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20 / 2459
  • Three Essays on Time Series Analysis and Neural Networks in Econometrics



  • Dertwinkel-Kalt, Markus; Gerhardt, Holger; Riener, Gerhard; Schwerter, Frederik; Strang, Louis (2022): Concentration Bias in Intertemporal Choice The Review of Economic Studies. Oxford University Press. 2022, 89(3), pp. 1314-1334. ISSN 0034-6527. eISSN 1467-937X. Available under: doi: 10.1093/restud/rdab043

    Concentration Bias in Intertemporal Choice


    Many intertemporal trade-offs are unbalanced: while the advantages of options are concentrated in a few periods, the disadvantages are dispersed over numerous periods. We provide novel experimental evidence for “concentration bias,” the tendency to overweight advantages that are concentrated in time. Subjects commit to too much overtime work that is dispersed over multiple days in exchange for a bonus that is concentrated in time: concentration bias increases subjects’ willingness to work by 22.4% beyond what standard discounting models could account for. In additional conditions and a complementary experiment involving monetary payments, we study the mechanisms behind concentration bias and demonstrate the robustness of our findings.

  • Brox, Enzo; Krieger, Tommy (2022): Birthplace diversity and team performance Labour Economics. Elsevier. 2022, 79, 102288. ISSN 0927-5371. eISSN 1879-1034. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.labeco.2022.102288

    Birthplace diversity and team performance


    Using hand-collected and web-scraped data on 7208 matches and 3266 players from the highest division of German male football, this paper examines how birthplace diversity affects team performance. The results of two instrumental variable analyses suggest that birthplace diversity has a hump-shaped effect on team performance. To explain our result, we argue that nationally diverse teams have a wider range of skills and face greater communication barriers.

  • Dufourt, Frédéric; Kerdelhué, Lisa; Piétri, Océane (2022): Budget-neutral capital tax cuts Annals of Economics and Statistics. National Economics and Statistics Schools Group (GENES). 2022(146), pp. 93-122. ISSN 2115-4430. eISSN 1968-3863. Available under: doi: 10.2307/48674140

    Budget-neutral capital tax cuts


    dc.title: Dufourt, Frédéric; Kerdelhué, Lisa

  • Chadi, Adrian; Homolka, Konstantin (2022): Little Lies and Blind Eyes : Experimental Evidence on Cheating and Task Performance in Work Groups Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. Elsevier. 2022, 199, pp. 122-159. ISSN 0167-2681. eISSN 1879-1751. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.jebo.2022.04.013

    Little Lies and Blind Eyes : Experimental Evidence on Cheating and Task Performance in Work Groups


    We investigate cheating in work groups, to empirically test the idea of an honest workplace environment as a determinant of performance. Three individuals receive team-based performance pay for executing a real-effort task. In addition, two of them have the opportunity to obtain a bonus in a dice game, which allows cheating without exposure by misreporting a secret die roll. We are particularly interested in the behavioral response of the bystander as the potential witness to the dishonest action. To identify the implications of lies at work, the rules of the bonus game were altered to randomly prevent cheating, or not, across treatment conditions while holding the monetary consequences constant. Survey data enables us to analyze effect heterogeneity and to explore mechanisms underlying behavioral responses. We begin our analysis by estimating the mean lying rate and find that the opportunity-to-cheat is exploited in roughly 42% of cases. The probability of misreporting increases if the cheater's partner in crime is male. Contrary to claims on the importance of honesty at work, we do not observe a reduction in performance when cheating takes place, neither for the bystander nor for the whole team. Bounded awareness could be an explanation, as we find substantial evidence for effect heterogeneity along the lines of information preferences. Bystanders with higher preferences for inconvenient information provide relatively low task performance, compared to those with lower information preferences, who seem to turn a blind eye to the dishonest action of their co-workers by putting increased effort into their work.

  • Hanushek, Eric A.; Jacobs, Babs; Schwerdt, Guido; van der Velden, Rolf; Vermeulen, Stan; Wiederhold, Simon (2022): The Intergenerational Transmission of Cognitive Skills : An Investigation of the Causal Impact of Families on Student Outcomes

    The Intergenerational Transmission of Cognitive Skills : An Investigation of the Causal Impact of Families on Student Outcomes


    The extensive literature on intergenerational mobility highlights the importance of family linkages but fails to provide credible evidence about the underlying family factors that drive the pervasive correlations. We employ a unique combination of Dutch survey and registry data that links math and language skills across generations. We identify the connection between cognitive skills of parents and their children by exploiting within-family between-subject variation in these skills. A causal interpretation of the between-subject estimates is reinforced by novel IV estimation that isolates variation in parent cognitive skills due to teacher and classroom peer quality. The between-subject and IV estimates of the key intergenerational persistence parameter are strikingly similar and close at about 0.1. Finally, we show the strong influence of family skill transmission on children’s choices of STEM fields.

  • Schmelz, Katrin; Bowles, Samuel (2022): Opposition to voluntary and mandated COVID-19 vaccination as a dynamic process : Evidence and policy implications of changing beliefs Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS). National Academy of Sciences. 2022, 119(13), e2118721119. ISSN 0027-8424. eISSN 1091-6490. Available under: doi: 10.1073/pnas.2118721119

    Opposition to voluntary and mandated COVID-19 vaccination as a dynamic process : Evidence and policy implications of changing beliefs


    COVID-19 vaccination rates slowed in many countries during the second half of 2021, along with the emergence of vocal opposition, particularly to mandated vaccinations. Who are those resisting vaccination? Under what conditions do they change their minds? Our three-wave representative panel survey from Germany allows us to estimate the dynamics of vaccine opposition, providing the following answers. Without mandates, it may be difficult to reach and to sustain the near-universal level of repeated vaccinations apparently required to contain the Delta, Omicron, and likely subsequent variants. But mandates substantially increase opposition to vaccination. We find that few were opposed to voluntary vaccination in all three waves of the survey. They are just 3.3% of our panel, a number that we demonstrate is unlikely to be the result of response error. In contrast, the fraction consistently opposed to enforced vaccinations is 16.5%. Under both policies, those consistently opposed and those switching from opposition to supporting vaccination are sociodemographically virtually indistinguishable from other Germans. Thus, the mechanisms accounting for the dynamics of vaccine attitudes may apply generally across societal groups. What differentiates them from others are their beliefs about vaccination effectiveness, their trust in public institutions, and whether they perceive enforced vaccination as a restriction on their freedom. We find that changing these beliefs is both possible and necessary to increase vaccine willingness, even in the case of mandates. An inference is that well-designed policies of persuasion and enforcement will be complementary, not alternatives.

  • Bertsche, Dominik; Braun, Robin (2022): Identification of Structural Vector Autoregressions by Stochastic Volatility Journal of Business & Economic Statistics. Taylor & Francis. 2022, 40(1), pp. 328-341. ISSN 0735-0015. eISSN 1537-2707. Available under: doi: 10.1080/07350015.2020.1813588

    Identification of Structural Vector Autoregressions by Stochastic Volatility


    We propose to exploit stochastic volatility for statistical identification of structural vector autoregressive models (SV-SVAR). We discuss full and partial identification of the model and develop efficient EM algorithms for maximum likelihood inference. Simulation evidence suggests that the SV-SVAR works well in identifying structural parameters also under misspecification of the variance process, particularly if compared to alternative heteroscedastic SVARs. We apply the model to study the importance of oil supply shocks for driving oil prices. Since shocks identified by heteroscedasticity may not be economically meaningful, we exploit the framework to test instrumental variable restrictions which are overidentifying in the heteroscedastic model. Our findings suggest that conventional supply shocks are negligible, while news shocks about future supply account for almost all the variation in oil prices.

  • Jensen, Michael; Twardawski, Torsten; Younes, Nadja (2022): The Paradox of Awards : How Status Ripples Affect Who Benefits from CEO Awards Organization Science. Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS). 2022, 33(3), pp. 946-968. ISSN 1047-7039. eISSN 1526-5455. Available under: doi: 10.1287/orsc.2021.1475

    The Paradox of Awards : How Status Ripples Affect Who Benefits from CEO Awards


    Distinguishing between status spillovers and status ripples, we argue that sudden positive status shifts create status ripples when the social actors experiencing the status shifts are more constrained from exploiting their higher status than the social actors to whom they are affiliated. Specifically, we examine the status ripple paradox that the status effects experienced by the affiliated actors sometimes are as strong, or even stronger, as the direct status effects experienced by the ascending actors themselves. Focusing empirically on prestigious CEO awards from U.S. news magazines, we examine the consequences of positive status shifts for the awarded CEOs and the CEOs who are on the boards of directors of the awarded CEOs’ firms. We find evidence of status ripples in CEO compensation by showing that awarded CEOs have relatively greater immediate but smaller subsequent increases in compensation, which results in lower overall compensation effects for the awarded CEOs. Moreover, we provide empirical evidence of the theoretical mechanisms behind the status ripple paradox by showing that external constraints in the form of increased media and analyst attention and increased expectations affect the status ripple effect.

  • Der Zusammenhang zwischen Meritokratie und beruflicher Bildung : Idealtypische Rekonstruktion als Deutungsrahmen für das Wertschätzungsproblem der Berufsbildung in der Ukraine



  • Deißinger, Thomas; Heininger, Hanna (2022): Konvergenzen und Divergenzen im Verhältnis von beruflicher und allgemein-akademischer Bildung und Ausbildung in Kanada ANNEN, Silvia, ed., Tobias MAIER, ed.. Akademisierung, Hybridqualifikationen und Fachkräftebedarf : ist die Konkurrenz zwischen akademisch und beruflich Qualifizierten Mythos oder Realität?. Bonn: Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, 2022, pp. 239-265. Berichte zur beruflichen Bildung. ISBN 978-3-8474-2905-0

    Konvergenzen und Divergenzen im Verhältnis von beruflicher und allgemein-akademischer Bildung und Ausbildung in Kanada


    Dieser Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, inwiefern hybride Qualifikationen dazu beitragen können auf die aktuelle Problemlage in Kanadas Wirtschaft und Bildungssystem zu reagieren, welche sich aktuell durch starken Fachkräftemangel sowie Fehl- bzw. Überqualifizierung am Arbeitsmarkt auszeichnet. Dabei werden strukturelle sowie soziale Rahmenbedingungen der beruflichen Bildung in Kanada diskutiert. Grundlage dafür bilden drei in den Jahren 2015 und 2018 durchgeführte Interviews sowie die wenigen vorhandenen Quellen zur Berufsbildung in Kanada. Die Literatur und die Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass Einkommen, sozialer Status und Prestige die zentralen Faktoren darstellen, die zur geringen gesellschaftlichen Wertschätzung beruflicher Bildung in Kanada beitragen. Hybridqualifikationen versuchen, durch die Kombination von allgemeinbildenden und beruflichen Inhalten die berufliche Bildung im Gesamtsystem attraktiver und sichtbarer zu machen. Die youth apprenticeships – berufliche Optionen an den high schools – sowie anwendungsorientierte Hochschulprogramme an colleges stellen die beiden Varianten der Cooperative Education im kanadischen Bildungssystem dar. Während Erstgenannte an den meritokratisch geprägten gesellschaftlichen Strukturen, die einen Hochschulabschluss als Einstieg in den Arbeitsmarkt voraussetzen, zu scheitern scheinen, zeichnen sich Letztere sowohl durch eine dezidierte Ausrichtung am Arbeitsmarkt als auch durch den gesellschaftlich anerkannten Hochschulabschluss aus. Jedoch bleibt dabei fraglich, inwieweit die Akzeptanz dieser Programme am Arbeitsmarkt auf die erworbenen „skills“ oder lediglich auf das formale Hochschulzeugnis zurückgeführt werden kann. Weitere Forschungsvorhaben sind notwendig, um die Positionierung der Cooperative Education sowie der beteiligten Institutionen im Spannungsfeld von Akademisierung und Anwendungsorientierung zu untersuchen und näher zu bestimmen, welche Chancen für die berufliche Bildung allgemein in einer solchen Entwicklung liegen könnten.

  • Platz, Liane; Jüttler, Michael (2022): Game-based learning as a gateway for promoting financial literacy : how games in economics influence students’ financial interest Citizenship, Social and Economics Education. Sage. 2022, 21(3), pp. 185-208. ISSN 1478-8047. eISSN 2047-1734. Available under: doi: 10.1177/14788047221135343

    Game-based learning as a gateway for promoting financial literacy : how games in economics influence students’ financial interest


    The teaching of financial literacy through game-based approaches is legitimized by the ability of game-based learning (GBL) to simulate financial decisions that young people have not yet encountered in their lives due to limited legal capacity and economic dependence on the parental home. Although results on the general effectiveness of games are already available, the question about for which students GBL is effective in teaching financial literacy has not yet been researched in depth. Based on pedagogical interest theory, a pre–post design (n = 50; 30 female students) was conducted to investigate the effects of high school students’ individual prerequisites on their game experience and their development of situational interest by playing an analog game and debriefing. The main findings indicate that a higher level of prior motivation for this topic has a positive effect on game experience and situational interest. A high level of prior knowledge and leisure activities concerning finance may have a somewhat negative effect. Such games are particularly suitable for students who are aware of the subjective significance of finance but have not previously had the opportunity to engage with this topic for different reasons.

  • Gründler, Klaus; Krieger, Tommy (2022): Should we care (more) about data aggregation? European Economic Review. Elsevier. 2022, 142, 104010. ISSN 0014-2921. eISSN 1873-572X. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2021.104010

    Should we care (more) about data aggregation?


    Aggregation tools transform multidimensional data into indices. To investigate how the design of an aggregation process affects regression results, we build democracy indices that differ regarding their scale and aggregation function. Using the democracy–growth nexus as a testing ground, we illustrate that the choice of the aggregation procedure significantly affects OLS and 2SLS estimates since different methods produce systematically different index values for observations at the lower and upper end of the autocracy–democracy spectrum. We also illustrate that dichotomous measures produce significantly smaller OLS estimates than continuous measures due to lower discriminating power. Whether continuous and dichotomous indicators create different 2SLS estimates depends on their design. Because of the methodological similarities of democracy indicators and other social science indicators, we expect similar consequences for other empirical analyses.

  • Kind, Axel; Oster, Philippe; Peter, Franziska J. (2022): The determinants of banks' AT1 CoCo spreads European Financial Management. Wiley. 2022, 28(2), pp. 567-604. ISSN 1354-7798. eISSN 1468-036X. Available under: doi: 10.1111/eufm.12314

    The determinants of banks' AT1 CoCo spreads


    We conduct a comprehensive pricing study of additional tier 1 ​(AT1) contingent convertible (CoCo) bonds issued by Eurozone banks. By accounting for an extensive set of pricing determinants related to the regulatory framework, the security design and key market variables, we show that the regulatory concept of the maximum distributable amount (MDA) introduced in 2016 has a significant and economically meaningful impact on CoCo spreads. Furthermore, we examine whether the market stress induced by the COVID-19 pandemic influences the determinants of CoCo spreads. Our results show that the pricing factors remain stable throughout tranquil and volatile periods.

  • Franke, Günter (2022): Aufstieg zum globalen Wettbewerber (1980 bis 2002) FLOTO-DEGENER, Hanno, ed., Bernd RUDOLPH, ed.. Von der Traditionsbörse zum digitalen Marktplatz : die Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse und der Wertpapierhandel in Deutschland von der Weimarer Zeit bis ins 21. Jahrhundert. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2022, pp. 147-230. ISBN 978-3-515-13077-6

    Aufstieg zum globalen Wettbewerber (1980 bis 2002)



  • Stoyanov, Andrey; Zubanov, Nick (2022): Skill Complementarity in Production Technology : New Empirical Evidence and Implications German Economic Review. De Gruyter. 2022, 23(2), pp. 233-274. ISSN 1465-6485. eISSN 1468-0475. Available under: doi: 10.1515/ger-2020-0102

    Skill Complementarity in Production Technology : New Empirical Evidence and Implications


    Danish manufacturing firm data reveal that 1) industries differ in within-firm worker skill (= wage) dispersion, and 2) within-firm skill dispersion positively correlates with firm productivity in industries with higher average skill dispersion. We argue that these patterns reflect technological differences between industries: firms in the “skill complementarity” industries profit from hiring similarly able workers, while the “skill substitutability” firms thrive on skill differences. Our study produces a robust, data-driven and theoretically validated classification of industries into the complementarity and substitutability groups, unveils hitherto unnoticed technological heterogeneity between industries within the same economy, and illustrates its importance through simulations.

  • Flexible Wages and the Costs of Job Displacement


    This paper investigates whether flexible pay increases the wage costs of job displacement. We use quasi-exogenous variation in the timing of job loss due to mass layoffs spanning over an institutional reform that restricted single-employer bargaining, the Belgian Wage Norm in 1996. We find that average earnings losses over a ten-year period after displacement are 10 percentage points larger under flexible pay.Workers displaced from jobs with higher employer-specific wage premiums-service sector and white-collar-benefit the most from restricted single-employer bargaining as their earnings fully converge to non-displaced workers' earnings within three years. We show that the differences in earnings losses across wage-setting systems are not driven by fluctuations in the business cycle. Finally, the wage-setting reform had similar effects on female workers, though it did not narrow the gender gap in pre-layoff wages. Our results suggest that reduced pay flexibility may help displaced workers catch up faster to non-displaced workers' pay premium ladder conditional on re-employment.

  • Holtsch, Doreen; Findeisen, Stefanie; Bruderer, Nicole; Müller, Sabrina; Schlag, Thomas (2022): Auch für andere da : Freiwilliges (kirchliches) Engagement von Lernenden in der beruflichen Grundbildung Transfer. Berufsbildung in Forschung und Praxis ; 7,2. Bern: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für angewandte Berufsbildungsforschung SGAB

    Auch für andere da : Freiwilliges (kirchliches) Engagement von Lernenden in der beruflichen Grundbildung


    Viele Jugendliche engagieren sich freiwillig in Sportvereinen, in ihrer eigenen Familie oder auch in der Kirche. Ein von der Internationalen Bodenseehochschule gefördertes Projekt zeigt, dass dies für rund 62 Prozent der Jugendlichen zutrifft. Dieses Engagement eröffnet Berufsbildungsverantwortlichen die Möglichkeit, Bezüge zwischen den im Kontext der Freiwilligenarbeit gesammelten Erfahrungen und der beruflichen Tätigkeit bewusst zu eruieren und zu fördern. Ein Ziel könnte es sein, dass Lernende in die Lage versetzt werden, sich bewusst für ein Engagement zu entscheiden.

  • Friebel, Guido; Heinz, Matthias; Zubanov, Nick (2022): Middle Managers, Personnel Turnover, and Performance : A Long‐Term Field Experiment in a Retail Chain Management Science. INFORMS. 2022, 68(1), pp. 211-229. ISSN 0025-1909. eISSN 1526-5501. Available under: doi: 10.1287/mnsc.2020.3905

    Middle Managers, Personnel Turnover, and Performance : A Long‐Term Field Experiment in a Retail Chain


    In a randomized controlled trial, a large retail chain’s Chief Executive Officer (CEO) sets new goals for the managers of the treated stores by asking them to “do what they can” to reduce the employee quit rate. The treatment decreases the quit rate by a fifth to a quarter, lasting nine months before petering out, but reappearing after a reminder. There is no treatment effect on sales. Further analysis reveals that treated store managers spend more time on human resources (HR) and less on customer service. Our findings show that middle managers are instrumental in reducing personnel turnover, but they face a trade-off between investing in different activities in a multitasking environment with limited resources. The treatment does produce efficiency gains. However, these occur only at the firm level.

  • Vergleichende Berufsbildungsforschung - Ergebnisse und Perspektiven aus Theorie und Empirie : Jubiläumsausgabe des Internationalen Handbuchs der Berufsbildung


    Seit 1995 werden im Internationalen Handbuch der Berufsbildung (IHBB) wissenschaftliche Länderstudien zu den weltweiten Berufsbildungssystemen publiziert. Das IHBB ist ein Standardwerk für diejenigen, die sich für die Berufsbildung in anderen Ländern interessieren. Dieser Jubiläumsband zum 25-jährigen Bestehen des IHBB stellt aktuelle Befunde zu unterschiedlichen Themen und Fragestellungen aus der Vergleichenden Berufsbildungsforschung vor. Die Vergleichende Berufsbildungsforschung zielt darauf ab, Merkmale und Prinzipien der Berufsbildung in verschiedenen nationalen und kulturellen Kontexten zu beschreiben, zu verstehen und zu erklären. Deutlich stärker als die allgemeine oder hochschulische Bildung ist die Berufsbildung aus internationaler Perspektive von großen Unterschieden geprägt. Doch zugleich kann die Annahme formuliert werden, dass sich die Merkmale und Prinzipien der Berufsbildung im Zuge der wachsenden Globalisierung, Internationalisierung und Europäisierung tendenziell annähern – wie in anderen gesellschaftlichen Teilsystemen auch. Der Blick auf die Berufsbildung erfolgt aus diversen wissenschaftlichen Perspektiven, aus Erziehungs- und Berufsbildungswissenschaft, Politikwissenschaft, Soziologie und Betriebswirtschaftslehre. Mit dieser Auswahl wird einem inter- und multidisziplinären Verständnis Vergleichender Berufsbildungsforschung Rechnung getragen. Der vorliegende Sammelband schließt damit den Kreis zu den Beiträgen zu Methoden und Theorien des Vergleichs aus der Anfangszeit des Handbuchs.

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