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20 / 2460
  • Rapp, Matthias J.; Lukas, Christian (2008): Konzernabschlussprüfung und Überleitung zum Monatsbericht Controlling. 2008, 20(6), pp. 323-328

    Konzernabschlussprüfung und Überleitung zum Monatsbericht


    dc.title: Rapp, Matthias J.

  • Friehe, Tim (2008): Optimal Sanctions and Endogeneity of Differences in Detection Probabilities International Review of Law & Economics. 2008, 28(2), pp. 150-155. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.irle.2008.02.004

    Optimal Sanctions and Endogeneity of Differences in Detection Probabilities


    Offenders differ with respect to their detection probability in reality. Bebchuk and Kaplow [Bebchuk, L. A., & Kaplow, L. (1993). Optimal sanctions and differences in individuals likelihood of avoiding detection. International Review of Law and Economics, 13, 217 224] conclude that optimal sanctions should increase with the ability to avoid detection. We endogenize differences in detection probabilities by letting individuals choose education. The optimal sanction schedule may be reversed if individuals do not account for all benefits of education. This paper thereby demonstrates how incentives for seemingly remote decisions can be manipulated through sanction structures.

  • Fairness of Public Pensions and Old-Age Poverty


    In several OECD countries, public pay-as-you-go financed pension systems have undergone major reforms in which future retirement benefit promises have been scaled down. A consequence of these reforms is that especially in countries with a tight tax-benefit linkage, the retirement benefit claims of low-income workers might not even exceed the minimum income guarantee which the government provides the aged. Recently, some German politicians have criticized this likely development because it was unjust that persons who have paid contributions over a long working life end up with no higher benefits than people who have never worked or paid any contributions. However, the government defended the current retirement benefit formula with the argument that every Euro paid as contributions had exactly the same value in generating future retirement benefits. But this logic has been questioned recently, e.g. by Breyer and Hupfeld (2009), since the value of a contributed Euro depends on the life expectancy of the individual, which is positively correlated with annual income. In that earlier paper, we introduced the concept of "distributive neutrality", which takes income-group-specific differences in life expectancy into account. The present paper estimates the relationship between annual earnings and life expectancy of German retirees empirically and shows how the formula that links benefits to contributions would have to be modified to achieve distributive neutrality. We compare the new formula to the benefit formulas in other OECD countries and analyze a data set provided by the German Pension Insurance Office on a large cohort of pensioners to find out how the old-age poverty rate would be affected by the proposed change of the benefit formula. Finally, we discuss other possible effects of a change in the benefit formula, especially on the labour supply of different earnings groups.

  • Capital structure and international debt shifting : a comment


    In a recent article, Huizinga, Laeven and Nicodème (2008) present a novel model that motivates an extensive empirical analysis of international debt shifting. We point out that the model fails to account for internal debt, and that once internal debt is properly accounted for, the external debt mechanism they propose is not identified in theempirical analysis. We also point out that affiliate specific debt costs reduce affiliate dividends. When this is implemented in the model, their regression equation can only be derived under the very restrictive assumption that effective tax rates on dividends are the same in all countries.

  • Amann, Erwin; Qiao, Heng (2008): Parallel Contests

    Parallel Contests


    A problem of Parallel Contests is raised and modeled. The equilibria in final situations of parallel contests are analyzed and characterized and the behaviours of contestants with different abilities parameters are explained. Given that the values of the prizes in the two contests are different, in equilibrium a group of strong players prefer entering into the contest with a higher prize. However, except the group of stronger ones, in equilibrium others will enter into both contests because they obtain equal expected revenue from the two contests, though these weak ones do not have equal probabilities to enter into the two parallel contests. Under the condition of rationalizability, this paper characterizes the respective distributions of contestants abilities in the two parallel contests, proves the existence of the equilibrium in parallel contests and completes the analysis of the parallel contests from the perspective of contestants.

  • Heterogeneous Social Preferences and the Dynamics of Free Riding in Public Good Experiments


    We provide a direct test of the role of social preferences and beliefs in voluntary cooperation and its decline. We elicit individuals cooperation preference in one experiment and use them as well as subjects elicited beliefs to make predictions about contributions to a public good played repeatedly. We find substantial heterogeneity in people s preferences. With simulation methods based on this data, we show that the decline of cooperation is driven by the fact that most people have a preference to contribute less than others. Belief formation and virtual learning do not contribute to the decline of cooperation.

  • Deißinger, Thomas (2008): Problemas e Desenvolvimento do Sistema Alemão de Formação Profissional e Técnica : o relacionamento conflitante entre as diferentes opções do ensino secundário pós-obrigatório DE MOURA CASTRO, , ed., CLAUDIO, ed. and others. Ensino Médio Diversificado. Rio de Janeiro: SENAC / Departamento Nacional, 2008, pp. 153-186. Ciclo de Seminários Internacionais : Educação no século XXI

    Problemas e Desenvolvimento do Sistema Alemão de Formação Profissional e Técnica : o relacionamento conflitante entre as diferentes opções do ensino secundário pós-obrigatório



  • Human Capital, Multiple Income Risk and Social Insurance


    We set up an OLG-model, where households both choose human capital investment and decide on investing their endogenous savings in a portfolio of riskless and risky assets, exposing them to (aggregate) wage and capital risks due to technological shocks. We derive the optimal public policy mix of taxation and education policy. We show that risks can be efficiently diversified between private and public consumption. This results hinges on that the government can apply a wide set of instruments, including differentiated wage and capital taxation. We also show that for sufficient risk aversion the (Northern) European way of relying on progressive wage taxation and granting education subsidies is an optimal response to wage and capital risks.

  • Insuring Educational Risk: "It is the Quality of Education"


    We develop a model of education where individuals face educational risk. Successfully entering the skilled labor sector depends on individual effort in education and public resources, but educational risk still causes (income) inequality. We show that in a Second-best setting improving quality of education, i.e., the probability of success, by public funding of the educational sector matters more than granting direct income transfers from skilled workers to unskilled ones. Thus, ex ante insurance is more important than ex post income redistribution. These results are even strengthened, in case (distortionary) skill-specific taxes are available.

  • Breyer, Friedrich; Kliemt, Hartmut (2008): Institutionelle Entwicklung der Transplantationsmedizin in Deutschland vor und nach dem TPG HÖFLING, Wolfram, ed.. Die Regulierung der Transplantationsmedizin in Deutschland: eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme nach 10 Jahren Transplantationsgesetz. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2008, pp. 29-43

    Institutionelle Entwicklung der Transplantationsmedizin in Deutschland vor und nach dem TPG


    dc.title: Kliemt, Hartmut

  • Deißinger, Thomas; Mink, Dieter (2008): EQF und C-QUAF, Bildungsstandards und Qualität : eine internationale und europäische Debatte und die Folgen für Deutschland MÜNK, Dieter, ed. and others. Modernisierung der Berufsbildung : neue Forschungserträge und Perspektiven der Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. Opladen [u.a.]: Budrich, 2008, pp. 16-25. ISBN 978-3-86649-167-0

    EQF und C-QUAF, Bildungsstandards und Qualität : eine internationale und europäische Debatte und die Folgen für Deutschland


    dc.title: Mink, Dieter

  • Fischbacher, Urs; Dehnhardt, Alexandra (2008): Non-selfish motivation and river basin management DEHNHARDT, Alexandra, ed., Ulrich PETSCHOW, ed.. Sustainability in River Basins - A Question of Governance. München: Oekom-Verl., 2008

    Non-selfish motivation and river basin management


    dc.title: Dehnhardt, Alexandra

  • Akzeptanz vollzeitschulischer Berufsabschlüsse auf dem Arbeitsmarkt : Übergangsprobleme, Ursachen und Erklärungsansätze der Berufsbildungsforschung


    Die Bedeutung beruflicher Vollzeitschulen ist eng mit dem Lehrstellenmangel im dualen System verbunden. Aufgrund der offensichtlichen Übergangsprobleme in das Beschäftigungssystem können diese Berufsbildungsangebote nur bedingt einen Beitrag zur Entlastung des Lehrstellenmarktes leisten. Die Bildungspolitik ist bei der Entwicklung von Lösungsstrategien auf Ergebnisse der Berufsbildungsforschung über die Ursachen der Übergangsprobleme angewiesen. In diesem Kontext stützt der Autor seine Problem- und Ursachenanalyse auf Theorien und Forschungsergebnisse diverser sozialwissenschaftlicher Subdisziplinen. Um eine innere logische Verbindung dieser spezifischen Erklärungsansätze zu gewährleisten, wird auf die Allgemeine Systemtheorie als "synthetisierende Methode" zurückgegriffen. Die Ausführungen werden im Anschluss an die theoretisch-konzeptionellen Überlegungen an einem empirischen Beispiel konkretisiert. Das Buch richtet sich zum einen an alle Akteure des deutschen Berufsbildungssystems, und zum anderen an Sozialwissenschaftler, die mit ihrer Arbeit an der Berufsbildungsforschung mitwirken.

  • Fabel, Oliver (2008): Editorial : Zum Schwerpunkt Forschungs-Ranking Perspektiven der Wirtschaftspolitik. 2008, 9(3), pp. 252-253. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-2516.2008.00278.x

    Editorial : Zum Schwerpunkt Forschungs-Ranking


    dc.title: Fabel, Oliver

  • Oepke, Maren; Schumann, Stephan; Barske, Nina; Müller, Claude; Pflüger, Michael; Hesske, Stefan; Eberle, Franz (2008): Anwendungs- und problemorientierter Unterricht (APU) : ein Unterrichtsforschungsprojekt an deutschschweizerischen Gymnasien in den Fächern "Wirtschaft & Recht" und "Geographie" MÜNK, Dieter, ed., Philipp GONON, ed., Klaus BREUER, ed., Thomas DEISSINGER, ed.. Modernisierung der Berufsbildung : Neue Forschungserträge und Perspektiven der Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. Opladen: Budrich, 2008, pp. 110-119. ISBN 978-3-86649-167-0

    Anwendungs- und problemorientierter Unterricht (APU) : ein Unterrichtsforschungsprojekt an deutschschweizerischen Gymnasien in den Fächern "Wirtschaft & Recht" und "Geographie"


    dc.title: Oepke, Maren; Barske, Nina; Müller, Claude; Pflüger, Michael; Hesske, Stefan; Eberle, Franz

  • Rauber, Michael; Ursprung, Heinrich (2008): Life cycle and cohort productivity in economic research : the case of Germany German economic review. 2008, 9(4), pp. 431-456. Available under: doi: 10.1111/j.1468-0475.2008.00448.x

    Life cycle and cohort productivity in economic research : the case of Germany


    We examine the research productivity of German academic economists over their life cycles. It turns out that the career-patterns of research productivity as measured by journal publications are characterized by marked cohort effects. Moreover, the life-cycles of younger German economists are hump-shaped and closely resemble the life cycles identified for U.S. economists, whereas the life-cycles of older German economists are much flatter. Finally, we find that not only productivity, but also research quality follows distinct life cycles. Our study employs econometric techniques that are likely to produce estimates that are more trustworthy than previous estimates.

  • Human capital investment with competitive labor search


    We study human capital accumulation in an environment of competitive search. Given that unemployed workers can default on their education loans, skilled individuals with a larger debt burden prefer riskier but better paid careers than is socially desirable. A higher level of employment risk in turn depresses the skill premium and the incentives to invest in education. The equilibrium allocation is characterized by too much unemployment, underinvestment by the poor, and too little investment in skill-intensive technologies. A public education system funded by graduate taxes can restore efficiency. More generally, differences in education funding can account for cross-country variations in wage inequality.

  • Frankreichs Berufsbildung im Zeichen des Europäischen Qualifikationsrahmens : eine kritische Analyse zu aktuellen Struktur- und Entwicklungsfragen eines schulbasierten Berufsbildungssystems


    Sowohl internationale als auch nationale Gegebenheiten beeinflussen die Entwicklung des französischen Berufsbildungssystems.
    Das französische Bildungssystem wird traditionell stark von einem meritokratischen Bildungsdenken beeinflusst. Insbesondere hinsichtlich der beruflichen Bildung führte dies zu einer von verschiedenen Seiten kritisierten Praxisferne des Bildungssystems. Das Problem wurde zwar bereits Anfang der 1970er Jahre erkannt, doch entsprechende Reformen begannen erst in der Folge der Beschäftigungskrisen der 1970er und 1980er Jahre zu greifen. Die Entwicklungen auf europäischer Ebene können als Verstärkung oder nachträgliche Legitimation dieser Reformen betrachtet werden.
    Neben beschäftigungspolitischen Maßnahmen sind an dieser Stelle vor allem die Weiterentwicklung dualer Ausbildungsformen und der Weiterbildung sowie die Anerkennung informell erworbener Kompetenzen zu nennen.
    Ausgehend von einer kritischen Analyse des in Frankreich dominanten schulbasierten Berufsbildungssystems werden in dieser Arbeit die Diversifikation der Berufsbildungswege und die Konsequenzen, die diese mit sich bringt, näher erläutert. Diese stehen dabei in einem engen Bezug zu den Entwicklungen auf europäischer Ebene. Bereits bevor sich der Europäische Qualifikationsrahmen konkretisierte, hat Frankreich begonnen, einen nationalen Qualifikationsrahmen zu entwickeln. Dieser soll dazu dienen, unterschiedliche Bildungswege miteinander vergleichbar zu machen. Eine zunehmende Outcome-Orientierung und die größere Bedeutung des Kompetenzbegriffes spielen in Frankreich seither eine größere Rolle als es aufgrund der Berufsbildungstradition zu erwarten gewesen wäre.

  • Insurance, Pooling, and Resistance to Reform : the Case of Individual Uncertainty


    This paper shows that individual risk-type uncertainty can prevent reforms of the insurance system that would benefit the majority of individuals. We consider the case where a subset of the population is uncertain of their risk type and contrast two insurance regimes; the status quo of mandated pooling of all risk types and the reform proposal being insurance with risk-type separation over time, using Bayesian updating. Most individuals would benefit from the reform since their risk type is better than the average but the reform does not occur due to individual uncertainty.

  • Local public funding of higher education when students and skilled workers are mobile


    The interregional mobility of high skilled workers might induce an underinvestment in local public higher education when sub-federal entities independently decide on education expenditures to maximize local output. This well-known result is due to interregional spillovers and provides a justification for coordinated education policy or rather a federal intervention. However, things might change completely when taking into account the interregional mobility of students. Now, local education expenditures not only affect labor migration (through wage differentials) but also student migration flows. The model in this paper then shows that local output maximization does not necessarily imply underprovision of higher education, since regions now have an incentive to attract students as future human capital. The stay rates of graduates in equilibrium and the sensitivity of wages to migration are key determinants of local policy. Furthermore, results depend on local government objectives or rather the weighting of natives relative to foreigners. Therefore, the paper also considers natives preferred local policy.

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