Masterstudiengang Economics

My time at the University of Konstanz will definitely stay in my memory and it will bring benefits for life.
David Matos Campanelle, MSc Economics alumnus

"Having graduated with MSc in Economics from the University of Konstanz, I was well prepared to start my career. The structure of the program allowed me to choose the subjects most relevant to my professional aspirations, and provided me with the necessary set of both theoretical and practical skills for the start of my career in the banking sector.

Konstanz has also provided an excellent environment for my studies with the library that is open 24/7, foreign language courses and continuous support and advice from the staff and coordinator of the MSc in Economics programme. These and many other features together with the surrounding natural beauty of the lake Constance and the Alps have made my student years here truly unforgettable."

Marta Mylyan

"Studying at the University of Konstanz was one of the most rewarding experiences I have ever had. The M.Sc. in Economics is a very well structured and challenging programme that offers a great opportunity to the students to deepen their knowledge of Economics from a mathematical perspective. Furthermore, I believe that for students that wish to pursue a PhD, studying the Master in Economics at the University of Konstanz can be a very good platform to start with.  I must say that the master was very demanding in terms of time and knowledge during the two years. However after completing the degree, the satisfaction of receiving the Certificate was larger than all the hard work needed during the 24 months.

A great feature of the programme is its multicultural environment. A large share of the students come from different countries of the world. This enables you as a student, to learn and interact with all kinds of cultures while studying the Masters.  Finally in my personal opinion, Konstanz is one the most beautiful cities in Germany. It combines the beauty of the Bodensee Lake with the spectacular Alp panorama. For sure, is one of the cities that is worth to visit!"

Fernanda Perez-Aristi, MSc Economics alumna

"As a former Bachelor's student at the University of Konstanz, I was already very convinced of the teaching and research capabilities of the department in particular in the field of empirical research. My plan was to specialize in empirical methods in economics and therefore the Master's program appealed to me by offering various majoring possibilities such Applied Economics and Econometrics.

Knowing about all the great advantages of the city of Konstanz and its University already, I got surprised by how international our program actually was. I really enjoyed the time and made friends with a lot of people from all over the world reaching from Brazil to Egypt over Europe and Russia to China and beyond.

During the 2nd semester, I made the decision to stay in research after graduating from the university. Starting October, I will join the interdisciplinary graduate program of the University of Konstanz, the graduate school of decision sciences, as a PhD student. The emphasis on research and the strong support by the staff encouraged me a lot to pursue this path.

The studies were different compared to what I experienced in my Bachelor's program. After the first semester, I was completely free to choose any lectures and seminars that fit my interest. On one hand, this led to a lot of long days over books, research papers and program code but on the other hand I now feel very confident about my level of education and knowledge. I would always repeat and recommend the program.

In five words, the two years were connecting, encouraging, comprehensive, enriching and enjoyable."

Phillip Heiler, MSc Economics alumnus

"The master programme gives a top education in Economics, which makes me have a deep understanding in global capital markets by using quantitative and qualitative methods which I have learned. Lectures with small sizes provide enormous opportunities to join in the discussions with professors and other colleagues.

The University of Konstanz is full of international students, who helped me to build a worldwide insight, to know different cultures and to establish a broad alumni social network. I enjoyed the MSc Economics in Konstanz and felt it is fully valuable. I believe I can apply my economic knowledge into practice and  with the help of the experiences that I made it will be easy to develop a successful professional career."

Qianhao Lu, MSc Economics alumnus

"Master of Science at University of Konstanz is well structured and diverse program which primarily develops students’ analytical and quantitative skills. Through five different areas of specialization, students are given an opportunity to fully explore their potentials and match their preferences. The Program gives a sound knowledge base which is especially beneficial to students seeking a PhD degree.

Apart from studying in an international environment and finding new friends, 2 years of life in Konstanz and by the breathtaking Bodensee are definitely an experince I will never forget."

Tamara Boras, MSc Economics Alumna

"The fact that the University of Konstanz is a University of Excellence in Germany and it’s good reputation was most relevant for my decision to study Economics in Konstanz. Having completed the Master’s Programme in Economics, I can state that I could not be more satisfied since the university met all my expectations. 

At first, the Master’s Programme was challenging for me because the university didactic is very distinct from what I experienced during my Bachelor’s in Brazil. However, teaching on a high quality level and the structure of the programme helped me to overcome all obstacles. I would also like to mention that the university provides not only very good teaching and learning methodsbut also very helpful service facilities. In this context I would like to highlight the coordinator of the Master’s Programme and the Support Service for International Students. 

The taught subjects were in line with my career goal, which is a position in a public or international organization. For that and all the great experiences during my studies I am very thankful. My time at the University of Konstanz will definitely stay in my memory and it will bring benefits for life." 

David Matos Campanelle, MSc Economics alumnus

Womit befasst sich das Studium?

Der Master Economics befasst sich mit der Anwendung von ökonomischen Theorien und empirischen Methoden zum Verstehen, Modellieren und Evaluieren von realen wirtschaftlichen Fragen. Das Programm hat zwei Ziele:

  1. Ihnen umfassende und zeitgemäße ökonomische Kenntnisse zu vermitteln, welche die höchsten internationalen Standards erfüllen
  2. Die Grundlagen für Ihre Karriere im privaten oder öffentlichen Sektor zu legen

5 Gründe Economics in Konstanz zu studieren

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  1. Studium nach Maß: Stellen Sie sich aus der Vielfalt der Kurse Ihr eigenes Programm zusammen, wählen Sie eine Spezialisierung oder belegen Sie schon im Master-Studium Kurse zusammen mit Promotionsstudierenden.
  2. Exzellenz: nicht nur ist die Universität Konstanz eine von 12 deutschen Exzellenz-Universitäten, der Fachbereich erzielt auch regelmäßig hervorragende Ranking-Ergebnisse
  3. Hervorragende Betreuung: kleine Teilnehmerzahlen ermöglichen direkte Interaktion mit Lehrenden
  4. Keine Studiengebühren für EU-Bürgerinnen und Bürger (es werden Gebühren für Studierende aus Nicht-EU/EWR-Ländern erhoben, eine Befreiung für exzellente Studierende ist möglich)  
  5. International studieren: alle Kurse werden auf Englisch angeboten. Auch können Sie an einem der Double Degree Programme mit den Partneruniversitäten Essex, Nottingham, Aix-Marseille, Florenz und Rom Tor-Vergata teilnehmen

Master nach Maß

Um Ihren Master perfekt auf Sie zuzuschneiden, können Sie zwischen zwei Routen wählen.

  • Ihr Herz schlägt für Ökonometrie, Finanz-, Makro- oder Mikroökonomik, oder für Public Economics? Im Track 1 spezialisieren Sie sich in einer der fünf angebotenen Vertiefungsrichtungen
  • Sie möchten Ihren Stundenplan selbst zusammenstellen? Track 2 bietet Ihnen ein generelles wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, in dem Sie weitgehend Ihr eigenes Programm gestalten.

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Vertiefungsrichtungen (Track 1)

  1. Econometrics and Applied Economics
  2. International Financial Economics
  3. Macroeconomics and International Economics
  4. Microeconomics and Decision Making
  5. Public Economics.