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  • Lernwegoffenheit in der französischen Berufsbildung : zum Potenzial von Outcome-Orientierung


    Mariska Ott zeigt am Beispiel des französischen Berufsbildungssystems auf, inwiefern es möglich ist, auf Basis von wirkungsorientierten Curricula (Outcome-Orientierung) verschiedene, aber gleichwertige Lernwege – darunter ein Verfahren zur Anerkennung von informell erworbenen Kompetenzen – zu etablieren. Diesbezüglich liegen in Frankreich bereits Erfahrungen vor, da sich die französische Berufsbildung seit Mitte der 1980er Jahre sukzessive einem outcome-orientierten Paradigma angenähert hat. Frankreich hat damit eine Entwicklung antizipiert, wie sie derzeit auch auf europäischer Ebene – beispielsweise mit der Einführung des Europäischen Qualifikationsrahmens – angestrebt wird. Insofern leistet die Auseinandersetzung mit dem Potenzial von outcome-orientierten Ansätzen im Hinblick auf eine Flexibilisierung des Berufsbildungssystems auch einen Beitrag zum aktuellen Diskurs über die Europäisierung der Berufsbildung.

  • Hertweck, Matthias Sebastian; Sigrist, Oliver (2015): The ins and outs of German unemployment : a transatlantic perspective Oxford Economic Papers. 2015, 67(4), pp. 1078-1095. ISSN 0030-7653. eISSN 1464-3812. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oep/gpv031

    The ins and outs of German unemployment : a transatlantic perspective


    This article decomposes fluctuations in the German unemployment rate into changes in inflows (job separation) and outflows (job finding). For this purpose, we construct and examine monthly labour market transition rates from the West German sample of the SOEP (and the CPS) for the period 1984–2009. We explicitly take account of the low level of labour market transition rates in Germany. Our article shows that in West Germany, changes in the inflow rate are more important (about 60%) than changes in the outflow rate, whereas in the USA close to 80% are due to changes in the outflow rate.

  • Wealth Inequality and Homeownership in Europe


    The recently published Household Finance and Consumption Survey has revealed large differences in wealth inequality between the countries of the Euro area. We find a strong negative correlation between wealth inequality and homeownership rates across countries. We use two decomposition methods to shed more light on this correlation. First, a Gini decomposition by homeownership status shows that the negative relationship is mostly driven by large between-group inequality across owners and renters. Second, to control for other observables, we conduct a detailed counterfactual decomposition of cross-country inequality differences. We confirm the major role for homeownership rates in accounting for the wealth inequality differences. Our analysis suggests that the cross-country variation is mostly driven by differences in the savings behavior of households in the bottom half of the wealth distribution and that those differences in savings are to a large extent channeled through housing wealth.

  • Eisenkopf, Gerald; Hessami, Zohal; Fischbacher, Urs; Ursprung, Heinrich (2015): Academic performance and single-sex schooling : Evidence from a natural experiment in Switzerland Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 2015, 115, pp. 123-143. ISSN 0167-2681. eISSN 1879-1751. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2014.08.004

    Academic performance and single-sex schooling : Evidence from a natural experiment in Switzerland


    We study the effects of random assignment to coeducational and single-sex classes on the academic performance of female high school students who all face the same curriculum. The students’ academic performance is observed over a time period of up to four years. Our estimation results show that single-sex schooling improves the performance of female students in mathematics. This positive effect is particularly large for female students with high ex-ante ability. An accompanying survey reveals that single-sex schooling also strengthens female students’ self-confidence and renders the self-assessment of their mathematics skills more level-headed.

  • Kärner, Tobias; Ülkü, Tugba; Sembill, Detlef (2015): Kulturverständnis und sprachliche Heterogenität aus der Perspektive von praktizierenden und angehenden Lehrpersonen Wirtschaft & Erziehung. 2015, 67(1), pp. 27-31. ISSN 0174-6170

    Kulturverständnis und sprachliche Heterogenität aus der Perspektive von praktizierenden und angehenden Lehrpersonen


    dc.title: Ülkü, Tugba; Sembill, Detlef

  • Funding Liquidity Implied by S&P 500 Derivatives


    We derive a funding liquidity measure based on synthetic borrowing in the S&P 500 derivative markets. Our measure captures funding constraints of option liquidity providers and affects importantly the returns of leveraged managed portfolios. Hedge funds with negative exposure to changes in the funding liquidity earn high returns in normal times and low returns in crises periods when funding liquidity deteriorates. The results are not driven by the existing measures of funding or market liquidity. To an extent, our funding liquidity measure also affects leveraged closed-end mutual funds and asset classes where leveraged investors are marginal investors.

  • Negrini, Lucio; Forsblom, Lara; Schumann, Stephan; Gurtner, Jean-Luc (2015): Lehrvertragsauflösungen und die Rolle der betrieblichen Ausbildungsqualität HÄFELI, Kurt, ed., Markus P. NEUENSCHWANDER, ed., Stephan SCHUMANN, ed.. Berufliche Passagen im Lebenslauf. Berufsbildungs- und Transitionsforschung in der Schweiz. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 2015, pp. 77-99. ISBN 978-3-658-10093-3. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-10094-0_4

    Lehrvertragsauflösungen und die Rolle der betrieblichen Ausbildungsqualität


    dc.title: Gurtner, Jean-Luc

  • Deißinger, Thomas (2015): Non-Intervention als Grundprinzip im englischen Berufsbildungssystem? Rechtsgeschichtliche Rekonstruktionen KRAUS, Katrin, ed., Markus WEIL, ed.. Berufliche Bildung : historisch – aktuell – international ; Festschrift zum 60. Gbeurtstag von Philipp Gonon. Detmold: Eusl, 2015, pp. 20-26. ISBN 978-3-940625-53-3

    Non-Intervention als Grundprinzip im englischen Berufsbildungssystem? Rechtsgeschichtliche Rekonstruktionen



  • Does imperfect data privacy stop people from collecting personal health data?


    Privacy regulations can affect the willingness to collect personal health data that may be disclosed to insurers. Perfect privacy cannot always be guaranteed. Consequently, people may refrain from collecting personal health data. This paper provides a theoretical and experimental analysis of the importance of privacy regulations for information acquisition and disclosure behavior. We contrast three institutional settings in a simple game of persuasion: Disclosure Duty of collected data, Perfect Privacy and Imperfect Privacy. Under Perfect Privacy there exists a unique proper equilibrium with complete information acquisition. For Disclosure Duty no information acquisition is predicted. Imperfect Privacy can result in multiple equilibria. Our laboratory experiment confirms the qualitative differences on information acquisition for Perfect Privacy and Disclosure Duty. Behavior under Imperfect Privacy turns out to be very similar to Perfect Privacy: Imperfect Privacy does not stop people from collecting personal information. We discuss possible reasons for the observed behavior.

  • Wischermann, Clemens; Patzel-Mattern, Katja; Lutz, Martin; Jungkind, Thilo (Eds.) (2015): Studienbuch institutionelle Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensgeschichte

    Studienbuch institutionelle Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensgeschichte


    Das Studienbuch zeigt die Herangehensweise und Potenziale einer theoriegeleiteten Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensgeschichte: Anhand konkreter Fall- und Quellenbeispiele legen die Autorinnen und Autoren dar, was theoretische Konzepte wie die Institutionentheorie für die Entwicklung von Thesen, die Auswahl und die Interpretation der Quellen leisten können – und welche neuen, interdisziplinären Perspektiven sie auf die Wirtschaftsgeschichte zu eröffnen vermögen. Welche Ansätze werden in der Praxis bereits angewandt, welche stehen aktuell zur Diskussion? Wie lassen sich Forschungskonzepte anderer Disziplinen auf die (wirtschafts-)historische Arbeit übertragen? Welchen Einfluss hat das auf die erzielten Ergebnisse? Dieser Band zeigt Möglichkeiten und diskutiert Grenzen. Er leistet damit einen Beitrag zur Debatte über die Nutzung und den Nutzen von Theorien in der Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensgeschichte und bietet einen einmaligen Ausgangspunkt für alle, die sich über die praktische Anwendung theoretischer Konzepte informieren möchten. Das Studienbuch richtet sich daher ausdrücklich auch an fortgeschrittene Studierende im Bachelor- und Masterstudium sowie an Promovierende.

  • Schweinberger, Albert G.; Suedekum, Jens (2015): De-industrialization and entrepreneurship under monopolistic competition Oxford Economic Papers. 2015, 67(4), pp. 1174-1185. ISSN 0030-7653. eISSN 1464-3812. Available under: doi: 10.1093/oep/gpv028

    De-industrialization and entrepreneurship under monopolistic competition


    This article offers a new mechanism to explain de-industrialization in response to a price increase of the manufactured good. In our trade model, one sector (agriculture) is perfectly competitive whilst the other (manufacturing) is monopolistically competitive. Both industries use skilled and unskilled labour as inputs. Entry into manufacturing requires a fixed cost in terms of skilled labour only. A rise in the market price for the differentiated goods raises both marginal revenue and the price of skilled labour, which affects the marginal cost of production and the entry cost. When short-run profits increase so that new manufacturing firms enter, fewer skilled workers are available for production purposes. This in turn may then lead to a decline in total manufacturing output. Our theoretical mechanism is jointly consistent with recent empirical observations on premature de-industrialization characterizing several Latin American and Asian countries and productive diversification as observed in various developing economies.

  • Schanbacher, Peter (2015): Averaging Across Asset Allocation Models Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik. 2015, 235(1), pp. 61-81. ISSN 0021-4027. eISSN 2366-049X. Available under: doi: 10.1515/jbnst-2015-0106

    Averaging Across Asset Allocation Models


    Combination of asset allocation models is rewarding if (i) the applied risk function is concave and (ii) there is no dominating model. We show that most common risk functions are either concave or at least concave in common applications. In a comprehensive empirical study using standard asset allocation models we find that there is no constantly dominating model. The ranking of the models depends on the data set, the risk function and even changes over time. We find that a simple average of all asset allocation models can outperform each individual model. Our contribution is twofold. We present a theory why the combined model is expected to dominate most individual models. In a comprehensive empirical study we show that model combinations perform exceptionally well in asset allocation.

  • Dertwinkel-Kalt, Markus; Haucap, Justus; Wey, Christian (2015): Raising rivals' cost through buyer power Economics Letters. Elsevier. 2015, 126, pp. 181-184. ISSN 0165-1765. eISSN 1873-7374. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.econlet.2014.12.011

    Raising rivals' cost through buyer power


    We re-examine the view that a ban on price discrimination in input markets is particularly desirable in the presence of buyer power. This argument crucially depends on an inverse relationship between downstream firms’ profits and the uniform input price. Assuming different input efficiencies among downstream firms, we derive a necessary and sufficient condition such that a higher input price benefits a subset of relatively efficient downstream firms. In such instances, consumers may be better off if discriminatory pricing is feasible.

  • Forecasting Euro Area Macroeconomic Aggregate Variables

  • Barigozzi, Matteo; Chiriac, Roxana; Veredas, David (2015): Which model to match?

    Which model to match?


    The asymptotic efficiency of indirect estimation methods, such as the efficient method of moments and indirect inference, depends on the choice of the auxiliary model, which is somehow ad hoc and based on an educated guess. We introduce an Akaike–type class of information criteria that helps the user in this choice among nested and non–nested auxiliary models. A Monte Carlo and an empirical illustration show the usefulness of the criteria.

  • Wimmer, Birgit; Zhang, Keshun; Götz, Thomas; Fang, Ping; Fischbacher, Urs (2015): The effects of subjective loss of control on risk-taking behavior : the mediating role of anger Frontiers in Psychology. 2015, 6, 774. eISSN 1664-1078. Available under: doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.00774

    The effects of subjective loss of control on risk-taking behavior : the mediating role of anger


    Based on the Appraisal Tendency Framework on the antecedents and consequences of emotions two experimental studies examined the relationship between externally caused loss of control experiences and risk-taking behavior, as well as the assumed mediation of this relationship by the emotion anger. An experimental paradigm for inducing externally caused and consequently externally attributed loss of control which should lead to experiences of anger was developed and pretested in a Pilot Study. The relationship between loss of control experiences, anger, and risk-taking behavior was investigated using two separate student samples from Germany (N = 84, 54% female) and China (N = 125; 64% female). In line with our hypotheses, results showed that anger mediated the link between subjective loss of control experiences and increasing risk-taking behavior. Multiple group comparisons revealing similar patterns in both samples affirmed the results’ cross-cultural generalizability. These results implicate that anger makes people less risk averse in the process of economic decision making.

  • Technology and the Changing Family : A Unified Model of marriage, Divorce, Educational Attainment and Married Female Labor-Force Participation


    Marriage has declined since 1960, with the drop being bigger for non-college educated individuals versus college educated ones. Divorce has increased, more so for the non-college educated. Additionally, positive assortative mating has risen. Income inequality among households has also widened. A unified model of marriage, divorce, educational attainment and married female labor-force participation is developed and estimated to fit the postwar U.S. data. Two underlying driving forces are considered: technological progress in the household sector and shifts in the wage structure. The analysis emphasizes the joint role that educational attainment, married female labor-force participation, and assortative mating play in determining income inequality.

  • Franke, Günter (2015): Europäische Währungsunion : die Suche nach Stabilität RAMSER, Jürgen, ed., Manfred STADLER, ed.. Entwicklung und Perspektiven der Wirtschaftswissenschaft. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2015, pp. 177-196. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Seminar Ottobeuren. 41. ISBN 978-3-16-153545-1

    Europäische Währungsunion : die Suche nach Stabilität



  • Forecasting and econometric modelling of macroeconomic and financial time series



  • Combining Country-Specific Forecasts when Forecasting Euro Area Macroeconomic Aggregates


    European Monetary Union (EMU) member countries' forecasts are often combined to obtain the forecasts of the Euro area macroeconomic aggregate variables. The aggregation weights which are used to produce the aggregates are often considered as combination weights. This paper investigates whether using different combination weights instead of the usual aggregation weights can help to provide more accurate forecasts. In this context, we examine the performance of equal weights, the least squares estimators of the weights, the combination method recently proposed by Hyndman et al. (2011) and the weights suggested by shrinkage methods. We find that some variables like real GDP and GDP deflator can be forecasted more precisely by using flexible combination weights. Furthermore, combining only forecasts of the three largest European countries helps to improve the forecasting performance. The persistence of the individual data seems to play an important role for the relative performance of the combination.

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