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  • Schumann, Stephan (2016): Effekte der sozialen Herkunft und der Leseleistung beim Hochschulzugang SCHARENBERG, Katja, ed. and others. Transitionen im Jugend- und jungen Erwachsenenalter Ergebnisse der Schweizer Längsschnittstudie TREE. Zürich: Seismo, 2016, pp. 154-182. ISBN 978-3-03777-157-0

    Effekte der sozialen Herkunft und der Leseleistung beim Hochschulzugang



  • Kärner, Tobias; Feldmann, Alexander; Heinrichs, Karin; Neubauer, Jörg; Sembill, Detlef (2016): Herausforderungen bei der Beschulung von Asylsuchenden und Flüchtlingen im Rahmen von BAF-Klassen an beruflichen Schulen : Deskriptive Befunde aus einer Interviewstudie Wirtschaft & Erziehung. 2016, 68(2), pp. 58-62. ISSN 0174-6170

    Herausforderungen bei der Beschulung von Asylsuchenden und Flüchtlingen im Rahmen von BAF-Klassen an beruflichen Schulen : Deskriptive Befunde aus einer Interviewstudie


    Die Beschulung unbegleiteter minderjähriger Flüchtlinge an beruflichen Schulen stellt Schulleitungen, Lehrpersonen und vor allem die betreffenden Lernenden vor Herausforderungen. Vor diesem Hintergrund werden im vorliegenden Beitrag deskriptive Befunde aus einer explorativen Interviewstudie vorgestellt, wobei in BAF (Berufsschulpflichtige Asylsuchende und Flüchtlinge)-Klassen unterrichtende Lehrpersonen sowie die beschulten Flüchtlinge mittels halbstandardisierter Interviews befragt wurden. Anhand einer nachgängigen qualitativen Inhaltsanalyse konnten entsprechende Herausforderungen und Bewältigungsstrategien aufseiten von Lehrenden (z. B. Umgang mit schülerbezogenen Defiziten im deutschsprachigen Vokabular als Herausforderung; Veranschaulichung von Sachverhalten durch den Einsatz von Gestik, Mimik und Bildmaterial als Bewältigungsansatz) und Lernenden (z. B. fehlende Beherrschung insb. der Artikelsetzung und anderer grundlegender grammatikalischer Regeln als Herausforderung; Soziale Integration mittels Erlernen der deutschen Sprache durch die Kommunikation mit der einheimischen Bevölkerung als Bewältigungsansatz) identifiziert werden. Unsere Studie nutzt einen multiperspektivischen Zugriff auf die wahrgenommenen Herausforderungen bzw. Problemlagen sowie auf bewältigungsrelevante Aspekte der im Rahmen der BAF-Beschulung beteiligten Lehrkräfte und Schülerinnen und Schüler und dient als Ausgangspunkt weiterführender Untersuchungen.

  • Fink, Fabian; Scholl, Almuth (2016): A quantitative model of sovereign debt, bailouts and conditionality Journal of International Economics. 2016, 98, pp. 176-190. ISSN 0022-1996. eISSN 1873-0353. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jinteco.2015.09.007

    A quantitative model of sovereign debt, bailouts and conditionality


    In times of sovereign debt crises, International Financial Institutions provide temporary financial support contingent on the implementation of specific macroeconomic policies. This paper develops a model of sovereign debt and default with endogenous participation rates in bailout programs. Conditionality enters as a constraint on fiscal policy. In the model, the insurance character of bailouts generates incentives for debt accumulation. Quantitative results suggest that bailouts prevent sovereign defaults in the short-run but may come at a cost of a greater default probability in the long-run. Increasing the intensity of conditionality lowers the bailout participation rate and generates a hump-shaped pattern of sovereign default risk.

  • The extension of short-time work schemes during the Great Recession : A story of success?


    This paper evaluates the effectiveness of short-time work [STW] extensions - e.g. relaxing eligibility criteria or implementing new STW schemes - in the OECD during and after the Great Recession. First, we find that the dampening effect of STW on the unemployment rate diminishes at higher take-up rates. Second, only countries with preexisting STW schemes were able to fully exploit the benefits of STW. Third, the effects of STW are strongest when GDP growth is deeply negative at the beginning of recessions. Our results indicate that STW is most effective when used as a fast-responding automatic stabilizer.

  • Fingerle, Michael; Bonnes, Caroline (2016): What victims and support groups say about coping successfully with hate crime on an individual and a social level : results of a survey in Germany DUNBAR, Edward, ed., Amalio BLANCO ABARCO, ed., Desireé A. CRÈVECOEUR-MACPHAIL, ed. and others. The psychology of hate crimes as domestic terrorism: U.S and global issues, Volume 3 : Interventions, treatment, and management. Santa Barbara: Praeger, 2016, pp. 225-260. ISBN 978-1-4408-4561-1

    What victims and support groups say about coping successfully with hate crime on an individual and a social level : results of a survey in Germany


    dc.title: Fingerle, Michael

  • Kärner, Tobias; Steiner, Nicole; Achatz, Marina; Sembill, Detlef (2016): Tagebuchstudie zu Work-Life-Balance, Belastung und Ressourcen bei Lehrkräften an beruflichen Schulen im Vergleich zu anderen Berufen Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik : ZBW. 2016, 112(2), pp. 270-293. ISSN 0172-2875. eISSN 2366-2433

    Tagebuchstudie zu Work-Life-Balance, Belastung und Ressourcen bei Lehrkräften an beruflichen Schulen im Vergleich zu anderen Berufen


    Dem vorliegenden Beitrag liegen die Fragestellungen zugrunde, (1) inwieweit Work-Life-Balance, empfundene Belastung sowie personenbezogene und soziale Ressourcen zusammenhängen und (2) inwiefern sich Lehrkräfte beruflicher Schulen von Arbeitnehmern anderer Berufsgruppen hinsichtlich der genannten Variablen unterscheiden. Im Rahmen einer Feldstudie wurden hierzu 40 berufstätige Personen über einen jeweiligen Zeitraum von 21 Tagen täglich mittels Tagebuchmethodik befragt, wobei sowohl standardisierte Skalen als auch offene Fragen zum Einsatz kamen. Im Ergebnis zeigen sich sowohl für die befragten Lehrkräfte als auch für die Arbeitnehmer anderer Berufsgruppen erwartungskonforme Korrelationen, wenngleich diese aufgrund der relativ geringen Stichprobe nicht immer signifikant ausfallen. Weiterhin berichten Lehrkräfte – deren Arbeitszeitgestaltung durch eine stärkere Entgrenzung von Arbeit und Privatleben gekennzeichnet ist – im Vergleich zu Arbeitnehmern anderer Berufsgruppen ein stärker ausgeprägtes Belastungserleben sowie eine geringere psychische Widerstandsfähigkeit.

  • Jüttler, Andreas; Schumann, Stephan (2016): Effects of Students Socio-cultural Background on Economic Competencies at the End of Upper Secondary Education WUTTKE, Eveline, ed., Jürgen SEIFRIED, ed., Stephan SCHUMANN, ed.. Economic competence and financial literacy of young adults : status and challenges. Opladen [u.a.]: Babara Budrich, 2016, pp. 121-148. Research in vocational education. 3. ISBN 978-3-8474-0602-0

    Effects of Students Socio-cultural Background on Economic Competencies at the End of Upper Secondary Education



  • Intergenerational poverty transmission in Europe : the role of education


    This paper examines the role of education as causal channel through which growing up poor affects the individual’s economic outcomes as an adult. We contribute to the literature on intergenerational transmission in two ways. First, we apply a potential outcomes approach to quantify the impact of experiencing poverty while growing up and we provide a sensitivity analysis on the unobserved parental ability. Second, we analyze the role of individual human capital accumulation as an intermediate variable and we provide a sensitivity analysis on further possible unobserved confounders. The analysis is based on the module on intergenerational transmission of 2011 of the EU-SILC data, where retrospective questions about parental characteristics (such as education, age, occupation) were asked. We find that, on average, over the 27 European countries considered, growing up poor leads to an increase of 4 percentage points in the risk of being poor and to a decrease of 5% in the adult equivalent income. Moreover, we find that experiencing poverty during childhood will more likely translate into an exclusion from secondary education (of 12 percentage points on average) and that education plays indeed a substantial role accounting for almost 35% of the total effect on adult income.

  • Dertwinkel-Kalt, Markus; Köhler, Katrin (2016): Exchange asymmetries for bads? : Experimental evidence European Economic Review. Elsevier. 2016, 82, pp. 231-241. ISSN 0014-2921. eISSN 1873-572X. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2015.12.003

    Exchange asymmetries for bads? : Experimental evidence


    This study provides the first incentivized test of exchange asymmetries for unpleasant items, the so-called bads. While prospect theory predicts an endowment effect for goods and bads, attention-based theories predict an endowment effect for goods, but a reverse exchange asymmetry (that is, a particularly high willingness to switch) for bads. The investigation of exchange asymmetries for bads is a key element to distinguish between the validity of loss aversion- and attention-based theories. As we find a strong endowment effect for bads, our results speak in favor of prospect theory.

  • Kaufmann, Esther; Reips, Ulf-Dietrich; Maag Merki, Katharina (2016): Avoiding Methodological Biases in Meta-Analysis : Use of Online Versus Offline Individual Participant Data (IPD) in Educational Psychology Zeitschrift für Psychologie. 2016, 224(3), pp. 157-167. ISSN 2190-8370. eISSN 2151-2604. Available under: doi: 10.1027/2151-2604/a000251

    Avoiding Methodological Biases in Meta-Analysis : Use of Online Versus Offline Individual Participant Data (IPD) in Educational Psychology


    Individual participant data (IPD) meta-analysis is the gold standard of meta-analyses. This paper points out several advantages of IPD meta-analysis over classical meta-analysis, such as avoiding aggregation bias (e.g., ecological fallacy or Simpson’s paradox) and shows how its two main disadvantages (time and cost) can be overcome through Internet-based research. Ideally, we recommend carrying out IPD meta-analyses that consider online versus offline data gathering processes and examine data quality. Through a comprehensive literature search, we investigated whether IPD meta-analyses published in the field of educational psychology already follow these recommendations; this was not the case. For this reason, the paper demonstrates characteristics of ideal meta-analysis on teachers’ judgment accuracy and links it to recent meta-analyses on that topic. The recommendations are important for meta-analysis researchers and for readers and reviewers of meta-analyses. Our paper is also relevant to current discussions within the psychological community on study replication.

  • Firm dynamics with frictional product and labor markets


    We examine empirically and theoretically the joint dynamics of prices, output, employment and wages across firms. We first analyze administrative firm data for the German manufacturing sector for which price and quantity information at the nine-digit product level, together with employment, working hours and wages are available. We then develop a dynamic model of heterogeneous firms who compete for workers and customers in frictional labor and product markets. Prices and wages are dispersed across firms, reflecting differences in firm productivity and demand. Productivity and demand shocks have distinct implications for the firms' employment, output and price adjustments. In a quantitative analysis, we evaluate the model predictions against the data.

  • Wimmer, Birgit; Zhang, Keshun; Götz, Thomas; Fischbacher, Urs (2016): Spillover effects of loss of control on risk propensity PLoS ONE. 2016, 11(3), e0150470. eISSN 1932-6203. Available under: doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0150470

    Spillover effects of loss of control on risk propensity


    Decision making in risky situations is frequently required in our everyday lives and has been shown to be influenced by various factors, some of which are independent of the risk context. Based on previous findings and theories about the central role of perceptions of control and their impact on subsequent settings, spillover effects of subjective loss of control on risky decision-making are assumed. After developing an innovative experimental paradigm for inducing loss of control, its hypothesized effects on risky decision-making are investigated. Partially supporting the hypotheses, results demonstrated no increased levels of risk perceptions but decreased risk-taking behavior following experiences of loss of control. Thus, this study makes a methodological contribution by proposing a newly developed experimental paradigm facilitating further research on the effects of subjective loss of control, and additionally provides partial evidence for the spillover effects of loss of control experiences on risky decision-making.

  • From planning to chaos to market : Ethnic inequality in Bulgaria


    We document changes in relative earnings of the ethnic Turkish workers in Bulgaria through the country’s transition from planning to markets. Using data from four periods: pre-transition communist era (late 1980s), early transition years (early 1990s), late transition years (early 2000s), and post-transition (late 2000s), we find that the level of raw ethnic inequality (measured as earnings differences between Turkish and Bulgarian workers) increased immediately after the regime change and plateaued throughout the course of transition. Ethnic inequality measures adjusted for observable characteristics follow a similar pattern but post-transitional differences between ethnic groups disappear. Changes over time in the ethnic earnings gaps differ for men and women. The raw and adjusted male ethnic gaps increased steadily during transition years but dropped post-transition, while the raw female ethnic gap fluctuated across the four periods. The adjusted female ethnic gap disappeared completely in the postransitional years. We identify different sources of the changes in the level of ethnic inequality, such as changes in the labor market characteristics and in the wage structure. Evidence suggests that the decline in the relative earnings of Turkish men was due primarily to the widening of the wage structure. Turkish working women improved their relative standing mainly from more favorable changes in labor market characteristics. These changes were only partially due to a selection in labor force participation.

  • Rockenbach, Bettina; Wolff, Irenaeus (2016): Designing Institutions for Social Dilemmas German Economic Review. 2016, 17(3), pp. 316-336. ISSN 1465-6485. eISSN 1468-0475. Available under: doi: 10.1111/geer.12103

    Designing Institutions for Social Dilemmas


    Considerable experimental evidence has been collected on rules enhancing contributions in public goods dilemmas. These studies either confront subjects with prespecified rules or have subjects choose between different rule environments. In this paper, we completely endogenize the institution design process by asking subjects to design and repeatedly improve rule sets for a public goods problem in order to investigate which rules social planners facing a social dilemma ‘invent’ and how these rules develop over time. We make several noteworthy observations, in particular the strong and successful use of framing, the concealment of individual contribution information and the decreasing use of punishment.

  • Designing Institutions for Social Dilemmas


    Considerable experimental evidence has been collected on rules enhancing contributions in public goods dilemmas. These studies either confront subjects with pre-specified rules or have subjects choose between different rule environments. In this paper, we completely endogenize the institution design process by asking subjects to design and repeatedly improve rule sets for a public goods problem in order to investigate which rules social planners facing a social dilemma “invent” and how these rules develop over time. We make several noteworthy observations, in particular the strong and successful use of framing, the concealment of individual contribution information and the decreasing use of punishment.

  • Euler, Dieter; Jüttler, Andreas; Raatz, Saskia; Schumann, Stephan (2016): Förderung von Teamkompetenzen durch angeleitete Reflexionsprozesse in schulischen Gruppenarbeiten Zeitschrift für Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. 2016, 112(4), pp. 611-635. ISSN 0172-2875. eISSN 2366-2433

    Förderung von Teamkompetenzen durch angeleitete Reflexionsprozesse in schulischen Gruppenarbeiten


    Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, inwieweit durch eine gezielte didaktische Intervention bei den Lernenden im Rahmen von schulischen Gruppenarbeiten (1) Reflexionsprozesse ausgelöst und (2) spezifische Teamkompetenzen entwickelt werden. Die Intervention basiert insbesondere auf Gruppenreflexivitäts- und Feedbacktheorien. Die Überprüfung erfolgte in einer Interventionsstudie mit einer Stichprobe von 793 Lernenden in 44 Klassen aus 12 Schulen in der deutschsprachigen Schweiz, wobei drei Bildungsgänge der Sekundarstufe II und der Tertiärstufe einbezogen wurden. Die Befunde belegen, dass die Intervention bei den Lernenden Reflexionen über die Bewältigung der Gruppenaufgabe sowie über die sozialen Gruppenprozesse auslöst. Dabei zeigen sich substanzielle bildungsgangspezifische Wirkungen. Effekte der Intervention auf die Entwicklung von Teamkompetenzen können nur zum Teil nachgewiesen werden. Während die Fähigkeit zur Gestaltung der aufgabenorientierten Interaktion sowohl in der Experimental- als auch in der Kontrollgruppe ansteigt, lässt sich für die Fähigkeit zur Gestaltung sozialer Interaktionsprozesse ein substanzieller Interventionseffekt zugunsten der Experimentalgruppe feststellen.

  • Greenwood, Jeremy; Guner, Nezih; Kocharkov, Georgi; Santos, Cezar (2016): Technology and the Changing Family : A Unified Model of Marriage, Divorce, Educational Attainment, and Married Female Labor-Force Participation American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics. 2016, 8(1), pp. 1-41. ISSN 1945-7707. eISSN 1945-7715. Available under: doi: 10.1257/mac.20130156

    Technology and the Changing Family : A Unified Model of Marriage, Divorce, Educational Attainment, and Married Female Labor-Force Participation


    Marriage has declined since 1960, with the drop being more significant for noncollege-educated individuals versus college-educated ones. Divorce has increased, more so for the noncollege-educated. Additionally, positive assortative mating has risen. Income inequality among households has also widened. A unified model of marriage, divorce, educational attainment, and married female labor-force participation is developed and estimated to fit the postwar US data. Two underlying driving forces are considered: technological progress in the household sector and shifts in the wage structure. The analysis emphasizes the joint role that educational attainment, married female labor-force participation, and marital structure play in determining income inequality.

  • How do voters react to complex choices in a direct democracy? : Evidence from Switzerland


    Direct democracy may impose significant information demands on voters especially when individual propositions are highly complex. Yet, it remains theoretically ambiguous how proposition complexity affects referendum outcomes. To explore this question, I use a novel dataset on 153 Swiss federal referendums that took place between 1978 and 2010. The dataset includes hand collected data on the number of subjects per proposition based on official prereferendum information booklets as a measure of complexity. My estimation results suggest that the relationship between proposition complexity and the share of yes-votes follows an inverse U-shape. Using micro-data from representative post-referendum surveys, I provide evidence for two opposing channels. More complex propositions are supported by a more diverse group of voters. On the other hand, voters find it more difficult to estimate the personal consequences of complex propositions and are therefore more likely to reject them.

  • Information and Preferences for Public Spending : Evidence from Representative Survey Experiments


    The electorates’ lack of information about the extent of public spending may cause misalignments between voters’ preferences and the size of government. We devise a series of representative survey experiments in Germany that randomly provide treatment groups with information on current spending levels. Results show that such information strongly reduces support for public spending in various domains from social security to defense. Data on prior information status on school spending and teacher salaries shows that treatment effects are strongest for those who initially underestimated spending levels, indicating genuine information effects rather than pure priming effects. Information on spending requirements also reduces support for specific education reforms. Preferences on spending across education levels are also malleable to information.

  • Forsblom, Lara; Negrini, Lucio; Gurtner, Jean-Luc; Schumann, Stephan (2016): Dropouts in Swiss vocational education and the effect of training companies' trainee selection methods Journal of Vocational Education & Training. 2016, 68(4), pp. 399-415. ISSN 1363-6820. eISSN 1747-5090. Available under: doi: 10.1080/13636820.2016.1222596

    Dropouts in Swiss vocational education and the effect of training companies' trainee selection methods


    In the Swiss vocational education system, which is often called a ‘Dual System’, trainees enter into an apprenticeship contract with a training company. On average, 25% of those contracts are terminated prematurely (PCT). This article examines the relationship between training companies’ selection methods and PCTs. The investigation is based on a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design and on qualitative interviews. Trainers and operations managers (N = 335) of Swiss training companies for cooks and painters were surveyed. Half of the companies have been affected by a PCT in the past and the other half have not. The findings indicate that a certain amount of the explained variance between companies with and without reported PCTs can be explained by the companies’ selection process. Companies that were affected by a PCT use a job interview and a company visit significantly less often in their selection process than companies without a PCT.

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