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20 / 2460
  • Audit Market Regulation around the World : Descriptive Evidence, Market Structure, and Audit Quality


    The main objectives of recent audit market regulations are to (1) increase audit quality, (2) decrease audit market concentration, and (3) foster competition between audit firms. However, the empirical evidence on whether such regulations fulfill these goals is limited. We construct a unique database of the regulations in effect in the audit markets of 29 countries to explore the link between audit market regulation and the abovementioned objectives. The staggered implementation between 2002 and 2014 across the sample countries allows better identification of the role of audit market regulation than in single-country studies. We find that only one of the analyzed regulations, the restriction of auditor liability, is positively associated with all three goals. Mandatory auditor rotation, fee disclosures, and fee caps appear to be detrimental: The associations with two of the objectives are in the wrong direction, with no positive counterbalancing effect with regard to the third goal. Restricting non-audit services is associated with a lower degree of concentration within the group of market leaders and higher audit quality, but is negatively related to competition. The role of audit partner rotation and that of joint audits remain ambiguous. Our findings are helpful for regulators and academics and represent a necessary first step for a comprehensive cost-benefit analysis of audit market regulations.

  • Wolff, Irenaeus (2017): What are the equilibria in public-good experiments? Economics Letters. 2017, 150, pp. 83-85. ISSN 0165-1765. eISSN 1873-7374. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2016.11.015

    What are the equilibria in public-good experiments?


    Most social-preference models have been tailored to yield only a full-defection equilibrium in one- shot linear public-good situations. This paper determines the Nash-equilibrium sets that result from experiment participants’ elicited preferences. The data show that multiple equilibria are relatively frequent even in a standard three-player setting. In this perspective, the common finding of close-to- omnilateral defection at the end of repeated public-good games is surprising and raises the question of why the dynamics of play seem to select this equilibrium out of the existing equilibria.

  • Lust und Frust im Tablet-PC-basierten Wirtschaftsunterricht : Befunde einer Interventionsstudie zur Erfassung des affektiven Unterrichtserlebens mittels Continous-State-Sampling



  • Fischbacher, Urs; Hoffmann, Gerson; Schudy, Simeon (2017): The causal effect of stop-loss and take-gain orders on the disposition effect The Review of Financial Studies. 2017, 30(6), pp. 2110-2129. ISSN 0893-9454. eISSN 1465-7368. Available under: doi: 10.1093/rfs/hhx016

    The causal effect of stop-loss and take-gain orders on the disposition effect


    We investigate whether automatic selling devices causally reduce investors’ disposition effect (DE) in a laboratory experiment. Investors can actively buy and sell assets. Investors in the treatment group use stop-loss and take-gain options to automatically sell assets. In addition, we introduce a reminder condition that reminds investors about their selling plan if a limit is hit. Results show that the automatic selling device treatment significantly reduces the DEs, but the reminder treatment does not. Thus, the opportunity to ex ante commit to automatically selling at a loss causally reduces the disposition effect.

  • Romanova, Anna; Melnyk, Oksana (2017): Comparative overview of vocational teacher training in Ukraine and Germany International Journal of Education & Development. 2017(2), pp. 16-24

    Comparative overview of vocational teacher training in Ukraine and Germany


    dc.title: Romanova, Anna

  • Scholl, Almuth (2017): The dynamics of sovereign default risk and political turnover Journal of International Economics. 2017, 108, pp. 37-53. ISSN 0022-1996. eISSN 1873-0353. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jinteco.2017.05.002

    The dynamics of sovereign default risk and political turnover


    This paper develops a stochastic dynamic politico-economic model of sovereign debt to analyze the interaction of sovereign default risk and political turnover. Two parties differ in their preferred size of unproductive public spending which is financed by taxes and external debt. Electoral outcomes are characterized by the economic benefits from the incumbent's policies and stochastic idiosyncratic ideological aspects. Quantitative findings suggest that endogenous political turnover increases the discrepancies between the optimal borrowing and default policies of the two parties. Prior to a debt crisis, the incumbent government accumulates external debt to foster the probability of remaining in power. The dynamic interaction of electoral outcomes, external debt, and sovereign default supports arguments for imposing institutional constraints on incumbent governments.

  • Hahn, Volker (2017): Committee design with endogenous participation Games and Economic Behavior. 2017, 102, pp. 388-408. ISSN 0899-8256. eISSN 1090-2473. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.geb.2017.01.009

    Committee design with endogenous participation


    We analyze different committee designs in a model with the endogenous participation of experts who have private information about their own abilities. Each committee design involves a test of abilities whose accuracy influences experts' decisions to participate. We derive the following findings. First, higher wages continuously lower the quality of experts on the committee. Second, and as a consequence of this, optimal committees involve low wages. Third, an increase in transparency improves the quality of experts on the committee. Fourth, larger committees attract less able experts than smaller ones, unless the committee operates under full transparency.

  • Fischer, Marcel; Gallmeyer, Michael (2017): Taxable and Tax-Deferred Investing with the Limited Use of Losses Review of Finance. 2017, 21(5), pp. 1847-1873. ISSN 1572-3097. eISSN 1573-692X. Available under: doi: 10.1093/rof/rfw047

    Taxable and Tax-Deferred Investing with the Limited Use of Losses


    We study the impact of the different tax treatment of capital gains and losses on the optimal location of assets in taxable and tax-deferred accounts. The classical result of Black (1980) and Tepper (1981) suggests that investors should follow a strict pecking order asset location rule and hold those assets that are subject to the highest tax rate preferentially in tax-deferred accounts. We show that with the different tax treatment of realized gains and losses, only tax-efficient equity mutual funds are optimally held in taxable accounts, whereas mutual funds with average tax-(in)efficiency are preferentially held in tax-deferred accounts.

  • Four Essays on Cognitive Processes of Social Decision Making



  • Corporate Governance and Equity Risk



  • Felfe, Christina; Huber, Martin (2017): Does Preschool Boost the Development of Minority Children? : The Case of Roma Children Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series A : Statistics in Society. Oxford University Press. 2017, 180(2), pp. 475-502. ISSN 0964-1998. eISSN 1467-985X. Available under: doi: 10.1111/rssa.12207

    Does Preschool Boost the Development of Minority Children? : The Case of Roma Children


    Does universal preschool constitute an effective policy tool to promote the development and integration of children from minority groups? We address this question for the children of the Roma—the largest and most disadvantaged minority group in Europe. To tackle the issue of non-random selection into preschool, we exploit variation in the individual distance to the nearest preschool facility. Non-parametric instrumental variable estimations reveal significant short-term gains in terms of children's literacy. Preschool attendance also increases the prevalence of vaccinations but has no effect on other observed health outcomes. Overall, preschool also does not seem to enhance integration measured by children's language proficiency or social–emotional development, at least not in the short term.

  • Breyer, Friedrich (2017): Commentary to : Medical ethics: enhanced or undermined by modes of payment? The European Journal of Health Economics. 2017, 18(1), pp. 131-132. ISSN 1618-7598. eISSN 1618-7601. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s10198-016-0838-6

    Commentary to : Medical ethics: enhanced or undermined by modes of payment?



  • Policy Effects in a Simple Fully Non-Linear New Keynesian Model of the Liquidity Trap


    We analyze a simple yet fully non-linear New Keynesian model of the liquidity trap. Productivity shocks are the only source of aggregate fluctuations and the central bank acts as a discretionary policy maker that pursues an inflation targeting strategy. We use this model to assess the effects of fiscal policy in a liquidity trap, the consequences of a commitment to change government expenditures in the future as well as the implications of lower taxes on labor and a higher inflation target. In contrast with some previous papers, we find that the effects of fiscal policy in a liquidity trap are moderate and that reductions in labor income taxes are expansionary. We do not find support for higher inflation targets.

  • Three Essays on Bayesian Shrinkage Methods



  • Schwerdt, Guido; Woessmann, Ludger (2017): The information value of central school exams Economics of Education Review. 2017, 56, pp. 65-79. ISSN 0272-7757. eISSN 1873-7382. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.econedurev.2016.11.005

    The information value of central school exams


    The central vs. local nature of high-school exit exam systems can have important repercussions on the labor market. By increasing the informational content of grades, central exams may improve the sorting of students by productivity. To test this, we exploit the unique German setting where students from states with and without central exams work on the same labor market. Our difference-in-difference model estimates whether the earnings difference between individuals with high and low grades differs between central and local exams. We find that the earnings premium for a one standard-deviation increase in high-school grades is indeed 6% when obtained on central exams but less than 2% when obtained on local exams. Choices of higher-education programs and of occupations do not appear major channels of this result.

  • Hanushek, Eric A.; Schwerdt, Guido; Wiederhold, Simon; Woessmann, Ludger (2017): Coping with Change : International Differences in the Returns to Skills Economics Letters. 2017, 153, pp. 15-19. ISSN 0165-1765. eISSN 1873-7374. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2017.01.007

    Coping with Change : International Differences in the Returns to Skills


    International data from the PIAAC survey allow estimation of comparable labor-market returns to skills for 32 countries. Returns to skills are larger in faster growing economies, consistent with the hypothesis that skills are particularly important for adaptation to economic change.

  • Effekte achtsamkeitsbasierter Interventionen zur Verbesserung der Stressbewältigung von Lehrpersonen : eine Zusammenfassung aktueller Forschungsbefunde


    Lehrpersonen wie auch Lehramtsanwärterinnen und Lehramtsanwärter sind in ihrem beruflichen Alltag zahlreichen Belastungen, insbesondere im psychosozialen Bereich, ausgesetzt, welche mittel- und langfristig gesundheitsbeeinträchtigende Wirkungen entfalten können. Betrachtet man den Umgang mit dem Thema „Gesundheitsförderung am Arbeitsplatz Schule“, so drängt sich der Eindruck auf, dass derzeit vor allem ein Fokus auf möglichen Risiko- und Belastungsfaktoren dominiert und immer wieder die Frage diskutiert wird, ob nicht bereits vor dem Referendariat eine „angemessene“ (Selbst-)Selektion erreicht werden könnte. Dagegen finden die Förderung von gesundheitserhaltenden Maßnahmen der Selbstfürsorge während der Berufsausübung sowie die Erforschung von deren Effekten wesentlich weniger Beachtung. In diesem Zusammenhang gibt es jedoch zahlreiche Hinweise darauf, dass insbesondere achtsamkeitsbasierte Verfahren eine gesundheitsförderliche, stressreduzierende und stabilisierende Wirkung entfalten können. Vor diesem Hintergrund setzt sich der vorliegende Beitrag das Ziel, ausgewählte Studien zur Wirksamkeit achtsamkeitsbasierter Stressbewältigungsinterventionen bei Lehrpersonen vorzustellen und deren zentrale Ergebnisse zusammenfassend darzustellen.

  • Three Economic Experiments on Norm Enforcement, Honesty, and Strategic Gaze



  • LEADERSHIP IN DER BERUFSBILDUNG : Eine Interventionsstudie zur Stärkung der Führungskompetenzen


    Gegenwärtig existieren weder national noch international standardisierte Aus- und Weiterbildungskonzepte für Schulleitende, deren Effekte in Bezug auf das Leitungshandeln empirisch abgesichert sind. Gleichzeitig erweist sich die Forschungslage zur Wirksamkeit solcher Qualifikationsprogramme als äußerst defizitär. In Anbetracht dieser Situation sowie angesichts der Erkenntnis, dass die Schulleitenden indirekt auch einen bedeutenden Einfluss auf den Lernerfolg von Lernenden besitzen, wird in der vorliegenden Arbeit das Ziel verfolgt, die Wirksamkeit eines Führungskräftetrainings auf das Leitungshandeln und das berufliche Selbstverständnis von Schulleitenden zu prüfen. Mithilfe einer quasi-experimentellen Studie mit Experimental- und Kontrollgruppendesign wird hierbei untersucht, welchen Effekt eine solche Maßnahme auf das praktische Schulleitungshandeln hat. Ausgehend von einem hierfür entwickelten theoretischen Übersichtsmodell der effektiven Führung wurde mit Schulleitenden von 40 beruflichen Schulen in der Schweiz im Zeitraum von 2014 bis 2016 eine Serie von Führungskräfteworkshops mit kombinierten Coachings durchgeführt, die jeweils von einer längsschnittlich angelegten Erhebung mit Pre-, Post- und Follow-up-Befragung begleitet wurde. Insgesamt nahmen 173 Mitglieder der Schullei-tung und 2 044 Lehrpersonen an dieser Studie teil. Neben allgemeinen deskriptiven Ergebnissen wie beispielsweise Führungsverhalten, Arbeitsbelastung, Zufriedenheit oder Perspektivenvergleiche zwischen Lehr- und Führungspersonen liefern die Befunde eine Reihe von Hinweisen hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit des durchgeführten Führungskräftetrainings, sodass die differenzierte Auswertung der Teilnehmerdaten bei längsschnittlicher Betrachtung schwache bis mittelstarke positive Effekte in Bezug auf aus-gewählte leitungsrelevante Variablen zeigt.

  • Schweiker, Marcel; Hass, Joachim; Novokhatko, Anna; Chiriac, Roxana (Eds.) (2017): Messen und Verstehen in der Wissenschaft : interdisziplinäre Ansätze

    Messen und Verstehen in der Wissenschaft : interdisziplinäre Ansätze



    dc.contributor.editor: Schweiker, Marcel; Hass, Joachim; Novokhatko, Anna

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