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20 / 2460
  • The Pricing Kernel Puzzle : Survey and Outlook


    We update the survey of the pricing kernel puzzle of Jackwerth (2004). We document the pricing kernel puzzle in several markets and present the latest evidence concerning its (non-)existence. Econometric studies are detailed which test for the pricing kernel puzzle. Explanations of the pricing kernel puzzle are discussed and we suggest areas where more research is needed.

  • Kaas, Leo; Şahin, Aysegul (2016): Introduction to the special issue on European labor market issues European Economic Review. 2016, 84, pp. 1-2. ISSN 0014-2921. eISSN 1873-572X. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2016.02.001

    Introduction to the special issue on European labor market issues


    dc.title: Şahin, Aysegul

  • Domjahn, Thomas (2016): Economic Growth and Development : Theories, Criticism and an Alternative Growth Model European Journal of Development Research. 2016, 28(2), pp. 352-354. ISSN 0957-8811. eISSN 1743-9728. Available under: doi: 10.1057/ejdr.2015.66

    Economic Growth and Development : Theories, Criticism and an Alternative Growth Model



  • Piopiunik, Marc; Schwerdt, Guido; Wößmann, Ludger (2016): Zentrale Abschlussprüfungen als Steuerungsinstrument im Schulsystem : Arbeitsmarkteffekte und Wirkungsmechanismen Steuerung im Bildungssystem : Implementation und Wirkung neuer Steuerungsinstrumente im Schulwesen. Berlin: Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Referat Bildungsforschung, 2016, pp. 68-83. Bildungsforschung / Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung. 43

    Zentrale Abschlussprüfungen als Steuerungsinstrument im Schulsystem : Arbeitsmarkteffekte und Wirkungsmechanismen


    dc.title: Piopiunik, Marc; Wößmann, Ludger

  • Zeng, Jing (2016): Combining country-specific forecasts when forecasting Euro area macroeconomic aggregates Empirica. 2016, 43(2), pp. 415-444. ISSN 0340-8744. eISSN 1573-6911. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s10663-016-9330-x

    Combining country-specific forecasts when forecasting Euro area macroeconomic aggregates


    European Monetary Union member countries’ forecasts are often combined to obtain the forecasts of the Euro area macroeconomic aggregate variables. The aggregation weights which are used to produce the aggregates are often considered as combination weights. This paper investigates whether using different combination weights instead of the usual aggregation weights can help to provide more accurate forecasts. In this context, we examine the performance of equal weights, the least squares estimators of the weights, the combination method recently proposed by Hyndman et al. (Comput Stat Data Anal 55(9):2579–2589, 2011) and the weights suggested by shrinkage methods. We find that some variables like real GDP and the GDP deflator can be forecasted more precisely by using flexible combination weights. Furthermore, combining only forecasts of the three largest European countries helps to improve the forecasting performance. The persistence of the individual series seems to play an important role for the relative performance of the combination.

  • Three Essays on Foundation Owned Firms in Germany


    This dissertation consists of three research papers on foundation owned firms in Germany, which are structured into three chapters. All chapters and their respective main research results are briefly summarized below.

    There are several prominent examples of foundation owned firms, such as Aldi, Bosch, Lidl, ThyssenKrupp, and ZF Friedrichshafen. Foundation owned firms are firms that are fully or partially owned by a foundation. A foundation is a legal entity without owners that is set up by a founder. The founder transfers the founded assets to the foundation, and fixes the foundation charter which defines the purpose of the foundation. Basically, there are two types of foundations. Charitable foundations provide financial support for charitable projects. Family foundations support the founder's family. The impact of the beneficiaries of foundations on foundation owned firms is restricted in most cases. In particular, it is questionable who pushes the management for financial success of the firm. Thus, there is some room for agency conflicts due to the strict separation of ownership and control. According to standard agency theory, this is supposed to endanger the long-term survival of a foundation owned firm.

    In the first chapter of the dissertation, co-authored with Günter Franke, we analyze firm policies and financial performance of foundation owned firms. We compare them to firms matched by industry and size in order to identify whether the foundation setup induces different policies and financial performance. In addition, we account for different foundation setups creating a lot of heterogeneity among foundation owned firms. We find that, relative to matching firms, foundation owned firms are much larger which seems to be due to a birth bias since only successful entrepreneurs usually set up a foundation. Employees appear to have a privileged position in foundation owned firms due to the power vacuum created by the absence of natural persons as residual claimants in most foundation owned firms. As consequence, we observe more labor intensity in foundation owned firms, e.g., there seems to be less outsourcing. In addition, the financing policy of foundation owned firms is more conservative, measured by lower leverage levels and lower payout ratios. This seems to stabilize the long-term existence and, thus, creates more job security in foundation owned firms. The employees' benefits seem to come at the cost of lower financial performance, measured by the return on assets. On the other hand, the return on assets appears to be exposed to lower volatility in foundation owned firms. A measure for risk-adjusted financial performance, the Sharpe ratio, does not differ for foundation owned firms and matching firms. All the observed impacts are generally more pronounced for foundation owned firms with charitable foundations as owners, relative to family foundations. In any case, we find foundation owned firms to be clearly viable, in contrast to predictions from standard agency theory.

    In the second chapter of the dissertation, co-authored with Phillip Heiler, we analyze return differences of foundation owned firms and firms that are not foundation owned. We attribute return differences to differences in firm policies. The choice of the relevant firm policies is based on the findings of the first chapter. There exist several studies, in particular in the field of labor economics, that decompose outcome variables into several components. These studies mainly analyze mean outcome differences. The decomposition method we use allows to make the analysis at different quantiles. In contrast to quantile regression, the effects of the analyzed variables add up to the overall return difference of foundation owned firms and firms that are not foundation owned in our study. In addition, the method accounts for nonlinear data generating processes. We discuss the problem of a potential simultaneity bias which is adherent when using accounting data. By the construction of the firm policy variables, we exploit persistence in order to mitigate this bias. Estimates can be interpreted as lower bounds for true effects, but the more persistent explanatory firm policy variables are, the closer the estimates get to the true effects.

    Comparing the mean and quantiles of returns, we find pronounced return differences for the mean and high quantiles, where the returns of foundation owned firms are significantly lower. A substantial proportion of the observed return differences at several quantiles can be attributed to differences in firm policies. We find that lower risk in foundation owned firms, as measured by the standard deviation of return on assets, increases the underperformance of foundation owned firms at high quantiles, but offsets it at low quantiles, a lower leverage of foundation owned firms offsets their underperformance at low quantiles and the median, higher labor intensity in foundation owned firms offsets their underperformance at low quantiles, the larger size of foundation owned firms increases their underperformance for the mean and all quantiles, lower operating revenue growth rates of foundation owned firms increase their underperformance at high quantiles, and residual differences beyond firm policies tend to be insignificant.

    In the third chapter of this dissertation, I analyze the impact of varying intensities of the profit motive on firm policies and financial performance. While the first chapter deals with the comparison of for-profit foundation owned firms and other for-profit firms, I compare for-profit foundation owned firms to non-profit firms in the third chapter. By (legal) definition, the profit motive in non-profit firms is restricted due to the infeasibility to allocate net earnings to owners, managers, and directors. Instead, net earnings have to be spent for the firm's purpose. In contrast to other for-profit firms, the profit motive is weakened in for-profit foundation owned firms due to the fact that natural persons as owners are usually absent. However, I conjecture that the profit motive in for-profit foundation owned firms is not as restricted as in non-profit firms. I test several hypotheses performing an empirical analysis.

    I find that, relative to for-profit foundation owned firms, non-profit firms have a lower leverage, operate more labor-intensively, and their financial performance, measured by the return on assets, is lower but also less volatile, still their risk-adjusted financial performance is lower. These findings may be attributed to two main channels arising from a reduced profit motive in non-profit firms. First, there are less rewards to managers of non-profit firms to make profits. Second, sponsors, the owners of non-profit firms, face higher reputational costs in the case of financial distress of non-profit firms due to non-profit firms being usually highly regarded in the public. These two channels seem to mitigate risk taking in non-profit firms lowering returns and the volatility of returns. A more conservative leverage also contributes to a more stable development of a firm. In addition, managers of non-profit firms might be averse to painful firings due to more public attention which might increase labor intensity.

  • Jüttler, Michael; Jüttler, Andreas; Schumann, Stephan; Eberle, Franz (2016): Work or university? : Economic competencies and educational aspirations of trainees with hybrid qualifications in Switzerland Empirical Research in Vocational Education and Training. 2016, 8, 6. ISSN 1877-6337. eISSN 1877-6345. Available under: doi: 10.1186/s40461-016-0032-1

    Work or university? : Economic competencies and educational aspirations of trainees with hybrid qualifications in Switzerland



    The Federal Vocational Baccalaureate constitutes the major link between the academic and vocational tracks in the Swiss educational system. Statistics show that only 20 % of a cohort move immediately to an academic track after graduation. Regarding the effects of economic competencies on these transitions, there is a substantial lack within the current state of research. This study thus aims to elucidate these effects by following a prevailing explorative approach.


    A cross-sectional design is used, and the data are based on a representative sample of N = 1.051 Federal Vocational Baccalaureate students of the German-speaking part of Switzerland. Data were gathered at the end of the school year 2010/2011 via an achievement test and a questionnaire.


    Results show positive interrelations for economic knowledge and skills, value-oriented dispositions as well as attitude towards economics on the one side and educational aspirations on the other side. Thus, interrelations regarding the intention to study in economics or a related field are stronger than for other fields.


    The study offers new insights on the effects of economic competencies and supports the assumption that economic competencies are part of prerequisites of students’ educational aspirations and in the long run for social participation.

  • Deißinger, Thomas (2016): Vollzeitschulische Berufsbildung und berufsorientierte schulische Bildung in Australien im Kontext eines kompetenzorientierten Berufsbildungssystems GREIMEL-FUHRMANN, Bettina, ed. and others. Facetten der Entrepreneurship Education : Festschrift für Josef Aff anlässlich seiner Emeritierung. Wien: Manz Verlag Schulbuch GmbH, 2016, pp. 259-268. ISBN 978-3-7068-5278-4

    Vollzeitschulische Berufsbildung und berufsorientierte schulische Bildung in Australien im Kontext eines kompetenzorientierten Berufsbildungssystems



  • Financial market misconduct and public enforcement : The case of Libor manipulation


    What is the role of public enforcement in preventing widespread financial market miscon- duct? We study this question using the events surrounding the manipulation of the London Interbank Offer Rate (Libor). We find pervasive evidence consistent with banks misreporting Libor submissions to profit from Libor-related positions in the full sample 1999-2012. The evidence is initially stronger for banks incorporated outside the U.S., where enforcement is historically weaker, and it disappears in the aftermath of Libor investigations. Overall, our results suggest that improvements in public enforcement can be effective in deterring financial market misconduct.

  • Econometric Modelling in a Mixed-Frequency and Data-Rich Environment



  • Deißinger, Thomas; Huber, Kathrin (2016): Übungsfirmen an beruflichen Schulen in Deutschland am Beispiel des Berufskollegs Baden-Württemberg : ihr Beitrag zur Praxisorientierung FORTMÜLLER, Richard, ed.. Entrepreneurship Erziehung und Gründungsberatung : Beiträge zur Entrepreneurship Erziehung und Gründungsberatung aus ukrainischer, russischer und europäischer Perspektive. Wien: Manz, 2016, pp. 51-60

    Übungsfirmen an beruflichen Schulen in Deutschland am Beispiel des Berufskollegs Baden-Württemberg : ihr Beitrag zur Praxisorientierung



  • Fahr, René; Stefani, Ulrike (2016): Introduction to the special issue on »Experimental Research on Governance, Risk, Compliance, and Taxation« Die Betriebswirtschaft (DBW). 2016, 76(1), pp. 1-3. ISSN 0342-7064

    Introduction to the special issue on »Experimental Research on Governance, Risk, Compliance, and Taxation«


    dc.title: Fahr, René

  • Wolters, Gereon (2016): Ethical Limits of Science, Especially Economics GONZALEZ, Wenceslao J., ed.. The Limits of Science : an Analysis from “Barriers” to “Confines”. Leiden: Brill Rodopoi, 2016, pp. 94-111. Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities. 109. ISBN 978-90-04-32539-5. Available under: doi: 10.1163/9789004325401_006

    Ethical Limits of Science, Especially Economics


    I give (I) conceptual clarifications relevant for our argumentation: facts versus norms/values, ethical pluralism versus ethical relativism, moral norms versus juridical norms. It is shown that ethical norms are justified using the principle of universalization: ethical arguments may use only principles to which supposedly everybody could give assent. I then (II) deal with ethical limits to the freedom of science imposed from outside, i.e. legislation (e.g. restrictions on experiments on animals or humans), or (III) imposed from inside, i.e. science itself (e.g. research moratoria, measures to prevent corruption). I then (IV) turn to economics, showing that the leading neoclassical economical theory is among the causes for the enduring financial and economic crisis. I defend three theses: (1) Neoclassical economics has unethically sold itself as safely explaining and predicting as physics. (2) The models of neoclassical economy are based on value-laden ideological beliefs about free markets and economical agents that are sold as value-free science. (3) Neoclassical experimentation that involves whole countries and societies (like the completely failed “Chile experiment”) is immoral.

  • Sander, Matthias; Heim, Nina; Kohnle, Yvonne Kristin (2016): Label-Awareness : Wie genau schaut der Konsument hin? - Eine Analyse des Label-Bewusstseins von Verbrauchern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Lebensmittelbereichs Berichte über Landwirtschaft : Zeitschrift für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaft. 2016, 94(2). ISSN 0005-9080. eISSN 2196-5099. Available under: doi: 10.12767/buel.v94i2.120

    Label-Awareness : Wie genau schaut der Konsument hin? - Eine Analyse des Label-Bewusstseins von Verbrauchern unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Lebensmittelbereichs


    Basierend auf einer Face-to-Face-Befragung von 411 Konsumenten in fünf verschiedenen Einkaufsstätten beantwortet dieser Beitrag Fragen zum Label-Awareness von Endverbrauchern. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass Produktkennzeichen, wie beispielsweise das Fairtrade-Label, das Deutsche Bio-Siegel oder der Product-Carbon Footprint, vorwiegend von überdurchschnittlich gebildeten Käufergruppen im mittleren Alter wahrgenommen werden. Darüber hinaus haben das Umweltbewusstsein, das Kaufverhalten und die Wahl der Einkaufsstätte einen signifikanten Einfluss auf das Label-Bewusstsein. Diese Erkenntnisse sind dabei sowohl für die aktive Erinnerungsfähigkeit (Recall) als auch für die passive Gedächtnisleistung (Recognition) gültig. Die Befunde liefern damit für die Anbieter, die ihre Produkte mit Hilfe von Labels differenzieren wollen, wichtige Hinweise. Relevant sind die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse ebenfalls aus gesellschaftlich-politischer Perspektive mit Fokus auf umwelt- und sozialpolitische Fragestellungen.

  • Dertwinkel-Kalt, Markus; Haucap, Justus; Wey, Christian (2016): Procompetitive dual pricing European Journal of Law and Economics. Springer. 2016, 41(3), pp. 537-557. ISSN 0929-1261. eISSN 1572-9990. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s10657-015-9510-3

    Procompetitive dual pricing


    We analyze the procompetitive effects of dual pricing, that is, input market price discrimination. An upstream firm has an incentive to maintain competition downstream which is realized by selling at an advantageous price to an inefficient downstream firm when discrimination is possible while it would exit under uniform pricing. We augment the exit issue into existing frameworks of Katz (Am Econ Rev 77:154–167, 1987), DeGraba (Am Econ Rev 80:1246–1253, 1990), and Yoshida (Am Econ Rev 90:240–246, 2000) which allows us to show that price discrimination in intermediary goods markets tends to have positive effects on allocative, dynamic and productive efficiency, respectively. In contrast, a discrimination ban tends to facilitate exit of relatively inefficient firms, thereby strengthening downstream market concentration.

  • Deißinger, Thomas; Ott, Mariska (2016): Tertiarisation of Vocational Education and Training and its implications : problems and issues in Germany and France BOHLINGER, Sandra, ed., Thi Kim Anh DANG, ed., Malgorzata KLATT, ed.. Education policy : mapping the landscape and scope. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang Edition, 2016, pp. 267-296. ISBN 978-3-631-69371-1

    Tertiarisation of Vocational Education and Training and its implications : problems and issues in Germany and France



  • Three Empirical Studies in Political Economics



  • Corporate Governance and the Market Value of Shareholder Voting Rights



  • Breyer, Friedrich (2016): Wem dient Nachhaltigkeit in der Rentenfinanzierung? FELBERMAYR, Gabriel, ed., Meinhard KNOCHE, ed., Ludger WÖSSMANN, ed.. Hans-Werner Sinn und 25 Jahre deutsche Wirtschaftspolitik. München: Hanser, 2016, pp. 76-77. ISBN 978-3-446-44791-2

    Wem dient Nachhaltigkeit in der Rentenfinanzierung?



  • Deißinger, Thomas (2016): Die Lehrlingsausbildung in England : das "historische Erbe" und aktuelle Ansätze zur Überwindung ihres randständigen Status bwp@ : Berufs - und Wirtschaftspädagogik online. 2016(Profil 4), pp. 1-15. eISSN 1618-8543

    Die Lehrlingsausbildung in England : das "historische Erbe" und aktuelle Ansätze zur Überwindung ihres randständigen Status


    Die historischen Prägungen des englischen bzw. britischen Berufsbildungssystems und seine Anders-artigkeit zum deutschen Ausbildungsmodell gehören zu den Grunderkenntnissen der Vergleichenden Berufsbildungsforschung und werden auch im angelsächsischen Kontext intensiv diskutiert. Im All-gemeinen wird im englischen Fall von einem nach marktwirtschaftlichen Prinzipien ausgerichteten und die angelsächsische Variante der Kompetenzorientierung präferierenden Systemverständnis gesprochen. Vor diesem Hintergrund stellt sich die Frage, wie die in jüngster Zeit mehr und mehr sichtbar werdende staatliche Steuerungsfunktion in England gerade auf jenes Segment einwirkt, das als das maßgeblich in der Hand der Betriebe liegende Ausbildungsmodell schlechthin charakterisiert werden kann, nämlich die Lehrlingsausbildung (apprenticeship). Dass sich das "System" äußerlich-institutionell permanent durch Veränderungsdynamiken auszeichnet, bei denen die Berufsbildungs-forschung Mühe hat, diese zeitnah zu erkennen und zu analysieren, verweist aber auch auf die Frage nach deren tatsächlicher Tragweite. Letztere soll unter Bezugnahme auf das "historische Erbe" im vorliegenden Beitrag skizziert werden.

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