Mehr als 100 Schüler*innen kamen vergangene Woche mit ihren Lehrpersonen zum Schülertag „Economics Goes School“. Die Veranstaltung war die erste einer Kooperation zwischen Universität Konstanz und HTWG. Professor*innen und Student*innen der beiden Institutionen gestalten sie gemeinsam, um wirtschaftspolitische Themen in den Schulen der Region Bodensee bekannter zu machen.
Over the course of the summer semester 2022, the virtual BA-seminar #FinancialInnovations in the #DigitalAge (SFIDA) took place. The jointly offered seminar was hosted by Prof. Dr. Axel Kind and Prof. Dr. Stephan Schumann in cooperation with Prof. Dr. Iryna Ivanets from the Kyiv National Economic University (KNEU).
"We must unite and look beyond citizenship for the sake of the higher goal of peace and freedom" say Nick Zubanov (born in Russia) and Oksana Melnyk (born in Ukraine)
Katrin Schmelz is a psychologist and behavioral economist at the Cluster of Excellence “The Politics of Inequality” at the University of Konstanz and the Thurgau Economic Institute (TWI) investigating the factors that influence decision-making during the pandemic.
'Ciao caro e benvenuto a bella Roma!' - Oliver is an alumni of the double degree programme with the University of Rome Tor Vergata and shares his five tops reasons with you, why he thinks it's worth to go for two rather than only one degree.