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20 / 2460
  • Schumann, Stephan; Eberle, Franz (2014): Ökonomische Kompetenzen von Lernenden am Ende der Sekundarstufe II Zeitschrift für Erziehungswissenschaft. 2014, 17(1 supplement), pp. 103-126. ISSN 1434-663X. eISSN 1862-5215. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s11618-013-0459-0

    Ökonomische Kompetenzen von Lernenden am Ende der Sekundarstufe II


    Die im Querschnitt angelegte Studie untersucht auf der Basis einer für die Deutschschweiz repräsentativen Stichprobe (N = 2.328) die Ausprägung ökonomischer Kompetenzen von Lernenden am Ende der Berufsmaturität und des Gymnasiums mittels Leistungstests und einem Kontextfragebogen. Das ökonomische Wissen und Können hängt bei kleiner bis mittlerer Effektstärke positiv mit der kognitiven Grundfähigkeit sowie der Deutsch- und Mathematikleistung der Schülerinnen und Schüler zusammen. Deutlich wird weiterhin, dass die Lernenden in der kaufmännischen Berufsmaturität sowie im gymnasialen Schwerpunktfach „Wirtschaft und Recht“ einen markant höheren Kenntnisstand als die Lernenden in den anderen Berufsmaturitätsrichtungen bzw. in den anderen gymnasialen Profilen aufweisen. In abgeschwächter Form ist dieser Vorsprung auch für das Interesse, die intrinsische Motivation und die domänenspezifischen Werthaltungen und Einstellungen der Lernenden nachweisbar. Darüber hinaus bestätigt sich der in der Literatur beschriebene Geschlechtseffekt zugunsten der männlichen Lernenden.

  • Does Diabetes Prevention Pay for Itself? : Evaluation of the M.O.B.I.L.I.S. Program for Obese Persons


    In response to the growing burden of obesity, public primary prevention programs against obesity have been widely recommended. Several studies estimated the cost effectiveness of diabetes prevention trials for different countries. Nevertheless, it is still controversial if prevention conducted in more real-world settings and among people with increased risk but not yet exhibiting Increased Glucose Tolerance can be a cost-saving strategy to cope with the obesity epidemic. We examine this question in a simulation model based on the results of the M.O.B.I.L.I.S program, a German lifestyle intervention to reduce obesity, which is directed on the high-risk group of people who are already obese. The contribution of this paper is the use of 4-year follow-up data on the intervention group and a comparison with a control group formed by SOEP respondents as inputs in a Markov model of the long-term cost savings through this intervention due to the prevention of type-2 diabetes. We show that from the point of view of a health insurer, these programs can pay for themselves.

  • Gersbach, Hans; Hahn, Volker (2014): Inflation forecast contracts Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control. 2014, 48, pp. 26-40. ISSN 0165-1889. eISSN 1879-1743. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jedc.2014.07.009

    Inflation forecast contracts


    We introduce a new type of incentive contract for central bankers: inflation forecast contracts, which make central bankers׳ remunerations contingent on the precision of their inflation forecasts. We show that such contracts enable central bankers to influence inflation expectations more effectively, thus facilitating more successful stabilization of current inflation. Inflation forecast contracts improve the accuracy of inflation forecasts, but have adverse consequences for output. On balance, paying central bankers according to their forecasting performance improves welfare. Optimal inflation forecast contracts stipulate high rewards for accurate forecasts.

  • Deißinger, Thomas; Huber, Kathrin (2014): Recruitment of Skilled Employees and Workforce Development in Germany : Practices, Challenges, and Strategies for the Future SHORT, Tom, ed. and others. Workforce Development : Strategies and Practices. Singapore: Springer, 2014, pp. 281-301. ISBN 78-981-287-067-4. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-981-287-068-1_17

    Recruitment of Skilled Employees and Workforce Development in Germany : Practices, Challenges, and Strategies for the Future


    This chapter focuses on workforce development in the German context.

    Two issues are relevant: the fi rst one deals with the links between the standard form

    of initial VET, that is, the dual apprenticeship system, and formalised further training,

    which in its various facets has a major function in the German context when it

    comes to career building, but also to establishing a craft business. Second, companies

    in Germany, as in other countries, use internal schemes of personnel development

    and further training to maintain their workforces both in quantitative and

    qualitative terms. A crucial challenge currently seems to be demographic change,

    and the way companies try to cope with his challenge has led to new forms of incompany

    personnel development that were unknown in the past. Both aspects are

    discussed in this chapter.

  • Gevrek, Z. Eylem; Seiberlich, Ruben (2014): Semiparametric decomposition of the gender achievement gap : an application for Turkey Labour Economics. 2014, 31, pp. 27-44. ISSN 0927-5371. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.labeco.2014.08.002

    Semiparametric decomposition of the gender achievement gap : an application for Turkey


    This study employs a semiparametric Oaxaca–Blinder (OB) decomposition to investigate the gender PISA test score gap in mathematics/science in Turkey. This technique, which has not previously appeared in the gender achievement gap literature, relaxes the parametric assumptions of the standard OB decomposition, accounts for the possible violation of the common support assumption, and allows us to explore the gender test score gap not only at the mean but also across the test score distribution. The results from the semiparametric OB decomposition of the mean test score gap indicate that girls outperform boys in science whereas the gap is not statistically significant in mathematics. We also find that the mean gap fails to uncover the heterogeneous pattern that the gap exhibits across the distribution.

  • Essays on Executive Compensation



  • Essays on the economic analysis of competition law enforcement



  • Virtual Schooling and Student Learning : Evidence from the Florida Virtual School


    Online education options have proliferated in recent years, with significant growth occurring at statesponsored virtual schools. However, there is no prior credible evidence on the quality of virtual courses compared to in-person courses in U.S. secondary education. We compare the performance of students who took core courses in algebra and English at their traditional public high school to the performance of students who took the same courses through the Florida Virtual School, the largest state virtual school in the U.S. We find that FLVS students are positively selected in terms of prior achievement and demographics, but perform about the same or somewhat better on state tests once their pre-high-school characteristics are taken into account. We find little evidence of treatment effect heterogeneity across a variety of student subgroups, and no consistent evidence of negative impacts for any subgroups. Differences in spending between the sectors suggest the possibility of a productivity advantage for FLVS.

  • Essays on Competitive and Collaborative Research



  • Political alignment and intergovernmental transfers in parliamentary systems : evidence from Germany


    We study partisan favoritism in the allocation of intergovernmental transfers. Our dataset combines local council election data with fiscal data on grant allocations in the German state of Hesse. Our identification strategy is a regression discontinuity design that relies on a perturbation procedure to classify close elections. We find that left-wing state governments favored aligned municipalities while right-wing state governments favored unaligned ones. One plausible explanation for this difference in the behavior of left- and right-wing governments is that only few local councils had absolute right-wing majorities during the tenure of the right-wing state governments. Therefore, right-wing state governments had to use transfers to “buy off” unaligned municipalities, while left-wing state governments could use transfers to enhance their electoral prospects.

  • Rischbieter, Julia Laura (2014): Die Schönheit vergangener Zeiten und die dunkle Macht des Marktes Journal of Modern European History. 2014, 12(1), pp. 37-43. ISSN 1611-8944. Available under: doi: 10.17104/1611-8944_2014_1_37

    Die Schönheit vergangener Zeiten und die dunkle Macht des Marktes



  • Technology Adoption and Demographic Change


    This paper studies the effect of demographic change on the technology distribution of an economy and on aggregate productivity growth. In the quantitative dynamic model, firms decide on employment and the technology they use subject to an aging workforce. Firms with a higher share of elderly workers update their technology less often and prefer older technologies than firms with a younger workforce. The shorter expected worklife of elderly workers makes firms reluctant to train them for new technologies. I calibrate the model for the German economy and simulate the projected demographic change. The results indicate that labor force aging reduces the realized annual productivity growth rate by 0.28 percentage points between 2010–2025.

  • Three Essays on Education Investments



  • Grundlagen der Wirtschaftspolitik


    dc.title: Kolmar, Martin

  • Skalendokumentation zum Forschungsprojekt STABIL "Stabile Lehrverträge - die Rolle des Ausbildungsbetriebs" : Betriebliche Ausbildungsbedingungen aus Sicht von Berufsbilder/innen, Betriebsverantwortlichen und Lernenden


    dc.title: Gurtner, Jean-Luc

  • Rischbieter, Julia Laura (2014): Röster: Die Geburt eines neuen Wirtschaftszweiges : Globaler Wettbewerb und lokale Konsumentenwünsche im Deutschen Kaiserreich BERTH, Christiane, ed. and others. Kaffeewelten : Historische Perspektiven auf eine globale Ware im 20. Jahrhundert. Göttingen: V&R unipress, 2014, pp. 35-55. ISBN 978-3-8471-0389-9

    Röster: Die Geburt eines neuen Wirtschaftszweiges : Globaler Wettbewerb und lokale Konsumentenwünsche im Deutschen Kaiserreich



  • Asymmetric Effects of Uncertainty over the Business Cycle : A Quantile Structural Vector Autoregressive Approach


    This paper proposes to relate conditional quantiles of stationary macroeconomic time series to the different phases of the business cycle. Based on this idea, I introduce a Bayesian Quantile Structural Vector Autoregressive framework for the analysis of the effects of uncertainty on the US real economy. For this purpose, I define a novel representation of the multivariate Laplace distribution that allows for the joint treatment of multiple equation regression quantiles. I find significant evidence for asymmetric effects of uncertainty over the US business cycle. The strongest negative effects are revealed during recession periods. During boom phases uncertainty shocks improve the soundness of the economy. Moreover, the phase of the financial sector matters when the real economy is at recession but not if the economy is at boom. When the financial system is in a bad state, an uncertainty shock leads to a deeper recession than in times when the financial system is in a good state.

  • Bruttel, Lisa; Friehe, Tim (2014): On the path dependence of tax compliance European Economic Review. 2014, 65, pp. 90-107. ISSN 0014-2921. eISSN 1873-572X. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2013.11.002

    On the path dependence of tax compliance


    This paper presents experimental evidence that tax compliance is path dependent. For given values of the audit probability and the fine for tax evasion, we compare the income declaration of subjects who faced a change in one of the two parameters to that of subjects who experienced no such parameter change. We show that past tax enforcement regimes continue to have an impact on current income declarations. This finding may be explained by reference-dependent preferences and it has important policy implications. For instance, legal transplants cannot be expected to reliably yield similar behavior in countries with different legal histories.

  • Kragl, Jenny; Schöttner, Anja (2014): Wage Floors, Imperfect Performance Measures, and Optimal Job Design International Economic Review. 2014, 55(2), pp. 525-550. ISSN 0020-6598. eISSN 1468-2354. Available under: doi: 10.1111/iere.12060

    Wage Floors, Imperfect Performance Measures, and Optimal Job Design


    We analyze the effects of wage floors on optimal job design in a moral-hazard model with asymmetric tasks and imperfect aggregate performance measurement. Due to cost advantages of specialization, assigning the tasks to different agents is efficient. A sufficiently high wage floor, however, induces the principal to dismiss one agent or to even exclude tasks from the production process. Imperfect performance measurement always lowers profit under multitasking, but may increase profit under specialization. We further show that variations in the wage floor and the agents' reservation utility have significantly different effects on welfare and optimal job design.

  • Böttcher, Wolfgang; Hogrebe, Nina; Berkemeyer, Nils; Bos, Wilfried; Hermstein, Björn; Makles, Anna; Manitius, Veronika; Schneider, Kerstin; Schwerdt, Guido; Weishaupt, Horst (2014): Bildungsfinanzierung und Bildungsgerechtigkeit DROSSEL, Kerstin, ed. and others. Empirische Bildungsforschung und evidenzbasierte Reformen im Bildungswesen. Münster [u.a.]: Waxmann, 2014, pp. 11-31. ISBN 978-3-8309-3147-8

    Bildungsfinanzierung und Bildungsgerechtigkeit


    dc.title: Böttcher, Wolfgang; Hogrebe, Nina; Berkemeyer, Nils; Bos, Wilfried; Hermstein, Björn; Makles, Anna; Manitius, Veronika; Schneider, Kerstin; Weishaupt, Horst

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