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20 / 2459
  • Ursprung, Heinrich (2021): Financial returns to collecting rare political economy books European Journal of Political Economy. Elsevier. 2021, 70, 102139. ISSN 0176-2680. eISSN 1873-5703. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2021.102139

    Financial returns to collecting rare political economy books


    Rare books of political economy are eminently collectable. Using historical prices, I employ hedonic regressions to estimate financial returns to collecting the works of ten eminent political economists and develop a price index for this corpus of collectables. For the observation period 1975–2019, I find that in those 45 years investing in rare political economy books yielded an average annual real rate of return of 2.8%, which is well in line with the returns to collecting rare books of classical literature. Compared with other collectibles such as fine art, investing in rare books turns out to be financially more profitable.

  • Mücher, Christian (2021): Artificial Neural Network Based Non-linear Transformation of High-Frequency Returns for Volatility Forecasting Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Frontiers Research Foundation. 2021, 4, 787534. eISSN 2624-8212. Available under: doi: 10.3389/frai.2021.787534

    Artificial Neural Network Based Non-linear Transformation of High-Frequency Returns for Volatility Forecasting


    This paper uses Long Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks to extract information from the intraday high-frequency returns to forecast daily volatility. Applied to the IBM stock, we find significant improvements in the forecasting performance of models that use this extracted information compared to the forecasts of models that omit the extracted information and some of the most popular alternative models. Furthermore, we find that extracting the information through Long Short Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks is superior to two Mixed Data Sampling alternatives.

  • Melnyk, Oksana; Braun, Vera; Deißinger, Thomas (2021): Berufliche Lehrerbildung in der Ukraine : Kontextbedingungen, Problemlagen und Lösungsansätze GREIMEL-FUHRMANN, Bettina, ed.. Das Lernen in der Wirtschaftspädagogik : Festschrift für Richard Fortmüller. Wien: Facultas, 2021, pp. 122-138. ISBN 978-3-7089-2186-0

    Berufliche Lehrerbildung in der Ukraine : Kontextbedingungen, Problemlagen und Lösungsansätze



  • Kärner, Tobias; Weiß, Julia Katharina; Heinrichs, Karin (2021): A social perspective on resilience : social support and dyadic coping in teacher training Empirical research in vocational education and training. Springer. 2021, 13, 24. ISSN 1877-6337. eISSN 1877-6345. Available under: doi: 10.1186/s40461-021-00126-y

    A social perspective on resilience : social support and dyadic coping in teacher training


    Stress in teaching and teacher training is a well-known issue and stress management during teacher training may not only be affected by individual coping efforts, but also determined by private and work-related networks the individual is integrated in. In that regard, our article aims firstly to identify sources of social support in the German teacher training system and secondly to analyze interdependencies in dyadic coping interactions based on the Actor-Partner Interdependence Model. On the basis of questionnaire data from 307 German trainees and qualified teachers from vocational and general schools, we found that mentors, partners, fellow trainees, colleagues at school, parents, and good friends were named as the most supportive reference persons during teacher training. In a follow-up survey, data from 49 sources of support were obtained, which could be assigned to the corresponding (trainee) teachers (in the sense of support recipients). These dyads thus form the basis for the analysis of dyadic coping interdependencies. The results of the moderator analyses show, among other things, that support recipients who prefer the coping strategy palliative emotion regulation tend to react rather sensitively to contrary coping strategies of the source of support with regard to their stress symptoms. Social interactions in this respect can represent both protective as well as risk factors. Therefore, a system of complex social interdependencies must be considered when analyzing relational resilience among prospective teachers.

  • Datenschutz in der (Corona-)Krise : Selbstbestimmung und Vertrauen im Fokus


    Die Nutzung von persönlichen Daten der Bürger:innen bietet enormes Potential für die Bewältigung gesellschaftlicher Herausforderungen. Doch das Thema wird kontrovers diskutiert – von Corona-Apps und Bewegungsdaten bis hin zur Vorratsdatenspeicherung. Datenschutz hat in Deutschland einen sehr hohen Stellenwert, doch unsere repräsentative Befragung zeigt: Wenn auf Freiwilligkeit statt auf Zwang gesetzt wird, ist die Bevölkerung eher bereit, Daten zur Verfügung zu stellen. Die Datennutzung sollte daher die informationelle Selbstbestimmtheit der Bürger:innen achten und für sie oder andere einen konkreten Nutzen erkennen lassen. Neben diesen Faktoren ist das Vertrauen in öffentliche Institutionen zentral, um breite Zustimmung zur Nutzung persönlicher Daten zu gewährleisten – in Krisenzeiten und darüber hinaus.

  • Television, Health, and Happiness : A Natural Experiment in West Germany


    Watching television is the most time-consuming human activity besides work but its role for individual well-being is unclear. Negative consequences portrayed in the literature raise the question whether this popular pastime constitutes an economic good or bad, and hence serves as a prime example of irrational behavior reducing individual health and happiness. Using rich panel data, we are the first to comprehensively address this question by exploiting a large-scale natural experiment in West Germany, where people in geographically restricted areas received commercial TV via terrestrial frequencies. Contrary to previous research, we find no health impact when TV consumption increases. For life satisfaction, we even find positive effects. Additional analyses support the notion that TV is not an economic bad and that non-experimental evidence seems to be driven by negative self-selection.

  • Henne, Anna; Beuter, Anja; Hachfeld, Axinja; Schumann, Stephan; Möhrke, Philipp (2021): Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht während der Corona-Pandemie HABIG, Sebastian, ed.. Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht und Lehrerbildung im Umbruch? : Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik, 47. Jahrestagung (virtuell) 2020. Duisburg: Universität Duisburg-Essen, 2021, pp. 669-672. Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Chemie und Physik. 41

    Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht während der Corona-Pandemie



  • Anand, Amitabh; Brøns Kringelum, Louise; Øland Madsen, Charlotte; Selivanovskikh, Louisa (2021): Interorganizational learning : a bibliometric review and research agenda The Learning Organization. Emerald. 2021, 28(2), pp. 111-136. ISSN 0969-6474. eISSN 1758-7905. Available under: doi: 10.1108/tlo-02-2020-0023

    Interorganizational learning : a bibliometric review and research agenda


    Scholarly interest in interorganizational learning (IOL) has spiked in the past decade because of its potential to absorb, transfer and create valuable knowledge for enhanced innovative performance and sustained competitive advantage. However, only a handful of review studies exists on the topic. The evolution of IOL has not been studied explicitly and there is a lack of understanding of the field trends. To fill this gap, this paper aims to comprehensively review the literature on IOL and map its evolution and trends using bibliometric techniques. In particular, the authors use visualization of science mapping freeware to systematize the findings and interpret the results.

    The authors synthesize the findings using “evaluative bibliometric techniques” to identify the quality and quantity indicators of the IOL research and use “relational bibliometric techniques” to determine the structural indicators of the IOL field such as the intellectual foundations and emerging research themes of IOL research.

    Through an analysis of 208 journal publications obtained from the Scopus database, the authors determine the leading authors, countries, highly cited papers and their contributions to the IOL literature. By identifying the key hotspots, intellectual foundations and emerging trends of IOL, the authors provide promising avenues in IOL research.

    To the best of the knowledge, this study is the first to systematically review the IOL literature and provide future research directions.

  • How does information consistency influence prospective teachers’ decisions about task difficulty assignments? : A within-subject experiment to explain data-based decision-making in heterogeneous classes


    In order to provide adaptive instruction in heterogeneous classes, teachers have to consider performance-related information for their decisions on which task difficulty level fits best for a particular student. Focusing on prospective teachers’ data-based decision-making, we aim to investigate their use of proximal and distal indicators of students’ ability and readiness to deal successfully with domain-specific tasks that are available for 32 student cases in a digital test environment. To address several hypotheses on the participants’ information-processing behaviors and decisions, we conducted a within-subject experiment in which we systematically varied the informational consistency of the presented student cases. We used a mixed-methods approach to measure observable information-processing behavior and decision-making. We assessed the effects of consistent/inconsistent cases on the amount, sequence, and perceived relevance of selected information, the type of processed information, the time needed for information processing, and the subjective confidence when making a decision via linear dynamic panel-data modeling.

  • Khashabi, Pooyan; Kretschmer, Tobias; Zubanov, Nick; Heinz, Matthias; Friebel, Guido (2021): Market Competition and the Effectiveness of Performance Pay Organization Science. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). 2021, 32(2), pp. 334-351. ISSN 1047-7039. eISSN 1526-5455. Available under: doi: 10.1287/orsc.2020.1392

    Market Competition and the Effectiveness of Performance Pay


    It is well established that the effectiveness of pay-for-performance (PfP) schemes depends on employee- and organization-specific factors. However, less is known about the moderating role of external forces such as market competition. Our theory posits that competition generates two counteracting effects—the residual market and competitor response effects—that vary with competition and jointly generate a curvilinear relationship between PfP effectiveness and competition. Weak competition discourages effort response to PfP because there is little residual market to gain from rivals, whereas strong competition weakens incentives because an offsetting response from competitors becomes more likely. PfP hence has the strongest effect under moderate competition. Field data from a bakery chain and its competitive environment confirm our theory and let us refute several alternative interpretations.

  • Melnyk, Oksana (2021): Historical-Cultural Dimension of VET in Ukraine EIGENMANN, Philipp, ed., Philipp GONON, ed., Markus WEIL, ed.. Opening and extending vocational education. Bern: Peter Lang, 2021, pp. 99-134. Studien zur Berufs- und Weiterbildung. 18. ISBN 978-3-0343-3487-7. Available under: doi: 10.3726/b17572

    Historical-Cultural Dimension of VET in Ukraine



  • Redistribution beyond equality and status quo : heterogeneous societies in the lab



  • Wenn alle Teil der Mittelschicht sein wollen : (Fehl-)Wahrnehmungen von Ungleichheit und warum sie für Sozialpolitik wichtig sind


    Für eine Politik, die auf Wohlstand und soziale Mobilität abzielt, stellt die bestehende soziale und wirtschaftliche Ungleichheit eine anhaltende Herausforderung dar. Dabei wird Ungleichheit in der deutschen Bevölkerung vielfach falsch wahrgenommen: Sie wird zwar durchaus als Problem betrachtet; ihr Ausmaß wird aber in wichtigen Aspekten unterschätzt, wie dieses Papier anhand von Befragungsdaten zeigt. Dabei unterstützen große Teile der Bevölkerung eine egalitärere Gesellschaft.

  • Galbiati, Roberto; Henry, Emeric; Jacquemet, Nicolas; Lobeck, Max (2021): How laws affect the perception of norms : Empirical evidence from the lockdown PloS ONE. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2021, 16(9), e0256624. eISSN 1932-6203. Available under: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0256624

    How laws affect the perception of norms : Empirical evidence from the lockdown


    Laws not only affect behavior due to changes in material payoffs, but they may also change the perception individuals have of social norms, either by shifting them directly or by providing information on these norms. Using detailed daily survey data and exploiting the introduction of lockdown measures in the UK in the context of the COVID-19 health crisis, we provide causal evidence that the law drastically changed the perception of the norms regarding social distancing behaviors. We show that this effect of laws on perceived norms is mostly driven by an informational channel and that the intervention made perceptions of social norms converge to the actual prevalent norm.

  • Fehrler, Sebastian; Janas, Moritz (2021): Delegation to a Group Management Science. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). 2021, 67(6), pp. 3714-3743. ISSN 0025-1909. eISSN 1526-5501. Available under: doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2020.3665

    Delegation to a Group


    We study the choice of a principal to either delegate a decision to a group of careerist experts or to consult them individually and keep the decision-making power. Our model predicts a trade-off between information acquisition and information aggregation. On the one hand, the expected benefit from being informed is larger in case the experts are consulted individually. Hence, the experts either acquire the same or a larger amount of information, depending on the cost of information, than in case of delegation. On the other hand, any acquired information is better aggregated in the case of delegation, in which experts can deliberate secretly. To test the model’s key predictions, we run an experiment. The results from the laboratory confirm the predicted trade-off despite some deviations from theory on the individual level.

  • Genser, Bernd; Holzmann, Robert (2021): Frontloaded Income Taxation of Old-Age Pensions : For Efficiency and Fairness in a World of International Labor Mobility CESifo Economic Studies. Oxford University Press (OUP). 2021, 67(1), pp. 61-77. ISSN 1610-241X. eISSN 1612-7501. Available under: doi: 10.1093/cesifo/ifz017

    Frontloaded Income Taxation of Old-Age Pensions : For Efficiency and Fairness in a World of International Labor Mobility


    A comparative inspection of the rules of cross-border pension taxation across member countries of the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) shows that the existing pattern is extremely diverse and inconsistent and generates unfair outcomes for individuals and for countries. This article argues that this double fairness dilemma cannot be solved within the current network of double taxation treaties. Instead, it proposes a new approach for the taxation of old-age pensions in a world of high and increasing cross-border mobility of workers and pensioners. The article demonstrates that a coordinated move to frontloaded pension taxation would pave the way for an international pension tax order that eliminates the double fairness dilemma. An additional innovative element of frontloaded pension taxation is presented: the separation of individual tax assessment and tax payment, which may help curb political opposition against frontloaded pension taxation and smooth transitional effects after its introduction.

  • Asri, Ankush; Asri, Viola; Renerte, Baiba; Föllmi-Heusi, Franziska; Leuppi, Joerg D.; Muser, Juergen; Nüesch, Reto; Schuler, Dominik; Fischbacher, Urs (2021): Wearing a mask - For yourself or for others? : Behavioral correlates of mask wearing among COVID-19 frontline workers PLoS one. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 2021, 16(7), e0253621. eISSN 1932-6203. Available under: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0253621

    Wearing a mask - For yourself or for others? : Behavioral correlates of mask wearing among COVID-19 frontline workers


    Human behavior can have effects on oneself and externalities on others. Mask wearing is such a behavior in the current pandemic. What motivates people to wear face masks in public when mask wearing is voluntary or not enforced? Which benefits should the policy makers rather emphasize in information campaigns—the reduced chances of getting the SARS-CoV-2 virus (benefits for oneself) or the reduced chances of transmitting the virus (benefits for others in the society)? In this paper, we link measured risk preferences and other-regarding preferences to mask wearing habits among 840 surveyed employees of two large Swiss hospitals. We find that the leading mask-wearing motivations change with age: While for older people, mask wearing habits are best explained by their self-regarding risk preferences, younger people are also motivated by other-regarding concerns. Our results are robust to different specifications including linear probability models, probit models and Lasso covariate selection models. Our findings thus allow drawing policy implications for effectively communicating public-health recommendations to frontline workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.

  • Dauth, Wolfgang; Findeisen, Sebastian; Suedekum, Jens (2021): Adjusting to Globalization in Germany Journal of Labor Economics. University of Chicago Press. 2021, 39(1), pp. 263-302. ISSN 0734-306X. eISSN 1537-5307. Available under: doi: 10.1086/707356

    Adjusting to Globalization in Germany


    We study the impact of trade exposure on the job biographies of 2.4 million manufacturing workers in Germany. Rising export opportunities lead to two equally important sources of earnings gains: on the job and employer switches within the same industry. Highly skilled workers benefit the most. Import shocks mostly hurt low-skilled workers, especially when they possess lots of industry-specific human capital. They also destroy workers’ rents when separating from high-wage plants, and they leave strongly scarring effects in the event of a mass layoff. We connect our results to the growing theoretical literature on the labor market effects of trade.

  • Bleibtreu, Christopher; Stefani, Ulrike (Eds.) (2021): Audit Regulations, Audit Market Structure, and Financial Reporting Quality Foundations and Trends in Accounting. 2021, 16(1-2), pp. 1-183. ISSN 1554-0642. eISSN 1554-0650. Available under: doi: 10.1561/1400000066

    Audit Regulations, Audit Market Structure, and Financial Reporting Quality


    In order to reduce the high level of concentration in the market segment of statutory audits of listed companies and to improve audit quality, new audit market regulations have been introduced (e.g., the mandatory rotation of the audit firm in the EU and the prohibition of single-provider auditing and consulting in the EU and in the U.S.). Other measures are currently discussed (e.g., joint audits or shared audits in the UK). However, the empirical evidence as to whether such regulations have the expected effects and whether there is actually a negative correlation between concentration and audit quality is mixed. This could be because the effects of regulatory measures on auditor and auditee incentives and their effects on market structure are interdependent, and, moreover, simultaneously determine audit quality. We therefore do not only provide a structured overview of the empirical literature on the effects of audit market regulations, but also discuss how to analyze these effects based on analytical models.

  • Three Essays on Estimation Techniques for Econometric Models with Endogeneity



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