Prof. Nick Zubanov, PhD

Chair of Organizational Economics
Professor Nick Zubanov, PhD

Welcome at the homepage of the chair of Organizational Economics of Professor Ph. D. Nick Zubanov.

Nick Zubanov does empirical research mainly in the fields of labour and personnel economics, using data ranging from employee HR records to firm tax accounts to observations generated through controlled experiments. His research has evolved from an eclectic combination of topics and now focusses on studying context-specific performance effects of management practices, in particular, the practices regulating the provision of incentives and communications within firms. More information about his research is available in the “Working papers” and “Publications” section of this page.

Statement regarding the war in Ukraine

Dear members of the University of Konstanz, dear colleagues and friends worldwide,

Russia attacked Ukraine. Let us not be misled by the Russian government’s rhetoric calling its attack on Ukraine “special military operation”. This is an ugly war against an independent state and its people, plain and simple. We condemn this war unreservedly. Our thoughts are with the Ukrainians who have been affected by the war. We stand together with people of all persuasions who oppose the war in Ukraine. Political differences must always be resolved at a negotiations table. The attacker’s position is invalidated by its action. 

We appeal to people affiliated with the University of Konstanz and beyond who share our position to make it public and to help Ukraine in these difficult times. Please speak up, demonstrate, make donations and give support to people affected by this war. Every little help counts. 

This war is rightly called Putin’s war. It is important to distinguish between Russian authorities and ordinary residents of Russia many of whom are having to confront an increasingly oppressive regime and face a very bleak future of isolation and misery.  We believe it is in power of the thinking and progressive Russian people to stop this war started by the dictator and his evil circle.

We must unite and look beyond citizenship for the sake of the higher goal of peace and freedom. 

Nick Zubanov (born in Russia) and Oksana Melnyk (born in Ukraine), academics at Uni Konstanz