NEPS), we examine the influence of selected P-V fit indicators (educational match, interest congruence, skill congruence) on training satisfaction and premature contract termination (PCT) for 4,097 trainees in VET. We find that most P-V incongruences do not lead to negative consequences. Training satisfaction is not affected by interest congruence and skill congruence. However, moderate overeducation (intermediately qualified adolescents working in occupations with high shares of low-qualified trainees) enhances training satisfaction. For PCT, there is a general effect of undereducation; undereducation increases the probability of PCT independent of educational qualification for the occupation. PCT is not affected by skill congruence and only for Realistic interests, congruence with the vocational environment reduces PCT probability.

  • Panibratov, Andrei; Kalinin, Alexey; Zhang, Yugui; Ermolaeva, Liubov; Korovkin, Vladimir; Nefedov, Konstantin; Selivanovskikh, Louisa (2022): The belt and road initiative : a systematic literature review and future research agenda Eurasian Geography and Economics. Taylor & Francis. 2022, 63(1), pp. 82-115. ISSN 1538-7216. eISSN 1938-2863. Available under: doi: 10.1080/15387216.2020.1857288

    The belt and road initiative : a systematic literature review and future research agenda


    The Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) has attracted substantial academic attention right after its establishment in 2013. It has produced an array of scientific works analyzing various aspects of this multi-component phenomenon. Our paper is an attempt to systematically classify and further scrutinize the BRI literature within the management and economics field in order to navigate further academic inquiry into the BRI phenomenon. We used the Scopus database and a guided delimitation approach to ensure the quality and relevance of the selected papers. Based on the identified themes we propose promising avenues for future research within the Economics and Management research domain.

  • Dahl, Gordon B.; Felfe, Christina; Frijters, Paul; Rainer, Helmut (2022): Caught between Cultures : Unintended Consequences of Improving Opportunity for Immigrant Girls The Review of Economic Studies. Oxford University Press. 2022, 89(5), pp. 2491-2528. ISSN 0034-6527. eISSN 1467-937X. Available under: doi: 10.1093/restud/rdab089

    Caught between Cultures : Unintended Consequences of Improving Opportunity for Immigrant Girls


    What happens when immigrant girls are given increased opportunities to integrate into the workplace and society, but their parents value more traditional cultural outcomes? We answer this question in the context of a reform which granted automatic birthright citizenship to eligible immigrant children born in Germany after 1 January 2000. Using survey data, we collected from students in 57 schools and comparing those born in the months before vs. after the reform, we find the introduction of birthright citizenship lowers measures of life satisfaction and self-esteem for immigrant girls by 0.32 and 0.25 standard deviations, respectively. This is especially true for Muslims, where parents are likely to prefer more traditional cultural outcomes than their daughters. Moreover, we find that Muslim girls granted birthright citizenship are less integrated into German society: they are both more socially isolated and less likely to self-identify as German. Exploring mechanisms for these unintended drops in well-being and assimilation, we find that immigrant Muslim parents invest less in their daughters’ schooling and that these daughters receive worse grades in school if they are born after the reform. Parents are also less likely to speak German with these daughters. Consistent with a rise in intra-family conflict, birthright citizenship results in disillusionment where immigrant Muslim girls believe their chances of achieving their educational goals are lower and the perceived odds of having to forgo a career for a family rise. In contrast, immigrant boys experience, if anything, an improvement in well-being, integration, and schooling outcomes. Taken together, the findings point towards immigrant girls being pushed by parents to conform to a role within traditional culture, whereas boys are allowed to take advantage of the opportunities that come with citizenship. To explain these findings, we construct a simple game-theoretic model which builds on Akerlof and Kranton (2000), where identity-concerned parents constrain their daughter’s choices, and hence lower their daughter’s well-being, when faced with the threat of integration. Alternative models can explain some of the findings in isolation.

  • Jüttler, Michael; Schumann, Stephan (2022): The long-term effects of students’ economic competencies on the transition from school to university in the international context Research in Comparative and International Education. Sage Publishing. 2022, 17(2), pp. 196-224. eISSN 1745-4999. Available under: doi: 10.1177/17454999221086191

    The long-term effects of students’ economic competencies on the transition from school to university in the international context


    Because of the high social relevance of an economics education, many countries now focus on the enhancement of economic competencies in schools. International results show strong deficits in basic economic knowledge, especially for students in upper secondary education, who usually enter higher education. Furthermore, it is not clear what effects these competencies have on subsequent transitions, which is primarily due to a lack of longitudinal studies. Against this background, this article systematically embeds findings from a Swiss longitudinal study in the international context. Thereby, Switzerland is systematically compared with other countries that also provide substantial research on economic education (e.g., the U.S. and Japan). Lessons learned from the Swiss case will be discussed from an international perspective, and implications for future international research will be derived.

  • Kind, Axel (2022): The Swiss Pension System LEE, Hongmu, ed., Gianni NICOLINI, ed., Man CHO, ed.. International Comparison of Pension Systems : An Investigation from Consumers’ Viewpoint. 1st edition. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2022, pp. 201-239. ISBN 978-981-19-6445-9. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-981-19-6446-6_6

    The Swiss Pension System


    Located in the heart of Western Europe, Switzerland is a comparatively small, market-oriented, innovative, and successful open economy. Its pension system comprises three pillars: (i) a mandatory, unfunded, state-run, and highly redistributive public pillar with (near) universal coverage (AHV), (ii) a mandatory, funded, and privately run occupational pillar (BV), and (iii) a voluntary pillar based on personal savings that benefit from a preferential tax treatment. The three pillars are designed to provide satisfactory financial support for Swiss residents of retirement age (currently 65 years for men and 64 years for women). AHV pensions are mainly financed by income-dependent contributions from current AHV members and their employers, a part of revenues from VAT, and tax-financed transfers from the Federal State. With a minimum monthly (full) pension of 1,195 Swiss francs (ca. US$ 1,288), AHV replacement ratios exceed 100% for low-income consumers and decrease with income. Thus, AHV pensions target (but not always achieve) the financial coverage of basic needs. BV pensions are designed to allow old-age consumers to afford the living standards they had before retirement. In particular, taken together, AHV pensions and BV pensions offer replacement ratios above 60% for consumers with an annual income of up to approximately 100,000 Swiss francs. For additional needs, Swiss consumers must rely on tax-deductible private savings (and not tax-deductible free savings) in Pillar 3, for which an array of bank, insurance, and (recently) even FinTech solutions are available. The Swiss pension system allows for moderate flexibility in the first two pillars in terms of the timing of retirement (anticipation or postponement), the type of pension benefits (monthly annuities, lump-sum payments, or a combination of both for the BV pension) and rather high flexibility in the third pillar. Given the steady increases in life expectancy and the persisting low-interest-rate environment, the need for reforms in the first two pillars is largely acknowledged. Such reforms may include (a combination of) the following elements: (i) increases in the default for retirement age, (ii) additional sources of financing for AHV, (iii) higher contribution rates, (iv) an earlier mandatory contribution age, and (v) lower conversion ratios in BV. As several attempts to reform the system have not passed the scrutiny of popular voting in optional referenda, the exact shape of the reform will be the result of intense political negotiations that are still to come.

  • Shiraef, Mary A.; Friesen, Paul; Feddern, Lukas; Weiss, Mark A. (2022): Did border closures slow SARS-CoV-2? Scientific reports. Springer Nature. 2022, 12(1), 1709. eISSN 2045-2322. Available under: doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-05482-7

    Did border closures slow SARS-CoV-2?


    Despite the economic, social, and humanitarian costs of border closures, more than 1000 new international border closures were introduced in response to the 2020-2021 pandemic by nearly every country in the world. The objective of this study was to examine whether these border closures reduced the spread of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Prior to 2020, the impacts of border closures on disease spread were largely unknown, and their use as a pandemic policy was advised against by international organizations. We tested whether they were helpful in reducing spread by using matching techniques on our hand-coded COVID Border Accountability Project (COBAP) Team database of international closures, converted to a time-series cross-sectional data format. We controlled for national-level internal movement restrictions (domestic lockdowns) using the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT) time-series data. We found no evidence in favor of international border closures, whereas we found a strong association between national-level lockdowns and a reduced spread of SARS-CoV-2 cases. More research must be done to evaluate the byproduct effects of closures versus lockdowns as well as the efficacy of other preventative measures introduced at international borders.

  • Mao, Yanbing; Latukha, Marina; Selivanovskikh, Louisa (2022): From brain drain to brain gain in emerging markets : exploring the new agenda for global talent management in talent migration European Journal of International Management. Inderscience Publishers. 2022, 17(4), pp. 564-582. ISSN 1751-6757. eISSN 1751-6765. Available under: doi: 10.1504/ejim.2020.10025787

    From brain drain to brain gain in emerging markets : exploring the new agenda for global talent management in talent migration


    The research aims to provide a review of the brain gain and brain drain phenomena in the emerging market context. Specifically, we investigate the push and pull factors of talent migration focusing at society-, firm-, industry- and location-specific determinants, and develop a theoretical framework that establishes the relationships between different types of factors and global talent management. The paper extends the understanding of the role of global talent management and global talent mobility in non-Western contexts. Through a series of propositions, we claim that global talent management, as a system of practices aimed at attracting, developing and retaining talented workers on a global scale, may serve as a mediator in transforming outward talent migration into inward talent migration, thus stimulating future empirical research on the topic.

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