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20 / 2460
  • Conditionally parametric fits for CAPM betas


    The CAPM model assumes stock returns to be a linear function of the market return. However, there is considerable evidence that the beta stability assumption commonly used when estimating the model is invalid. Nonparametric regression methods are used to examine the stability of beta coefficients in German stock returns. Since local polynomial regression is used for estimation, known methods for testing the stability and for bandwidth choice can be used. For some returns the test indicates time-varying betas. For these returns conditionally parametric fits are calculated.

  • Franke, Günter; Stapleton, Richard C.; Subrahmanyam, Marti G. (2004): Background risk and the demand for state-contingent claims Economic Theory. 2004, 23, pp. 321-335. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s00199-003-0368-1

    Background risk and the demand for state-contingent claims


    We consider the demand for state-contingent claims, in the presence of an independent zero-mean, non-hedgeable background risk. An agent is defined to be generalized risk averse if he/she chooses a demand function for contingent claims with a smaller slope everywhere, given a simple increase in background risk. We show that the conditions for standard risk aversion, that is positive, declining absolute risk aversion and prudence, are necessary and sufficient for generalized risk aversion.

  • Der Kausaleffekt von Bildungsinvestitionen : empirische Evidenz für Deutschland


    This paper analysis the robustness of the causal relationship between schooling
    and wages. Different estimators and instruments are compared under the
    assumption of heterogeneous returns to schooling. A data set from Germany is
    employed. It is shown that the results depend crucially on the choice of
    instruments and not so much on the applied estimator.

  • Why Do Asset Prices Not Follow Random Walks?


    This paper analyzes the effect of non-constant elasticity of the pricing kernel on asset return characteristics in a rational expectations model. It is shown that declining elasticity of the pricing kernel can lead to predictability of asset returns and high and persistent volatility. Also, declining elasticity helps to motivate technical analysis and to explain stock market crashes. Moreover, based on a general characterization of the pricing kernel, we propose analytical asset price processes which can be tested empirically. The numerical analysis reveals strong deviations from the geometric Brownian motion which are caused by declining elasticity of the pricing kernel.

  •   01.01.00

    Fachdidaktische Variationen in einer selbstorganisationsoffenen Lernumgebung : eine empirische Untersuchung des Rechnungswesenunterrichts



  • Der Einfluß didaktischer Schwerpunktsetzungen auf das motivationale Erleben des Rechnungswesenunterrichts in einer selbstorganisationsoffenen Lernumgebung


    In zwei in dieser Zeitschrift erschienenen Aufsätzen wurde bereits über die Bemühungen berichtet, eine selbstorganisationsoffene Lernumgebung für das Rechnungswesen zu gestalten, um eine schüleraktivere Gestaltung des Unterrichts zu ermöglichen. Zudem wurden erste empirische Befunde vorgestellt (siehe SEIFRIED 2002; SEIFRIED, BROUER & SEMBILL 2002). Dabei wurde herausgestellt, dass im Hinblick auf kognitive Erfolgskriterien (Faktenwissen und Problemlösefähigkeit) die Kombination des Selbstorganisierten Lernens mit der Didaktik des wirtschaftsinstrumentellen Rechnungswesens (PREISS u. TRAMM 1996; PREISS 1999) eine erfolgversprechende Option zur Steigerung der Unterrichtsqualität darstellt. Im vorliegenden Beitrag geht es nun um motivationale Erfolgskriterien. Im Zentrum der Ausführungen steht der Vergleich des motivationalen Erlebens des Unterrichts in Abhängigkeit von fachdidaktischen Schwerpunktsetzungen. Die Ausführungen basieren auf in kurzer zeitlicher Taktung erhobenen Prozessdaten zum subjektiven Erleben des Unterrichts aus Sicht von Schülerinnen und Schülern. In einem sich anschließenden Analyseschritt werden diese Erlebensdaten ("Innensicht") mit den deskriptiven Befunden der Unterrichtsbeobachtung ("Außensicht") in Verbindung gebracht.

  • Die Auswirkungen der Umweltpolitik auf Arbeitslosigkeit und Wachstum mit besonderer Berücksichtigung von Umweltzertifikaten


    Die Frage dieser Arbeit wird sein, wie eine striktere (bzw. strengere), aber nicht zwingend optimale Umweltpolitik sich auf Wachstum und Arbeitslosigkeit auswirkt. Eine striktere Umweltpolitik zeichnet sich durch eine geringere Umweltverschmutzung aus, da die Unternehmen zu umweltfreundlicherem Verhalten angeregt werden.
    Die Arbeit hat folgenden Aufbau: Im zweiten Kapitel werde ich das Untersuchungsfeld der Umweltverschmutzung eingrenzen. In einem ersten Schritt werde ich erklären, warum eine Beschränkung auf das Gebiet des Klimawandels sinnvoll ist. Danach stelle ich dar, welche Umweltinstrumente überhaupt für die Bekämpfung des Klimawandels geeignet sind.
    Im dritten Kapitel geht es um die Frage, welchen Einfluss eine striktere Umweltpolitik auf das Wachstum der Volkswirtschaft hat. Dazu werde ich einerseits darstellen, welchen Einfluss die Umweltpolitik hier generell hat, und andererseits, welche Wirkungen die einzelnen Umweltinstrumente im Speziellen haben. Am Schluss des dritten Kapitels werde ich die theoretisch gefundenen Ergebnisse dann anhand empirischer Untersuchungen überprüfen.
    Im folgenden vierten Kapitel geht es dann um die Auswirkungen der Umweltpolitik auf die Arbeitslosigkeit. Hier werde ich recht ausführlich ein Modell von Bovenberg und de Mooij besprechen, welches alle für die Fragestellung relevanten Effekte gut darstellt. Auch hier werden die gefundenen Ergebnisse anhand von empirischen Arbeiten überprüft.
    Im fünften Kapitel werde ich mich dann speziell den Besonderheiten der Zertifikate widmen, die sich als ein geeignetes Instrument zur Bekämpfung des Klimawandels herausstellen werden. Wie in der gesamten Arbeit, wird im fünften Kapitel von Situationen abgesehen, in denen Marktmacht auf dem Zertifikatsmarkt auftritt. Dies kann man so begründen, dass die Zertifikatsmärkte meistens so gestaltet werden, dass Marktmacht von vornherein vermieden wird. Auf dem geplanten Markt für Emissionszertifikate der EU werden beispielsweise 10000 Unternehmen am geplanten Zertifikatshandel teilnehmen. Die Tatsache, dass die Unternehmen aus verschiedenen Branchen und verschiedenen Ländern kommen , sollte das Problem der Marktmacht begrenzen. Bei der Analyse der Zertifikate konzentriere ich mich auf die Unternehmenszertifikate. Nicht betrachten werde ich dagegen, die zwischen den Ländern gehandelten Zertifikate nach dem Kyoto Protokoll. Grund dafür ist, dass man momentan noch nicht absehen kann, wann, und ob das Kyoto Protokoll in Kraft tritt. Dagegen ist der Typ der Unternehmenszertifikate in der Realität entweder schon implementiert (zum Beispiel im Rahmen des amerikanischen ATP), oder wird (wie in der EU) in Kürze eingeführt werden.

  • Gersbach, Hans; Hahn, Volker (2004): Voting Transparency, Conflicting Interests and the Appointment of Central Bankers Economics and Politics. 2004, 16(3), pp. 321-345. ISSN 0954-1985. eISSN 1468-0343. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0343.2004.00142.x

    Voting Transparency, Conflicting Interests and the Appointment of Central Bankers


    We examine whether the publication of the individual voting records of central-bank council members is socially desirable when the preferences of the central bankers differ. We identify two positive effects of transparency. First, central bankers whose preferences differ from those of society may act in the interest of society in order to increase their re-appointment chances. Second, transparency enhances the efficiency of the appointment process since the government can align the preferences of the central-bank council with those of the public over time. In a monetary union, our findings about the desirability of transparency may be reversed.

  • Deißinger, Thomas (2004): Germany’s system of vocational education and training : challenges and modernisation issues International Journal of Training Research. 2004, 2(1), pp. 76-99. ISSN 1448-0220

    Germany’s system of vocational education and training : challenges and modernisation issues



  • Breyer, Friedrich (2004): Comment on S. Valdes-Prieto, "The Financial Stability of Notional Account Pensions" The Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 2004, 106(2), pp. 385-387. ISSN 0347-0520. eISSN 1467-9442. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.0347-0520.2004.00365.x

    Comment on S. Valdes-Prieto, "The Financial Stability of Notional Account Pensions"



  • Seifried, Jürgen (2004): Schüleraktivitäten beim selbstorganisierten Lernen und deren Auswirkungen auf den Lernerfolg Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. 2004, 7(4), pp. 571-586. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11618-004-0060-7

    Schüleraktivitäten beim selbstorganisierten Lernen und deren Auswirkungen auf den Lernerfolg


    Ein grundlegendes Gestaltungselement des selbstorganisierten Lernens in Form projektorientierter Bearbeitung komplexer Probleme in Kleingruppen ist die Eigenaktivität der Lernenden. Zielsetzung, Problemlösung und Handlungskontrolle sollen in einer selbstorganisationsoffenen Lernumgebung vornehmlich von den Lernenden selbst übernommen werden. Im Zuge der gemeinsamen Problembearbeitung werden Schüler dazu angehalten, eigene Kenntnisse zu externalisieren und gemeinsam Modellvorstellungen und Begriffe zu konstruieren. In diesem Kontext geht man davon aus, dass lerninhaltsbezogene Aktivitäten von Schülern zu einem höheren Lernerfolg führen. In dem den Ausführungen zugrunde liegenden Forschungsprojekt wurde dem Aspekt der Lerneraktivität während schülerzentrierter Arbeitsphasen besonderes Augenmerk geschenkt. Mit Hilfe dreier alternativer Kategorienschemata (Problemlöseprozess, Verwendung von Fachtermini sowie Schülerfragen) wurde die Eigenaktivität einer Teilstichprobe (zwei Arbeitsgruppen mit neun von insgesamt 22 Untersuchungsteilnehmern einer Berufsschulklasse) analysiert. Dabei zeigte sich, dass erwartungsgemäß ein überzufälliger Zusammenhang zwischen der Schüleraktivität und dem Lernerfolg (Problemlösefähigkeit) besteht. Die Lernenden konnten den beim selbstorganisierten Lernen bestehenden Freiraum eigenverantwortlich nutzen.

  • Demougin, Dominique; Fabel, Oliver (2004): The Divison of Ownership in New Ventures

    The Divison of Ownership in New Ventures


    The current study investigates a tripartite incentive contract between an innovator supplying an intellectual asset, a professional assigned to productive tasks, and a consulting firm specialized in recruiting qualified personnel. The liquidity-constrained professional is compensated by receiving a share of one half in the new venture. With continuous search activities of the consultant the pure tripartite partnership implements the consultant s expected profit maximum. The consultant s and the innovator s shares reflect the relative value of search. However, the consultant s optimal search effort is inefficiently low. With binary search and only two innovator types , there may also exist bipartite partnerships of equals between the innovator and the professional, and bipartite partnerships of equals between the consultant and the professional. The latter emerge from complete buy-outs of innovators with low value business ideas.

  • Präferenzfreie Strategien zum Absichern von Wechselkursrisiken


    Zweck dieses Beitrags ist es, mehrperiodige Modelle für ein Exportunternehmen zu untersuchen, in denen sich eine einfache Export- und Absicherungspolitik als optimal erweist.

  • Returns to education and individual heterogeneity


    In this paper, human capital investments are evaluated by assuming heterogeneous returns to education. We use the potential outcome approach to measure the causal effect of human capital investments on earnings as a continuous treatment effect. Empirical evidence is based on a sample of West German full-time employed males from the ”BIBB/IAB-Strukturerhebung 1998/99.” Our estimate of the average treatment effect of an additional year of schooling (ATE) amounts to 8.7%, which is quite similar to conventional instrumental variable estimates.

  • A Quasilinear Parabolic Equation with Quadratic Growth of the Gradient modeling Incomplete Financial Markets


    We consider a quasilinear parabolic equation with quadratic gradient terms. It arises in the modelling of an optimal portfolio which maximizes the expected utility from terminal wealth in incomplete markets consisting of risky assets and non-tradable state variables. The existence of solutions is shown by extending the monotonicity method of Frehse. Furthermore, we prove the uniqueness of weak solutions under a smallness condition on the derivatives of the covariance matrices with respect to the solution. The in uence of the non-tradable state variables on the optimal value function is illustrated by a numerical example.

  • Kaas, Leo; Madden, Paul (2004): A new model of equilibrium involuntary unemployment Economic Theory. 2004, 23(3), pp. 507-527. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s00199-003-0391-2

    A new model of equilibrium involuntary unemployment


    We show that equilibrium involuntary unemployment emerges in a multi-stage game model where all market power resides with firms, on both the labour and the output market. Firms decide wages, employment, output and prices, and under constant returns there exists a continuum of subgame perfect Nash equilibria involving unemployment and positive profits. A firm does not undercut the equilibrium wage since then high wage firms would attract its workers, thus forcing the undercutting firm out of both markets. Full employment equilibria are payoff dominated by unemployment equilibria, and the arguments are robust to decreasing returns.

  • The Regulation of Stock Trading and its Enforcement in China


    The first public share issue in the PRC took place in 1994. By the early 21st century, in the space of less than two decades, the Chinese stock market has become the largest one in Asia, with the exception of Japan. Along with this rapid enlargement of the market, the Chinese stock trading regulation system has experienced a process of continuous improvement. A national centralized stock trading regulatory system has been set up, and many securities laws and regulations have been published.
    In the first part of this thesis, a brief introduction will be provided in order to give the reader an overview of the current state of the Chinese stock market and its regulatory system. In particular, some concepts which only exist in the Chinese stock market will be clarified. After that, the three main themes of this thesis will be presented.
    The first intention is to introduce the history of the development of Chinese stock trading regulations and their enforcement measures. This is mainly, but not only, dealt with in Chapter two where the whole history is divided into three periods and the most distinctive features in each period are introduced respectively. Apart from that, the development of some specific regulations is covered in the other chapters.
    The second goal is to present a detailed picture of the stock trading regulatory system in its current form. This is covered in the next two chapters. Detailed regulations will be discussed in Chapter three, which considers several different areas in stock trading. Key incidents in the development of the regulations are also introduced in this chapter. After that, the practical enforcement of the regulations is discussed in Chapter four.
    Although the Chinese stock market has made great strides, we need to keep in mind that it is still a primitive market, and these achievements are still embedded within the framework of a transition economy. So my third aim, presented in Chapter five, is to point out some problems with the Chinese stock trading regulatory system and suggest some potential solutions. Instead of covering all the problems that the system has, this chapter will concentrate on where the difference between the Chinese stock market and more sophisticated stock markets lies, in the hope of helping the former to better prepare for the rigors of exposure to the international financial markets.

  • The Stability and Growth Pact : an Analysis of the Pros and Cons


    The Stability and Growth Pact (SGP) has attracted much attention since the idea was first suggested by German Finance Minister, Mr. Waigel, in late 1995. Naturally, there is not an unanimous view on the Pact: for some it is an unnecessary restriction; for others the Pact is necessary but requires further development and strengthening; finally there are those who consider that the SGP sets wrong objectives and, thus, while fiscal rules are necessary, must be replaced by some other arrangements. The discussion on the rationale of fiscal rules in a monetary union goes beyond this work. That is, the analysis in this work will be built upon the general consensus on the necessity of fiscal restrictions in the context of a multinational unification with the common currency. In the focus of the work stands the design of the Pact. Unanimously adopted in December 1996, the rules of the SGP caused substantial doubts already several years later. The first violations of the Pact took place already in the third year of its operation. The most astonishing is the fact that the country, which was the initiator of the Pact, has violated it among the first ones and called its credibility into question. This has led to intensive debates on the numeral rules of the Pact and its implementation which is said to be inadequate. Whence, the purpose of this work is to trace the operation of the SGP starting with its introduction and up to today, with the objective to find out what have caused the breach of the rules. The work attempts to answer the question, whether the SGP has properly fulfilled its role, that is, whether it proved to be an efficient mechanism for enforcing fiscal discipline.
    Aiming to provide a thorough and impartial answer to the posed question, the approach of detailed investigation of diverse studies and points of view is chosen in this work. When assessing the recent developments in the euro-area, the publications of the European Commission are chosen as probably most independent source of information. However, also the data stemming from the Commission is confronted with other views and studies. It is important to note that the results of the following investigation do not claim to give a precise answer to a question, but rather are a useful lead for further studies and debates.
    The work is organised as follows. In order to lay a good foundation for an assessment of the events around the SGP, the origin and the incentives to adopt the Pact are recalled in chapter 2. The description of the final version of the SGP in chapter 3 gives an insight into its structure, procedures and objectives. Having gained fundamental understanding on the backgrounds of the SGP, one can proceed to the assessment of the operation of the Pact. How have member states implemented the SGP and performed in its context? Had the new fiscal framework any influence on their budgetary choices? Have the enforcement mechanisms of the Pact properly functioned? Investigation of these questions, presented in chapter 4, reveals a number of shortcomings both in the rules of the Pact and in its implementation. However, the experience gained during the operation of the SGP has showed the possible directions for its further strengthening. The debate on the budgetary surveillance framework and its development are assessed in chapter 5. The issues concerning the conduct of fiscal policy in EMU are discussed in chapter 6. Chapter 7 introduces two courses of further possible development of the Pact: the first one, chosen by the EU institutions, and the other one, suggested by diverse academicians and policy-makers; with the objective to assess merits and disadvantages of both. Final considerations and conclusions are presented in chapter 8, supplemented by several recommendations on further treatment of the subject, which are based on the investigation carried out in the work.

  • Deißinger, Thomas; Kremer, H.-Hugo (2004): Organisation und didaktische Ausrichtung des Praxissemesters im Rahmen des Diplomstudiengangs Wirtschaftspädagogik an der Universität Konstanz BACKES-HAASE, Alfons, ed., Helmut FROMMER, ed.. Theorie-Praxis-Verzahnung in der beruflichen und gymnasialen Lehrerbildung : das neu eingeführte Praxissemester. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren, 2004, pp. 88-105. Diskussion Berufsbildung. 6. ISBN 3-89676-816-6

    Organisation und didaktische Ausrichtung des Praxissemesters im Rahmen des Diplomstudiengangs Wirtschaftspädagogik an der Universität Konstanz


    dc.title: Kremer, H.-Hugo

  • The Impact of University Deregulation on Curriculum Choice


    Many European universities face demands to provide excellent education and to enrol more students at the same time. With scarce financial resources policy makers concentrate on regulations (especially admission policies, tuition fees, and the introduction of competition) to meet the different objectives. This paper analyses the curriculum choices of universities in different regulatory regimes. Universities benefit from the value of the human capital of their graduates. Students are risk-averse. They differ with respect to ability. The deregulation of tuition fees sets an incentive for universities to account for students' preferences. Complete deregulation induces a hierarchical stratification of ex-ante identical universities.

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