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20 / 2459
  • Seifried, Jürgen (2010): Unterrichtliche Kommunikation von Lehrkräften an kaufmännischen Schulen Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik: ZBW. 2010, 106(3), pp. 379-398

    Unterrichtliche Kommunikation von Lehrkräften an kaufmännischen Schulen


    In zwei Beiträgen wurde in dieser Zeitschrift berichtet, wie Handelslehrerinnen und Handelslehrer ihren Unterricht planen (Heft 2/2009) bzw. wie sie über Lehren und Lernen im Allgemeinen und bezogen auf den Lerninhaltsbereich Buchführung im Besonderen denken (Heft 3/2010). In diesem Beitrag, der an die beiden genannten Artikel unmittelbar anknüpft, geht es nun abschließend darum, wie Lehrkräfte im Unterricht handeln. Dabei liegt der Fokus auf der Analyse der unterrichtlichen Kommunikation. Im Zuge von Videoanalysen werden drei ausgewählte Lehrkräfte, deren Sichtweisen über Lehren und Lernen sich systematisch unterscheiden, näher analysiert. Angesichts der kleinen Stichprobe geht es nicht um eine Hypothesenprüfung im Sinne der klassischen Testtheorie, sondern um eine Fallkontrastierung (vgl. hierzu Kelle & Kluge 1999) auf der Basis von Einzelfallanalysen.

  • Friehe, Tim (2010): On Being Asset-Constrained in Litigation Contests Public Choice. 2010, 147(3-4), pp. 277-284. ISSN 0048-5829. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11127-010-9619-4

    On Being Asset-Constrained in Litigation Contests


    This paper establishes that being asset-constrained may be advantageous for defendants in litigation contests. An active asset constraint of defendants (i) may increase (decrease) defendant (plaintiff) contest effort, (ii) may lower the sum of plaintiff and defendant contest effort, (iii) lowers expected defendant payment, and (iv) makes a symmetric contest asymmetric.

  • Breyer, Friedrich (2010): Die „Kopfpauschale“ : Bürgerversicherung durch die Hintertür? Die Krankenversicherung (KrV). 2010, 62(3), pp. 276-279

    Die „Kopfpauschale“ : Bürgerversicherung durch die Hintertür?


    Die Bundesregierung hat im Koalitionsvertrag vom Oktober 2009 angekündigt, die Beitragserhebung in der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung (GKV) zu reformieren und auf einkommensunabhängige Arbeitnehmerbeiträge umzustellen. Konkret hätte es sich dabei um folgendes System der Beitragsbemessung handeln können, das alternativ unter den Begriffen "Gesundheitsprämie" oder "Kopfpauschale" firmiert und ein Vorbild in der sozialen Krankenversicherung der Niederlande hat.

  • Reporting Frequency and Substitutable Tasks


    The optimal reporting frequency is an important issue in accounting. In many production settings, substitution effects across periods occur. This paper shows that the optimal reporting frequency depends on the strength of the substitution effect and on the information content of performance signals. For a subset of parameter combinations - the low-chance scenario - infrequent reporting is always efficient; for other parameter combinations – the high-chance scenario - infrequent reporting is efficient as long as first-period signals show high informativeness (and substitution effects are strong). Limited commitment by the principal does not influence results.

  • Lukas, Christian (2010): Optimality of Intertemporal Aggregation in Dynamic Agency Journal of management accounting research. 2010, 22(1), pp. 157-174

    Optimality of Intertemporal Aggregation in Dynamic Agency


    Employee performance evaluations usually take place on an annual basis but quarterly, monthly, or weekly evaluations are by no means exceptional. If their outcomes determine variable pay, finding the optimal frequency of performance evaluations is far from a trivial task. This paper investigates the benefit of intertemporal aggregation of performance measures in a two-period agency with a non-stationary production technology and shows that infrequent evaluation can be efficient even if there is complementarity between tasks in different periods. When the principal cannot fully commit to a two-period contract, the benefit of aggregation is yet larger.

  • Breyer, Friedrich (2010): Rentenversicherung zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Gerechtigkeit Zeitschrift für die gesamte Versicherungswissenschaft. 2010, 99(5), pp. 569-583. ISSN 0044-2585. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s12297-010-0099-x

    Rentenversicherung zwischen Nachhaltigkeit und Gerechtigkeit


    Deutschland hat im Vergleich mit anderen westeuropäischen Staaten bereits weitreichende Schritte unternommen, um die Finanzierung seiner gesetzlichen Rentenversicherung nachhaltig zu sichern. Allerdings sind in den letzten Jahren Bestrebungen zu beobachten, die bereits beschlossenen Rentenreformen wieder rückgängig zu machen. Berücksichtigt man den Zusammenhang zwischen Einkommensniveau und Lebenserwartung, so kann man in der gegenwärtig gültigen Rentenformel in der Tat eine Benachteiligung von Geringverdienern erkennen. Gerade diese Gruppe dürfte unter der 2007 beschlossenen Erhöhung der Regelaltersgrenze überproportional leiden. Um die Nachhaltigkeit der Rentenfinanzierung auch politisch abzusichern, dürfte es daher erforderlich sein, die Rentenformel zugunsten der Geringverdiener abzuändern. Anders ausgedrückt, müssen Nachhaltigkeit und Gerechtigkeit Hand in Hand gehen.

  • Female labor force participation and the Big Five


    This paper investigates the relationship between personality traits and female labor force participation. While research on the role of cognitive skills for individual labor market success has a long tradition in economics, comparatively little is known about the channels through which non-cognitive skills affect individual labor market behavior. There is striking evidence that personality traits play a major role in explaining individual differences in school attendance and school performance. However, comparatively little is known about how and which personality traits effect labor supply decisions. In this paper, we relate personality traits to preference parameters using a conven- tional structural framework of labor force participation. This allows us to separate the direct effects of personality traits affecting the individual participation decision through different individual preferences from the indirect effects through wages. We can show that personality traits play an important role in the female labor force participation decision. The channels through which personality traits effect labor force participation are manifold and depend on the specific trait. Aggregation of traits to a single index is therefore a suboptimal strat- egy.

  • Eisenkopf, Gerald (2010): Peer effects, motivation, and learning Economics of Education Review. 2010, 29(3), pp. 364-374. ISSN 0272-7757. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2009.08.005

    Peer effects, motivation, and learning


    This paper confirms the existence of peer effects in a learning process with data from an experiment. The experimental setting offers an insight into the mechanisms of peer interaction and provides complementary information to empirical studies using survey or administrative data. The results show that a partner has a motivational effect even before the actual cooperation takes place. The evidence for optimal group composition is not robust. Some of the “better” students improve the performance of their partner but they induce lower motivation.

  • Agenda Setting and Reciprocal Vote Trading


    We study the implications of reciprocity on agenda setting in a sequential policy decision. We designed a laboratory experiment in which a committee decides sequentially on three independent bills. Selfish committee members would turn down all bills but reCiprocity allows for implicit vote trading. This mechanism gives power to agenda setters. We find that agenda setters use their power when setting the agenda but are rather generous in the voting decision. Legislators benefiting from the chosen agenda support the agenda setter more frequently whereas those suffering from the chosen agenda punish the agenda setter. Nevertheless agenda setting increases efficiency.

  • Three Essays on Structural Credit Risk Modelling


    Diese Dissertation besteht aus drei eigenständigen theoretischen Aufsätzen, in denen das Kreditrisiko von Firmen, die nicht dem Finanzsektor zuzurechnen sind, analysiert wird. Dabei wird der so genannten strukturellen Ansatz gefolgt. In meinem ersten Aufsatz schlage ich ein Modell vor, das den Akzent auf folgende Faktoren setzt: die dynamische Steuerung der Kapitalstruktur, die dynamische Steuerung des Unternehmensrisikos und die nicht normale Verteilung der Firmenrendite. Im zweiten Aufsatz erforsche ich den Einfluss einer oft benutzten und als harmlos betrachteten Annahme: perfekte Finanzmärkte. Im letzten Aufsatz untersuche ich die qualitativen und quantitativen Auswirkungen der Kapitalstrukturannahme in einem Strukturmodell auf die Risikoprämien eines Konkurses.

  • Glaser, Markus; Weber, Martin (2010): Overconfidence BAKER, H. Kent, ed., John R. NOFSINGER, ed.. Behavioral finance: investors, corporations, and markets. Hoboken N.J.: Wiley, 2010, pp. 241-259. ISBN 978-0-470-49911-5




    dc.contributor.author: Weber, Martin

  • A note on brain gain and brain drain : permanent migration and education policy


    In this note, we present a novel channel for a brain gain. Students from a developing country study in a developed host country. A higher permanent migration probability of these students appears to be a brain drain for the developing country in the first place. However, it induces the host country to improve its education quality, as a larger share of the generated benefits accrue in this host country. A higher education quality raises in turn the human capital of the returning students. As long as the permanent migration probability is not too large, this positive effect causes both aggregate and per-capita human capital to increase in the developing country. Thus, a brain gain occurs.

  • Kaas, Leo (2010): Variable Search Intensity with Coordination Unemployment The B. E. Journal of Macroeconomics. 2010, 10(1), 31. Available under: doi: 10.2202/1935-1690.2162

    Variable Search Intensity with Coordination Unemployment


    This paper analyzes an urn ball matching model in which workers decide how intensively they sample job openings and apply at a stochastic number of suitable vacancies. The model allows for tractable equilibrium characterization with a continuous search intensity margin. Equilibrium is not constrained efficient; entry is excessive, search intensity can be too high or too low, and an inefficient discouraged worker effect among homogenous workers emerges under adverse labor market conditions. Unlike existing coordination friction economies with fixed search intensity, the model can account for the empirical relation between the job finding rate and the vacancy unemployment ratio, provided that search costs are small and that search intensity is sufficiently procyclical.

  • Breyer, Friedrich; Marcus, Jan (2010): Income and longevity revisited : do high-earning women live longer? Discussion papers. Berlin: Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung

    Income and longevity revisited : do high-earning women live longer?


    The empirical relationship between income and longevity has been addressed by a large number of studies, but most were confined to men. In particular, administrative data from public pension systems are less reliable for women because of the loose relationship between own earnings and household income. Following the procedure first used by Hupfeld (2010), we analyze a large data set from the German public pension scheme on women who died between 1994 and 2005, employing both non-parametric and parametric methods. To overcome the problem mentioned above we concentrate on women with relatively long earnings history. We find that the relationship between earnings and life expectancy is very similar for women as for men: Among women who contributed at least for 25 years, a woman at the 90th percentile of the income distribution can expect to live 3 years longer than a woman at the 10th percentile.

  • Islam and Democracy


    Using the POLITY IV and Freedom House indices, Rowley and Smith (2009) found that countries with Muslim majorities enjoy less freedom and are less democratic than countries in which Muslims are a minority. Because the POLITY IV and Freedom House indices have been criticized on several grounds, I reinvestigate Rowley and Smith’s finding using the new Democracy-Dictatorship data from Cheibub et al. (2010). The empirical results confirm that countries with Muslim majorities are indeed less likely to be democratic.

  • Baumann, Michael; Leist, Anton; Breyer, Friedrich (Hrsg.) (2010): Climate Change, Risk and Responsibility : Analyse & Kritik ; 32 (2010), Heft 1

    Climate Change, Risk and Responsibility : Analyse & Kritik ; 32 (2010), Heft 1



    dc.contributor.editor: Baumann, Michael; Leist, Anton

  • Competition within firms


    We investigate the role of incentives set by a parent firm for competition among its subsidiaries. In a Cournot experiment four subsidiaries of the same parent operate in the same market. Parents earn a specific share of the joint profit and can choose how to distribute the remaining surplus (or loss). Results show that parents allocating profits equally among their subsidiaries reach outcomes close to collusion. However, almost half of the parent firms employ a proportional sharing rule instead. These groups end up with profits around the Cournot level.

  • Endogenous on-the-job search and frictional wage dispersion


    This paper addresses the large degree of frictional wage dispersion in US data. The standard job matching model without on-the-job search cannot replicate this pattern. With on-the-job search, however, unemployed job searchers are more willing to accept low wage offers since they can continue to seek for better employment opportunities. This explains why observably identical workers may be paid very differently. Therefore, we examine the quantitative implications of on-the-job search in a stochastic job matching model. Our key result is that the inclusion of variable on-the-job search increases the degree of frictional wage dispersion by an order of a magnitude.

  • Deißinger, Thomas; Frommberger, Dietmar (2010): Berufsbildung im internationalen Vergleich : Typen nationaler Berufsbildungssysteme NICKOLAUS, Reinhold, ed. and others. Handbuch Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. Bad Heilbrunn: Klinkhardt, 2010, pp. 343-348. ISBN 978-3-8252-8442-8

    Berufsbildung im internationalen Vergleich : Typen nationaler Berufsbildungssysteme



    dc.contributor.author: Frommberger, Dietmar

  • Seifried, Jürgen; Wuttke, Eveline; Nickolaus, Reinhold; Sloane, Peter F. E. (Hrsg.) (2010): Lehr-Lern-Forschung in der kaufmännischen Berufsbildung - Ergebnisse und Gestaltungsaufgaben

    Lehr-Lern-Forschung in der kaufmännischen Berufsbildung - Ergebnisse und Gestaltungsaufgaben



    dc.contributor.editor: Wuttke, Eveline; Nickolaus, Reinhold; Sloane, Peter F. E.

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