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  • Alós-Ferrer, Carlos; Weidenholzer, Simon (2008): Contagion and Efficiency Journal of Economic Theory. 2008, 143(1), pp. 251-274. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jet.2007.12.003

    Contagion and Efficiency


    We consider a population of agents, either finite or countably infinite, located on an arbitrary network. Agents interact directly only with their immediate neighbors, but are able to observe the behavior of (some) other agents beyond their interaction neighborhood, and learn from that behavior by imitating successful actions. If interactions are not too global but information is fluid enough, we show that the efficient action is the only one which can spread contagiously to the whole population from an initially small, finite subgroup. This result holds even in the presence of an alternative, 1/2-dominant action.

  • Voss, Rödiger; Seifried, Jürgen (2008): Corporate Governance : [Wörterbuch-Eintrag] HEDTKE, Reinhold, ed. and others. Wörterbuch Ökonomische Bildung. Schwalbach; Taunus: Wochenschauverl, 2008, pp. 78

    Corporate Governance : [Wörterbuch-Eintrag]


    dc.title: Voss, Rödiger

  • Empirical Evidence on Governance Mechanisms, Syndication Activities, and Partner Selection Strategies in Venture Capital Financing


    This dissertation comprises five different stand-alone research papers that were written as part of the doctoral program in Quantitative Economics and Finance at the University of Konstanz within the period of January 2004 and January 2008. All of the papers deal with an empirical analysis of Venture Capital (VC) financing in Germany and Switzerland, with a special focus on the emerging trend of VC syndication (the provision of capital to high-growth firms by more then a single venture capitalist), the corresponding partner selection in VC syndicates and the governance choices in VC financing.

  • Düring, Bertram; Matthes, Daniel; Toscani, Giuseppe (2008): Kinetic Equations modelling Wealth Redistribution : a comparison of Approaches

    Kinetic Equations modelling Wealth Redistribution : a comparison of Approaches


    Kinetic equations modelling the redistribution of wealth in simple market economies is one of the major topics in the field of econophysics. We present a unifying approach to the qualitative study for a large variety of such models, which is based on a moment analysis in the related homogeneous Boltzmann equation, and on the use of suitable metrics for probability measures. In consequence, we are able to classify the most important feature of the steady wealth distribution, namely the fatness of the Pareto tail, and the dynamical stability of the latter in terms of the model parameters. Our results apply e.g. to the market model with risky investments [S. Cordier, L. Pareschi and G. Toscani, J. Stat. Phys. 120, 253 (2005)], and to the model with quenched saving propensities [B.K. Chakrabarti, A. Chatterjee and S.S. Manna, Physica A 335, 155 (2004)]. Also, we present results from numerical experiments that confirm the theoretical predictions.

  • Stefani, Ulrike (2008): Ergebnisse wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Laborexperimente Zeitschrift für Controlling & Management. 2008, 52, pp. 12-17

    Ergebnisse wirtschaftswissenschaftlicher Laborexperimente


    In den Wirtschaftswissenschaften hat sich das Konzept des homo oeconomicus, das vollkommen rationales und perfekt egoistisches Individualverhalten unterstellt, etabliert. Die Ergebnisse zahlreicher Laborexperimente belegen, daß ein beachtlicher Anteil der Teilnehmer nicht dem Menschenbild des homo oeconomicus entspricht und daß beobachtetes Individualverhalten z. B. aufgrund von sozialen Präferenzen und Reziprozität systematisch von der Standard-Prognose abweicht. Der Beitrag zeigt beispielhaft, welche Auswirkungen soziale Präferenzen auf praktische Verhandlungssituationen haben können und wie "Neid" Investitionsanreize generieren kann. Anhand des Anwendungsbeispiels der Fixlohnverträge wird veranschaulicht, daß reziprok faires Verhalten zu freiwilliger Kooperation führen und damit einen effizienten Lösungsweg in Situationen unvollständiger Verträge weisen kann.

  • Flossmann, Anton (2008): Three Essays on Matching Estimators

    Three Essays on Matching Estimators


    This dissertation is a collection of three stand-alone research papers. Thereby, the class of local polynomial matching estimators is the central object of investigation. The first essay concentrates on applying local polynomial matching methods in order to account for missing data when estimating parametric conditional mean functions. The second and the third essay provide a closer link at the nonparametric regression literature by developing data-driven smoothing parameter selection algorithms for the matching estimator.

  • Causal effects of a high school diploma on labor market outcomes for compliers on Germany



  • Zur Struktur und Funktion von Berufsberatung : ein binationaler Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und Österreich


    Due to an increasing amount of school leavers lacking apprenticeship training positions or adequate chances to get integrated into the vocational educational system this comparative study aims at the problematic transition from school to work particularly for students of the "Hauptschule"(secondary modern school). In this context the role of the national systems of Career Guidance in Germany as well as in Austria will be discussed.
    Regarding current developments within Career Guidance and Vocational Orientation on European level this comparison which contributes to vocational education research (CE/VE) highlights the specific institutional structures and processes in the German and Austrian educational and vocational qualification systems.
    To respond to the central questions outlined in the beginning of the paper it will be revert to a triangulation method which includes a literature analysis and an empirical study upon the basis of interviews accomplished in both above mentioned countries.
    The paper deals with several theories of vocational choice from different sciences such as psychological or sociological approaches to explore a multiple explanation approach.

  • Schumann, Stephan; Eberle, Franz (2008): Die Förderung multipler Ziele im gymnasialen Unterricht : Erste exploratorische Befunde zur Implementation der Lernumgebung APU (VARIA) Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Bildungswissenschaften. 2008, 30(2), pp. 349-365. ISSN 1424-3946

    Die Förderung multipler Ziele im gymnasialen Unterricht : Erste exploratorische Befunde zur Implementation der Lernumgebung APU (VARIA)


    Die Ziele schulischen Unterrichts weisen deutlich über die Vermittlung von Wissen hinaus. Dennoch wird aus Forschung und Praxis immer wieder über Probleme im Hinblick auf eine Vereinbarkeit kognitiver und nichtkognitiver Ziele berichtet. Mit dem Konzept des anwendungs- und problemorientierten Unterrichts (APU) wird ein multipler Wirkungsanspruch für gymnasiale Lernumgebungen postuliert. Das Modell wurde im Schuljahr 2006/07 in sieben schweizerischen Gymnasien eingeführt. Die Implementation des Modells kann angesichts der hier vorgelegten Befunde aus einer qualitativen Lehrerbefragung (N = 11) und einer quantitativen Schülerbefragung (N = 420) als überwiegend gelungen bezeichnet werden. Kennzeichen eines veränderten Unterrichtsstils ist insbesondere eine Ausweitung von schülerbasierten Lernaktivitäten.

  • Four Essays on Credit Securitization


    Die vorliegende Dissertation besteht aus vier unabhängigen Forschungspapieren. Alle vier Papiere beschäftigen sich mit Kreditverbriefungen, welche ein relativ junges Instrument zum weltweiten Handel von Kreditausfallrisiken darstellen. In einer solchen Transaktion bündelt die verbriefende Bank geeignete Kredite in einem Portfolio und verkauft dieses an eine Zweckgesellschaft, welche den Kauf durch die Emission von Anleihen unterschiedlicher Bonität finanziert. Die vertraglich vereinbarte gestufte Zahlungsreihenfolge an die emittierten Tranchen führt dazu, dass die oberste Tranche beinahe risikofrei ist, wohingegen die unterste Tranche, die so genannte Erstverlustposition, als erste von Verlusten getroffen wird. Insbesondere in den letzten 10 Jahren haben Banken verstärkt Kreditverbriefungen initiiert. Mit dem Ausbruch der Immobilienkrise Mitte des Jahres 2007 in den USA und deren Ausweitung zu einer internationalen Finanzkrise ist der Markt für Kreditverbriefungen allerdings schlagartig zum Erliegen gekommen. Aufgrund der hohen Komplexität und Intransparenz dieser Transaktionen, welche eine korrekte Risikobeurteilung der emittierten Anleihen erschweren, zogen sich viele Investoren aus dem Markt zurück. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersucht verschiedene Aspekte von Kreditverbriefungen und möchte hierdurch zum besseren Verständnis dieser Transaktionen beitragen.

  • Bien, Katarzyna; Nolte, Ingmar; Pohlmeier, Winfried (2008): A Multivariate Integer Count Hurdle Model : Theory and Application to Exchange Rate Dynamics BAUWENS, Luc, ed. and others. Recent Developments in High Frequency Financial Econometrics. Heidelberg: Physica-Verl., 2008, pp. 31-48. ISBN 978-3-7908-1991-5

    A Multivariate Integer Count Hurdle Model : Theory and Application to Exchange Rate Dynamics


    In this paper we propose a model for the conditional multivariate density of integer count variables defined on the set Zn. Applying the concept of copula functions, we allow for a general form of dependence between the marginal processes, which is able to pick up the complex nonlinear dynamics of multivariate financial time series at high frequencies. We use the model to estimate the conditional bivariate density of the high frequency changes of the EUR/GBP and the EUR/USD exchange rates.

  • Klein, Wolfgang; Franke, Günter (Eds.) (2008): Hedge-Fonds : Chancen und Risiken

    Hedge-Fonds : Chancen und Risiken


    Das rasche Wachstum von Hedge-Fonds hat weitreichende Folgen für die Anlagepolitik privater und institutioneller Investoren, für die Unternehmensführung, das Arbeitsplatzangebot und die Finanzstabilität. Im Rahmen des renommierten Postbank Finance Award® haben auch 2008 zahlreiche Hochschulen die Gelegenheit genutzt, sich dem Wettbewerb um die besten Analysen und Lösungsansätze zu aktuellen Finanzweltthemen zu stellen. 47 Hochschulteams haben die Chancen und Risiken von Hedge-Fonds beleuchtet und dabei Antworten auf folgende Fragen gefunden: - Wie erklären sich die hohen Gewinne von Hedge-Fonds? - Entstehen durch Hedge-Fonds systemische Risiken, die die Stabilität des Finanzsystems gefährden? - Welche Chancen und Risiken beinhaltet die Aufnahme von Hedge-Fonds in die Portfolios privater oder institutioneller Anleger? - Sollten Hedge-Fonds reguliert oder anderen Kontrollmechanismen unterworfen werden? Die drei Siegerbeiträge, ausgewählt von einer Jury ausgewiesener Fachleute, sind ausführlich im vorliegenden Band dargestellt, einen umfassenden Überblick zu allen eingereichten Beiträgen bietet die beiliegende CD-ROM. - Unkonventionelle Denkansätze - Die Publikation enthält die drei ausführlichen Siegerbeiträge, alle eingereichten Exposés sowie eine CD-ROM mit den übrigen Beiträgen in digitaler Version - Für Studenten der Wirtschaftswissenschaften und alle Finanzinteressierten.

  • Shifting the Blame : On Delegation and Responsibility


    To fully understand the motives for delegating a decision right, it is important to study responsibility attributions for outcomes of delegated decisions. We conducted an experiment in which subjects were able to delegate the choice between a fair or unfair allocation, and used a punishment option to elicit responsibility attributions. Our results show that, first, responsibility attribution can be effectively shifted and, second, this constitutes a powerful motive for the delegation of a decision right. Furthermore, we propose a formal measure of responsibility and show that this measure outperforms measures based on outcome or intention in predicting punishment behavior.

  • Multinationals, Minority Ownership and Tax-Efficient Financing Structures


    We model how multinationals structure their borrowing and lending transactions and find that affiliates in high-tax countries have higher internal and overall debt ratios and lower rental rates of physical capital than comparable domestic firms. We also show that affiliates with minority owners have less debt than wholly owned affliates.

  • Heterogeneous Ability, Life Expectancy, and Social Security : Four Essays


    Though the present thesis is not intended as a monograph, its respective chapters are interrelated: The major research question is whether the German public pension system (or potentially any annuity-based pension system) causes redistribution between income groups. Especially the relationship between life expectancy and income, usually perceived to be increasing, gives rise to the conjecture that poor individuals subsidize the pensions of the rich. I analyze the income-life expectancy relationship theoretically and empirically in Chapters 2 and 4, respectively. The redistributive mechanism is empirically analyzed in Chapter 3. Chapter 5 proposes a policy instrument which is capable of neutralizing the redistributive effects.

    The thesis consists of a literature overview in Chapter 1, and of four self-contained essays in Chapters 2 through 5. In Chapter 2 (To Work or to Work Out: A Moral-Hazard Interpretation of Labor Supply, Retirement, and Investments in Longevity), I analyze a moral-hazard model with multiple tasks, in which a single agent engages in three different activities, labeled work, delayed retirement, and work out (interpreted as investments in longevity). The latter imposes higher effort costs on weekly labor supply, but increases possibilities for life time labor supply. Work-out does not affect aggregate output and does therefore not accrue to the benefit of the principal. Second best incentives for work out are U-shaped in the agent's ability, and so is the effort level supplied by the agent.

    In Chapter 3 (Rich and Healthy - Better than Poor and Sick? An Empirical Analysis of Income, Health, and the Duration of the Pension Benefit Spell), I analyze the relationship between duration of the pension benefit spell and pension benefit claims from the German public pension system, with a special emphasis on differential results with respect to health. This relationship is crucial and causal for a potential structural pattern of redistribution between different income and health groups, induced by the public pension system. Evidence for such redistribution from poor to rich is present for most of the specifications in my analysis. The most adequate specification is partially--linear, does therefore not impose any parametrical restrictions between duration and benefit claims, and allows for potential endogeneity. The relationship I extract is clearly positive. Additionally I find that the income gradient is steeper for pensioners in bad health, meaning that redistribution from less able to more able individuals is more pronounced the worse the health status is.

    Subsequently, in Chapter 4 (Non-Monotonicity in the Longevity-Income Relationship), I show that for major sub-groups of pensioners in the public pension system in Germany who died between 1994 and 2005, the relationship between income and life expectancy is non-monotonous. This cannot be explained by anomalies in the data or as an artifact of the estimation technique, and so I provide a fundamental conjecture based on different elasticities of labor supply over the income distribution. Finally, in Chapter 5 On the Fairness of Early Retirement Provisions, joint with Prof. Dr. Friedrich Breyer), we discuss several notions of 'fairness' of early retirement provisions in pay-as-you-go financed public pension systems and we claim that the 'right' notion of fairness depends upon the objectives pursued in the design of pension systems. We point out the problems attached to the extreme positions 'efficiency' and 'welfare maximization' and propose a more modest concept of equity called 'distributive neutrality', which is based on the notion that the ratio between total benefits and total contributions to the pension system should not depend systematically on the individual's ability. By applying this concept to the German retirement benefit formula and taking empirically estimated relationships between duration of the benefit spell and income into account, we show that at the present discount rate of 3.6 per cent per year there is systematic redistribution from low to high earners, which would be attenuated if the discount rate were raised. This seemingly paradoxical finding is due to the fact that in our data set, there is a negative relationship between earnings and retirement age.

  • Pflüger, Michael; Südekum, Jens (2008): Integration, agglomeration and welfare Journal of Urban Economics. Elsevier. 2008, 63(2), pp. 544-566. ISSN 0094-1190. eISSN 1095-9068. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jue.2007.03.006

    Integration, agglomeration and welfare


    This paper studies the social desirability of agglomeration, and the efficiency arguments for policy intervention in a simple, analytically tractable new economic geography model. The location pattern emerging as market equilibrium is ‘bubble-shaped’, i.e. it features dispersion both at high and low trade costs and stable equilibria with partial and full agglomeration for intermediate levels of trade costs. We show that the market equilibrium is characterized by over-agglomeration for high trade costs and under-agglomeration for low trade costs, and we work out analytically that a net pecuniary externality is the underlying cause of this market failure. One particularly noteworthy result is that the net pecuniary externality is positive at high levels of trade freeness. However, there is no market under-agglomeration unless this positive net pecuniary externality interacts with an additional congestion force originating in the (per se efficient) competitive housing market.

  • Deißinger, Thomas (2008): Problems and Developments in the German Vocational Education and Training System : the critical relationship between different streams in post-compulsory secondarx education DE MOURA CASTRO, Claudio, ed. and others. Ensino Médio Diversificado (Ciclo de Seminários Internacionais : Educação no século XXI), Rio de Janeiro (SENAC / Departamento Nacional) 2008. 2008, pp. 153-186

    Problems and Developments in the German Vocational Education and Training System : the critical relationship between different streams in post-compulsory secondarx education



  • Die Balanced Scorecard als Controllinginstrument im Hochschulbereich : konzeptionelle Überlegungen zur Entwicklung und Implementation an der Universität Konstanz


    Die deutsche Hochschullandschaft befindet sich in einem grundlegenden Wandel und damit werden neue Herausforderungen an das Management von Hochschulen gestellt. In diesem Zusammenhang kommt dem Hochschul-Controlling eine besondere Bedeutung zu, jedoch müssen vorhandene betriebswirtschaftliche Konzepte, wie auch die Balanced Scorecard, an die spezifische Situation der Hochschulen angepasst werden. Im vorliegenden Papier wird die Balanced Scorecard als Controllinginstrument diskutiert und Implementationsmöglichkeiten am Beispiel der Universität Konstanz skizziert.

  • Immigration, unemployment and human-capital acquisition


    Die vorliegende Dissertation basiert auf vier verschiedenen Forschungsarbeiten. Alle Arbeiten befassen sich im weitesten Sinne mit derWirkung von Immigration auf die Arbeitsmärkte des Gastlandes unter der Berücksichtigung der Ausbildungsentscheidung einheimischer Arbeitskräfte. Dabei konzentrieren sich die Arbeiten auf das daraus resultierende einheimische Arbeitsmarktergebnis (bspw. Löhne und Arbeitslosigkeit) sowie die einheimische Immigrationspolitik. Wir erweitern damit die bestehende theoretische Immigrationsliteratur um entweder einheimische Ausbildungsentscheidungen und/oder heterogene Individuen. Das erste Papier gibt eine Übersicht zur bestehenden Literatur bezüglich des Einflusses von Immigration auf Löhne und Arbeitslosigkeit. Das zweite und dritte Papier befasst sich mit Auswirkung von Immigration auf die Ausbildungsentscheidung Einheimischer. Das vierte Papier untersucht die Auswirkung von Immigration auf lokale Arbeitsmärkte unter Berücksichtigung von technologischem Wandel.

  • Three Essays on Estimation and Dynamic Modelling of Multivariate Market Risks using High Frequency Financial Data


    This dissertation consists of three stand-alone research papers, all of which treat the topic of estimation and dynamic modelling of multivariate volatility by employing the information contained in high-frequency data, which became available in the last 10 - 15 years. The main focus of all three studies is the multivariate application, in which one is interested in estimating and modelling the covariance matrix of more than two financial assets. Main motivation is that in practice, an economic agent is rarely exposed to a single source of risk, and it is exactly the correlations between risks, which make risk management so important. If risks were not correlated, the concepts of hedging, portfolio diversification and risk management would not have come into existence. The availability of high-frequency data opened new frontiers in the field of risk management not only to financial econometricians and mathematicians, but also to practitioners, who are now able to measure and manage risk much more accurately than only several years ago. It is exactly this relevance and novelty of the field that makes it currently a very active area of research.

    The three chapters of this thesis can broadly be separated into two categories - estimation (Chapter 1 and 2) and dynamic modelling (Chapter 3), and are intentionally arranged in a particular sequence in the thesis. The first paper is mainly concerned with how to obtain a precise estimate of the covariance between two assets in the presence of a host of market microstructure frictions. An extension to this problem, where both the estimation of variances and covariances is addressed in a theoretically unified framework, is presented in the second paper, which also develops new estimation techniques improving substantially the efficiency of existing univariate and multivariate estimators. In the third chapter I abstract from the issue of market microstructure, starting from the point where a series of covariance matrices is available, for which a suitable time-series model is to be developed with the aim of making risk forecasts. Thus, the exposition in the thesis evolves logically from the problem of estimating a single covariance, through the estimation of a possibly high-dimensional covariance matrix, to the issue of dynamic modelling and forecasting of the multivariate risks.

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