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20 / 2460
  • Deißinger, Thomas (2006): CEDEFOP KAISER, Franz-Josef, ed., G. PÄTZOLD, ed.. Wörterbuch Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik. 2., überarb. und erw. Aufl.. Bad Heilbrunn/Obb.: Klinkhardt, 2006, pp. 205-207. ISBN 3-7815-1413-7




  • Experimental evidence on the appropriateness of non-monotone incentive contracts


    Non-monotone contracts, which can well represent the theoretically optimal choice of a contracting problem, are often deemed as non-plausible labor contracts and attention is (therefore) confined to monotone if not linear contracts. In this paper we test the incentive effects of non-monotone contracts in a simple principal-agent setting. Principals select either a monotone or a non-monotone contract, both are incentive compatible, and agents then decide which effort level to choose. The results show that principals do select the non-monotone contract, agents virtually never reject the non-monotone contract and they expend that effort level which is desired by principals.

  • Firing Costs, Severance Payments, Judicial Mistakes and Unemployment


    In the discussion about employment protection, little attention has been given to judicial mistakes. In most countries, only in the case of dismissals due to economic reasons, the employee is entitled to a severance payment. Given judicial mistakes when reviewing a dismissal, shirkers might falsely receive a severance payment while non-shirker might not. At fighting unemployment, increasing the level of severance payments can increase employment for small judicial mistakes and effectively dominate the pure firing costs which leave ambiguous effects on employment. For large judicial mistakes, the opposite can hold and severance payments can decrease employment.

  • Bildungsbeteiligung, Studiendauer und Bildungsrenditen an deutschen Hochschulen : eine mikroökonomische Analyse über heterogene Agenten im Kontext der Studiengebührenpolitik


    In 2007, Germany will be the next country introducing tuition fees on college level. This PhD-thesis tries to detect possible impacts of this policy on students' behavior. In particular, the author analyzes the expected change in enrollment rates and times-to-degree. Based on the obtained results policy recommendations will be found at the end of the book.

  • Stefani, Ulrike (2006): Anbieterkonzentration bei Prüfungsmandaten börsennotierter Schweizer Aktiengesellschaften Die Betriebswirtschaft : DBW. 2006, 66(2), pp. 121-145. ISSN 0342-7064

    Anbieterkonzentration bei Prüfungsmandaten börsennotierter Schweizer Aktiengesellschaften



  • Amann, Roland A.; Klein, Tobias J. (2006): Returns to Type or Tenure?

    Returns to Type or Tenure?


    This paper takes a closer look at the way unobserved characteristics of individuals confound wages and firm tenure. In turn of our structural analysis, which is built on estimating a reduced form for tenure and a structural wage equation, we disentangle returns to a latent type variable from estimates of general returns to tenure. The obtained results for Germany indicate that the type plays a crucial role in the remuneration of employees. As compared to types who stay, quitters earn less on average, but obtain steeper wage profiles in tenure. This nonseparability has previously remained unnoticed in the literature.

  • Kosfeld, Michael; Heinrichs, Markus; Zak, Paul J.; Fischbacher, Urs; Fehr, Ernst (2005): Oxytocin increases trust in humans Nature. 2005, 435(7042), pp. 673-676. ISSN 0028-0836. eISSN 1476-4679. Available under: doi: 10.1038/nature03701

    Oxytocin increases trust in humans


    Trust pervades human societies. Trust is indispensable in friendship, love, families and organizations, and plays a key role in economic exchange and politics. In the absence of trust among trading partners, market transactions break down. In the absence of trust in a country's institutions and leaders, political legitimacy breaks down. Much recent evidence indicates that trust contributes to economic, political and social success. Little is known, however, about the biological basis of trust among humans. Here we show that intranasal administration of oxytocin, a neuropeptide that plays a key role in social attachment and affiliation in non-human mammals, causes a substantial increase in trust among humans, thereby greatly increasing the benefits from social interactions. We also show that the effect of oxytocin on trust is not due to a general increase in the readiness to bear risks. On the contrary, oxytocin specifically affects an individual's willingness to accept social risks arising through interpersonal interactions. These results concur with animal research suggesting an essential role for oxytocin as a biological basis of prosocial approach behaviour.

  • Autonomie der Universität und Professionalisierung ihrer Leitungsstrukturen


    Im Zuge der Professionalisierung der Leitungsstrukturen erfolgt die Unterstellung der Universitätsverwaltung als Agenten der akademischen Universitätsleitung. Dies verändert die Möglichkeiten der Universität und des Ministeriums, in bilateralen Budgetverhandlungen Rentenanteile abschöpfen zu können. Einigungen mit verhandlungsstarken Universitäten betreffen nur noch einen Sockelbetrag. Darüber hinaus kann die wissenschaftliche Leistung abnehmen, während gleichzeitig unproduktive Aktivitäten unternommen werden. Im Ergebnis kann sich das Ministerium gezwungen fühlen, durch gesetzliche, die Autonomie der Universität weiter beschneidende Regelungen die Verhandlungsmacht der Universität zu beschränken.

  • Kaas, Leo; Madden, Paul (2005): Imperfectly competitive cycles with Keynesian and Walrasian features European Economic Review. 2005, 49(4), pp. 861-886. Available under: doi: 10.1016/j.euroecorev.2003.08.008

    Imperfectly competitive cycles with Keynesian and Walrasian features


    We consider a multi-sector overlapping generations model with oligopolistic firms in the output markets and wage-setting trade unions in the labour markets. A coordination problem between firms creates multiple temporary equilibria which are either Walrasian or of the Keynesian unemployment type. There exist many deterministic and stochastic equilibrium cycles fluctuating between Keynesian recession and Walrasian boom periods with arbitrarily long phases in each regime. The cycles are in accordance with certain empirical regularities. Money is neutral and superneutral, but appropriate countercyclical fiscal policies stabilize the cycles in a textbook Keynesian way.

  • Sozialversicherung als Umverteilungsinstrument bei asymmetrischer Information


    Die vorliegende Arbeit geht der Frage nach, unter welchen Bedingungen die Sozialversicherung in Gegenwart eines optimal gestalteten Steuersystems zu Umverteilungszwecken geeignet ist. Ausgangspunkt sind die Wohlfahrtseffekte der Sozialversicherung, wenn das Steuerinstrumentarium auf einen linearen Einkommensteuertarif beschränkt und der private Versicherungsmarkt effizient ist. Diese Annahmen werden sodann schrittweise gelockert. Zunächst werden Optimalbedingungen für die optimale Sozialversicherung und Steuerpolitik hergeleitet, wenn der private Versicherungsmarkt durch adverse Selektion gekennzeichnet ist. Dabei werden verschiedene Marktstrukturen berücksichtigt. Ein zentrales Ergebnis der Analyse ist, dass der vollständige Verzicht auf eine Sozialversicherung optimal sein kann, wenn das Arbeitsangebot der Individuen durch Vorsichtsmotive beeinflusst wird. Schließlich werden die optimale nichtlineare Einkommensteuer und die optimale nichtlineare Sozialversicherung simultan charakterisiert.

  • Skill-Biased Technological Change and Endogenous Benefits : the Dynamics of Unemployment and Wage Inequality


    In this paper, we study the effect of skill-biased technological change on unemployment when benefits are linked to the evolution of average income and when this is not the case. In the former case, an increase in the productivity of skilled workers and hence their wage leads to an increase in average income and hence in benefits. The increased fallback income, in turn, makes unskilled workers ask for higher wages. As higher wages are not justified by respective productivity increases, unemployment rises. More generally, we show that skill-biased technological change leads to increasing unemployment of the unskilled when benefits are endogenous.
    The model provides a theoretical explanation for diverging developments in wage inequality and unemployment under different social benefits regimes: Analyzing the social legislation in 14 countries, we find that benefits are linked to the evolution of average income in Continental Europe but not in the U.S. and the UK. Given this institutional difference, our model predicts that skill-biased technological change leads to rising unemployment in Continental Europe and rising wage inequality in the U.S. and the UK.

  • Deißinger, Thomas (2005): Links between Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Higher Education : The case of Germany GALLACHER, Jim, ed. and others. A contested landscape : international perspectives on diversity in mass higher education. Leicester: NIACE, 2005, pp. 92-116. ISBN 1-86201-233-4

    Links between Vocational Education and Training (VET) and Higher Education : The case of Germany



  • Pohlmeier, Winfried; Ronning, Gerd; Wagner, Joachim (2005): Guest Editorial “Econometrics of Anonymized Micro Data” Jahrbücher für Nationalökonomie und Statistik. 2005, 225(5), pp. 515-516. ISSN 0021-4027. eISSN 2366-049X. Available under: doi: 10.1515/jbnst-2005-0502

    Guest Editorial “Econometrics of Anonymized Micro Data”


    dc.title: Ronning, Gerd; Wagner, Joachim

  • Class Size, Instruction Time and Central Exit Examinations : disentangling the Relative Contributions to Scholastic Achievement


    We analyze the effects of instruction time and class size on student achievement in Germany. Using econometric evaluation techniques we are able to deal with unobserved heterogeneity in the student body. Specifically we apply first-difference methods and matching across subjects to control for overall student ability and specific skills. We find that an increase in class size reduces the performance of the students, while additional lessons improve the test score achievement. Both effects differ across federal states and individuals: Additional instruction time in states with central exit examinations enhances performance, while there is no effect in states without central exit examinations and more able students profit more from additional lessons as compared to their less able fellow students. We furthermore show that that reductions in class size accompanied by a decrease in instruction time can be a cost neutral instrument to raise student performance in states with central exit examinations.

  • Alós-Ferrer, Carlos; Ania, Ana B. (2005): The evolutionary stability of perfectly competitive behavior Economic Theory. 2005, 26(3), pp. 497-516. ISSN 0938-2259. Available under: doi: 10.1007/s00199-004-0474-8

    The evolutionary stability of perfectly competitive behavior


    In a (generalized) symmetric aggregative game, payoffs depend only on individual strategy and an aggregate of all strategies. Players behaving as if they were negligible would optimize taking the aggregate as given. We provide evolutionary and dynamic foundations for such behavior when the game satisfies supermodularity conditions. The results obtained are also useful to characterize evolutionarily stable strategies in a finite population.

  • Schumann, Stephan (2005): Geringe Chancen und hohe Risiken : Individuelle Übergangsprozesse von Absolventen vollzeitschulischer und außerbetrieblicher Ausbildungsgänge in Berlin VAN BUER, Jürgen, ed., Olga ZLATKIN-TROITSCHANSKAIA, ed.. Adaptivität und Stabilität der Berufsausbildung : Theoretische und empirische Untersuchungen zur Berliner Berufsbildungslandschaft. Frankfurt am Main: Lang, 2005, pp. 301-328. Berufliche Bildung im Wandel. 7. ISBN 978-3-631-54134-0

    Geringe Chancen und hohe Risiken : Individuelle Übergangsprozesse von Absolventen vollzeitschulischer und außerbetrieblicher Ausbildungsgänge in Berlin



  • Does Globalization Affect Growth? : evidence from a new Index of Globalization


    The paper presents an index of globalization covering its three main dimensions: economic integration,
    social integration, and political integration. Using panel data for 123 countries in 1970-2000 it is
    analyzed empirically whether the overall index of globalization as well as sub-indexes constructed to
    measure the single dimensions affect economic growth. As the results show, globalization indeed
    promotes growth. The dimensions most robustly related with growth refer to actual economic
    flows and restrictions in developed countries. Although less robustly, information flows also
    promote growth whereas political integration has no effect.

  • Breyer, Friedrich; Bürger, Joachim (2005): Genetische Differenzierung in der Privatversicherung VAN DEN DAELE, Wolfgang, ed. and others. Biopolitik. 1. Auflage. Wiesbaden: VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2005, pp. 71-96. Leviathan : Sonderheft. 23. ISBN 978-3-531-14720-8. Available under: doi: 10.1007/978-3-322-80772-4_3

    Genetische Differenzierung in der Privatversicherung


    dc.title: Bürger, Joachim

  • Sozialkompetentes Verhalten und Unterrichtserleben : eine Analyse der Schüler-Schüler-Interaktion in einer selbstorganisationsoffenen Lernumgebung


    dc.title: Dobhan, Alexander

  • Dreher, Axel; Poutvaara, Panu (2005): Student Flows and Migration : an Empirical Analysis

    Student Flows and Migration : an Empirical Analysis


    Using panel data for 78 countries of origin we examine the impact of student flows to the United States on subsequent migration there over the period 1971-2001. What we find is that the stock of foreign students is an important predictor of subsequent migration. This holds true whether or not the lagged endogenous variable is included. The relationship is robust to the inclusion of time and country dummies, and remains when we account for outliers. The basic results also hold for a cross section of 36 countries of origin and 9 host countries. Our results have important policy implications which we discuss in the last section.

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